Krzysztof Bosak i Anna Bryłka przyjechali do Leszna. Marsz Konfederacji do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2024

  • 5 months ago
Wiec wyborczy z udziałem Krzysztofa Bosaka i Anny Bryłki rozpoczął w sobotę - 27 kwietnia 2024 roku, kampanię Konfederacji do Parlamentu Europejskiego w Lesznie. „W PRL jak ktoś chciał zrobić karierę, to musiał zapisać się do PZPR, teraz, gdy ktoś chce zrobić karierę w Brukseli czy międzynarodowych korporacjach, to trzeba wyznawać politykę klimatyczną" mówił Krzysztof Bosak.


00:00European Green Covenant
00:10Each of the candidates will tell you
00:12that they are against the climate policy of the European Union,
00:16that they are against climate policy
00:19in the form of the European Green Covenant,
00:21in the form of the Pitfall 55 package.
00:24Don't be fooled.
00:25Check what it looked like for the last five years.
00:28The European Green Covenant,
00:30the agreement of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki
00:33on climate neutrality in 2050,
00:36in December 2019.
00:39There was an opportunity to veto this decision.
00:42There, this decision was made unanimously.
00:47And now, when MEPs come to PiS
00:49and say that they vote against,
00:51well, yes, but they vote against when it doesn't matter anymore.
00:54And when Poland votes in the European Council,
00:56it doesn't matter anymore,
00:58because most of the decisions are made by the qualified majority.
01:01Why do we criticize the Pitfall 55 package so much?
01:04I'll tell you what it is.
01:06It is a 55% reduction in emissions
01:09by 2030 compared to 1990.
01:12Initially, it was supposed to be 40%.
01:15This goal has been drastically increased.
01:18And here, too, there was no veto by PiS.
01:20Why is it so important?
01:22Because Pitfall 55 has expanded climate policy
01:26to sectors such as agriculture,
01:29construction and transport.
01:32And now, when we look at each of these sectors,
01:36you will find out in a moment
01:38that it concerns each of you.
01:40Because in the construction sector,
01:43the EPPD Directive.
01:45What does it mean?
01:47It means zero-emission buildings in 2028,
01:50public buildings in 2030,
01:53private buildings.
01:55So if you are going to build a new house in this decade,
01:58you will see how much it will be more expensive.
02:01Renovation passports.
02:03What are these passports for?
02:05To carry out the renovation of the building.
02:07Energy efficiency class.
02:09Each of you will have your own building
02:11in a certain energy efficiency class from A to G.
02:14And it will have to go from class to class
02:16energy efficiency class higher.
02:18And the most important element,
02:20that is, the ban on fossil fuels
02:22for the use of buildings from 2040.
02:25And a lot, a lot of even smaller regulations.
02:28Do you think it won't be that bad?
02:33Ladies and gentlemen, my experience
02:35when it comes to the analysis of EU regulations
02:37is that usually it seems
02:39that something is very absurd,
02:41impossible to introduce,
02:43and then it turns out that it comes to life.
02:45Luka has a chance to enter the European Parliament.
02:47Will he enter?
02:49It depends on how good our result will be on a national scale.
02:51The ordination to the European Parliament
02:53works in such a way that,
02:55depending on the results throughout the country,
02:57the number of mandates is allocated.
02:59This circle, the Greater Poland Circle,
03:01is a circle in which there may be
03:03a mandate for the European Parliament
03:05for such a force as ours,
03:07i.e. which has this support,
03:09well, not at the level of 40%,
03:1130% or 20%,
03:13but we fight to break the threshold of 10%.
03:15If we break the threshold of 10%,
03:17I think this mandate is certain.
03:19If it is in the range somewhere between 10%
03:21and the result of the self-government elections,
03:23well, it depends on us.
03:25So the more people we convince,
03:27the greater the chance.
03:29Why do I say that you are lucky
03:31and you have a good candidate?
03:33In politics, this is a rarity.
03:35Believe me, I have been observing politics for 20 years.
03:37I observe it in Poland and many other countries.
03:39All nations have a problem
03:41that people often have good views,
03:43but the parties do not work properly
03:45and put up candidates
03:47who are conjunctural,
03:49who are unideal
03:51or who are incompetent,
03:53and sometimes they even have a good chance of entering
03:55and sometimes they have a good image,
03:57but then they enter the institution
03:59and do not work in the interest of the citizens.
04:01I met Anna Bryłka
04:03as a committed person
04:05who worked in normal companies
04:07and came, I don't know if I will say it well,
04:09but from the street to our party
04:11she started her career
04:13not from the top, but from the bottom,
04:15that is, she simply began to help
04:17in the structures of the Warsaw National Movement,
04:19being from the Wielkopolska family,
04:21from the farm family,
04:23working in the private sector.
04:25So you can say, as a model,
04:27someone keeps up with his money,
04:29is interested in politics,
04:31starts to work and slowly,
04:33for a number of years,
04:35he follows the traces of this commitment
04:37through the next stages.
