Can someone be appointed as a Deputy Prime Minister? Salman Akram Raja, Irfan Qadir's Expert Opinion

  • 5 months ago
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Can someone be appointed as a Deputy Prime Minister? Salman Akram Raja, Irfan Qadir's Expert Opinion
00:00 The Constitution does not have this place, but these political offices are usually created for consensus building.
00:07 Now, the government has its own consensus, but there is no problem.
00:11 So, how will the Deputy Prime Minister legally gain power?
00:16 Yes, this is a very good question.
00:21 The first thing to look at is whether a person can be made Deputy Prime Minister legally or not.
00:29 Article 4 of the Constitution explains this.
00:32 It says that if something is not expressly prohibited in the Constitution, it can be done.
00:41 It can't be stopped.
00:43 If it is not prohibited in the Constitution, then it can be done.
00:47 And as you just gave some examples, the Constitution of 1973, which came in 1973,
00:53 and it has been 51 years, and in these 51 years, more than once Deputy Prime Ministers have been appointed.
01:02 The last one appointed was Parvez Ilai.
01:06 So, because it is not prohibited in the Constitution,
01:09 and there are many other positions where under executive orders, they are given the rank of a loyal minister.
01:16 Like there are special assistants to the Prime Minister, there are advisors, they are given the rank of a loyal minister.
01:25 And this is also the executive power.
01:28 And the executive power in cases where there is no authority, they have a lot of power.
01:34 And this kind of position can be conferred on anyone.
01:39 And this is a nomenclature of the Deputy Prime Minister,
01:41 which gives an impression that after the Prime Minister, the senior ministers will be like this.
01:47 And that is why we hear these two terms, of a senior minister who is not in the Constitution.
01:54 But the Prime Minister is also not in the Constitution in the same way,
01:59 so senior ministers have also been appointed.
02:02 And they have also been appointed.
02:04 I mean, in the same way, many other positions, like the position of the Ombudsman was earlier,
02:10 so his position was also made equal to that of a senior minister.
02:14 And I remember when Justice Aslam Riaz Hussain was a loyal officer,
02:20 and before him was Sardar Iqbal Sahib, so his position was equal to that of a senior minister at that time.
02:26 So these things, because there is no authority, it can happen.
02:30 There is no exception in this.
02:31 So your point is that for something that has not been stopped, there is room for it in the Constitution,
02:36 more or less, in these big words.
02:38 Yes, absolutely, absolutely, it can be removed.
02:40 Salman Akhbar Raja Sahib, because there is a legal opinion on this that if you want to create such a position,
02:45 then you will have to amend the Constitution.
02:47 In the country, we are seeing the law and the Constitution, at this time,
02:50 there are all kinds of interpretations of your will.
02:54 When Pervez Elahi Sahib also became Prime Minister,
02:56 then there was no legal amendment, nor was there any amendment to the Constitution.
02:59 It was a political arrangement at that time.
03:02 Even now, there is no aspect of political arrangement.
03:06 So, legally, how will the Deputy Prime Minister get his powers?
03:11 No, the Deputy Prime Minister has no powers.
03:16 This is just a kind of label.
03:19 If you give it to someone, then his honour is increased in the ceremony,
03:23 this can be done, but there is no existence of this in the Constitution and the law.
03:28 Nor will the increase in his powers be due to the addition of this label.
03:34 This is just a kind of label,
03:36 it is given for the purification of ego, or for some other reason, I don't know.
03:41 But there is no legal basis for this.
03:44 And can this be challenged legally, because we are in such a political environment,
03:49 where there is a legal basis for this decision, can this be done?
03:55 If someone wants to do it, then he can do it,
04:00 because the law is that you cannot do what the law has not given you the authority to do.
04:05 If the law has not established a position,
04:09 if there is no existence of a position in the law, then how did you appoint someone on that position?
04:14 But this is a very ordinary thing, it does not have a big impact on anything.
04:18 If someone wants to do it, he can petition, but in my opinion, this is an unimportant, ordinary matter.
04:24 This only shows the situation in the government,
04:30 and how powerful the desire to give a family ceremony is.
04:36 Other than this, I think it has no meaning or effect.
