• 5 months ago
Italy's Venice Canal like attraction in the City of Manila Philippines
00:00Where are you?
00:02Where are you?
00:04We don't know where we are
00:08We're at the back of the post office
00:10We're at the back of the post office
00:12We're here
00:14We're here
00:18That's a plate
00:20That's a plate
00:22That's a plate
00:24Nice, you say hi to the camera
00:26The drunkards are here
00:28The drunkards are here
00:30The drunkards are here
00:32The drunkards are here
00:34The drunkards are here
00:36We're here
00:38Don't fall
00:40You look ugly
00:42You won't edit it
00:44I'll fall too
00:50What's that bridge?
00:52Jones Bridge
00:54Beautiful, right?
00:58This is just the back
01:00This is just the back
01:02This is the burnt post office
01:04This is the burnt post office
01:08A huge kudos
01:10A huge kudos
01:12A huge kudos
01:14To the government of City of Manila
01:16To the government of City of Manila
01:18It's slowly
01:20It's slowly
01:22It's New Year's Eve and it's still dirty.
01:27It's clean.
01:29I don't know if you're going to make it dirty.
01:39Baby, how old are you? Your smile hasn't improved yet.
01:43That's right.
01:49I'm telling you, when it's night time, Manila is beautiful.
01:54I'm not saying it's ugly in the morning, but it's really different when you think about it at night.
02:01That's one of the reasons.
02:03Even among my acquaintances, they always tell me that.
02:09That's why.
02:11Manila is beautiful at night.
02:14I promise.
02:16My hair is big, but Manila is really beautiful.
02:18It's beautiful.
02:23Let's be honest, it's even more beautiful for your wives.
02:25What's this? Araceros?
02:27Let's walk here.
02:31Let's try here.
02:33There's the newly opened bridge.
02:39Let's go back here first.
02:40Let's try the other side.
02:44I want to give you details.
02:46There's more over there.
02:48This is a ferry boat ride.
02:54Azul water sports.
03:01Recreational boat, party boat.
03:05Party boats.
03:07What's that?
03:09I just don't know.
03:13It's just a type of boat.
03:16Party boats.
03:18150 pesos.
03:21100 pesos.
03:26Party boats or party boats.
03:28I'm not sure.
03:29It's up to you.
03:32Whether it's right or wrong, it's still a beautiful ride.
03:35There they are.
03:37There are life vests.
03:41That's how we are in Manila.
03:46It's a good thing we didn't go too far.
03:49We haven't been here yet.
03:51It's clean.
03:54You'll see later.
03:56You'll see that it's really clean.
04:05It's just a simple...
04:09This used to be...
04:13What do you call it?
04:20But it's maintained.
04:25There's Kuya.
04:26Even though it's late at night.
04:31It's really clean.
04:36Don't be too happy, Mary.
04:38You might think it's from the day.
04:41Just chill.
04:42I know there are lights up there.
04:45Pandangon with lights.
04:47That's Pandangon with lights, right?
04:50It should have a fountain.
04:53There's holy water.
04:54If you want, you can dip your face here.
04:58Oh my God.
05:02I don't see anything.
05:03Let's go back.
05:04I know this.
05:06There's a tunnel there.
05:08I followed...
05:10Who's that?
05:11The one who's always in the clearing.
05:15Joe Mal...
05:16It's him.
05:18There's a vlogger who's always there.
05:21I've seen him a few times in the clearing.
05:24On the side.
05:25On the side.
05:30As long as you're consistent.
05:32It's tiring to go back.
05:36There's a guard.
05:37At the end, there's a guard.
05:41It's a bit tiring.
05:42So, we can't do anything about it.
05:44Anyway, our goal here is to leave the kid.
05:49Let's go to the other side.
05:50Yes, so we can save food.
05:53It's annoying.
05:55Let's go there.
05:56Let's go back to the other side.
05:59Let's go back.
06:00Let's go to the other side.
06:02It's annoying.
06:04I'm courting you.
06:05Then, the guy who brought you here reported you.
06:07It's so annoying.
06:08It's like you're stupid.
06:10You're still going back and forth.
06:12You're not answering.
06:14You're beautiful.
06:17He reported you.
06:19This is out of the way.
06:21It's very safe.
06:22There are police.
06:26It's not like you're going to a dark place.
06:29It's not safe.
06:32It's not safe to go there.
06:34It's beautiful there.
06:35I'll take you there.
06:38It's beautiful.
06:39Do you know where the Swiss Canal is?
06:42It's on the left.
06:44It's on the Venice Canal.
06:48But look.
06:50This is Chinatown.
06:52Singolai Park.
06:55He's not taking a picture.
06:56He should.
06:58There's a generation.
07:07For example, you're the culprit here.
07:09That's why I'm standing like this.
07:14Don't speak Tagalog.
07:16It's fine.
07:17You speak Tagalog.
07:18For example, you're looking at me.
07:21One more.
07:22You're already on your sixth.
07:26I'm talking to you.
07:27Complain to DSWD.
07:30There's Jones Bridge going to Ongpino.
07:34It's beautiful, right?
07:38Let's go to the end.
07:41It's beautiful.
07:43It's nice to think like this.
07:45There are a lot of models.
07:47It's very safe.
07:49It's complete with security.
07:54The police.
07:56City of Manila.
08:05Mary said something.
08:06She's fast.
08:07What's that, Mary?
08:09This is to prevent the water lilies from moving.
08:14This is to prevent the water lilies from moving.
08:18What are you doing there?
08:20Why are you there?
08:24It's already connected.
08:26It's already dead-end.
08:30It's dead-end.
08:31Do you see the irons?
08:34Someone used to live here.
08:36It's on the other side.
08:39It's my first time here.
08:41That's what we do in Japan.
08:44Shout-out to Negro.
08:47You're old.
08:49Lapochi and I are the only ones who do this.
08:53And our youngest.
08:55He doesn't have teeth yet.
08:56He's already working.
08:59It's sweet.
09:01Negro taught me how to do this.
09:04You do this?
09:08I can't stop saying kudos to the government of Manila.
09:14From Jorme until now,
09:19I'm proud of them.
09:21They're amazing.
09:24Manila, God first.
09:27It's beautiful and clean.
09:28But it's not that...
09:30There's still a lot to see.
09:33There's still a lot to see for the haters.
09:38But look at this.
09:39Look at what they've done.
09:43They're just going to take care of it.
09:51It removes...
09:52What do you call that?
09:53It removes the haters.
09:56It's good to think.
10:01Right? It's clean.
10:04So there.
10:09It's a fast...
10:10What else is here?
10:14It's just a quick tour.
10:18If you want, you can bring your kids.
10:23But if you're hot-headed,
10:24because you don't have a salary,
10:27just bring your wife.
10:29If you can bring her,
10:30you'll feel better.
10:33So that's it.
10:36I'm hungry.
10:39Like I always say,
10:40even if your everyday life isn't always beautiful,
10:43there's always something
10:45and you'll find something beautiful in everyday life.
10:47Over and out.
