Former President Trump speaks to reporters outside a hearing in his NYC hush money trial.
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00:00 (Video)
00:21 Thank you very much, everybody.
00:22 Today was breathtaking.
00:23 This room, you saw what went on, was breathtaking.
00:24 And amazing testimony.
00:32 This is a trial that should have never happened.
00:34 This is a case that should have never been filed.
00:37 And it was really an incredible day.
00:42 Open your eyes.
00:43 We can't let this continue to happen to our country.
00:47 On another matter, you know, the economy has just been reported to be doing very badly.
00:52 The stock market is way down.
00:54 And some horrible numbers came out, including very high numbers on inflation and a particular
00:59 gasoline at $7.5 in California.
01:03 That usually leads the way.
01:05 It's going to happen here, too.
01:08 And very importantly, as you look at the various colleges all over the country and beyond colleges,
01:14 because it's happening in other areas, too, you see what's happening on the front having
01:21 to do with Palestine and Israel and protests and hate, anger.
01:26 Biden is sending an absolutely horrible message.
01:30 Horrible horrible message.
01:31 He has no idea how to message.
01:32 He can't speak.
01:33 He can't put two sentences together.
01:35 He doesn't know what to do.
01:36 This is not a president.
01:38 This is somebody that shouldn't be doing what he's doing because he can't do it.
01:41 You can't do it.
01:42 Well, we're having protests all over.
01:44 He was talking about Charlottesville.
01:45 Charlottesville was a little peanut and it was nothing compared in the hate.
01:51 Was it the kind of hate that you have here?
01:53 This is tremendous hate.
01:54 We have a man that can't talk about it because he doesn't understand that he doesn't understand
01:59 what's going on with our country.
02:01 He doesn't understand that all over the world we're being laughed at as a country because
02:06 of him and his administration.
02:09 And today we had I hear because I was forced to be here.
02:13 I'm glad I was because it was a very interesting day in a certain way.
02:17 But the U.S. Supreme Court had a monumental hearing on immunity and the immunity having
02:24 to do with presidential immunity.
02:28 And I think it was made clear.
02:29 I hope it was made clear that a president has to have immunity.
02:33 You don't have a president or at most you can say it would be a ceremonial president.
02:38 That's not what the founders had in mind.
02:40 They're not talking about ceremonial.
02:42 We want presidents that can get things done and bring people together.
02:46 So I heard the meeting was quite amazing, quite amazing.
02:51 And the justices were on their game.
02:54 So let's see how that all turns out.
02:57 But again, I say presidential immunity, very powerful presidential immunity is imperative
03:02 or you practically won't have a country anymore.
03:05 Thank you very much.
03:06 Thank you.
03:07 Thank you.