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The Exorcism Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Academy Award-winner Russell Crowe stars as Anthony Miller, a troubled actor who begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film. His estranged daughter, Lee (Ryan Simpkins), wonders if he's slipping back into his past addictions or if there's something more sinister at play.

directed by Joshua John Miller

starring Russell Crowe, Ryan Simpkins, Chloe Bailey, David Hyde Pierce, Sam Worthington, Adam Goldberg, Samantha Mathis, Adrian Pasdar, Marcenae Lynette, Tracey Bonner

release date June 7, 2024 (in theaters)
00:00Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.
00:07It's a job.
00:10Coming to me off the back of somebody else's tragedy.
00:24Not bad, huh?
00:26So, what's with the stage?
00:28Have you forgotten what kind of movie we're making?
00:31Set. Action.
00:34Whatever's in it.
00:35All kinds of messed up stuff happened when they were making movies like The Omen or The Exorcist.
00:42And the guy your dad replaced?
00:44Everything's cursed.
00:56With my father's voice.
01:00Here we go.
01:02Tony, Tony, Tony. It's okay.
01:04You're okay. You're alright.
01:06How did I get out of here?
01:12So you're blacking out again?
01:15What is it this time?
01:16It's just something...
01:22He's off his meds.
01:24He's a rabbit.
01:28Father, what do I do?
01:32I was saved once.
01:34Didn't believe that it could happen again.
01:38Can he be saved?
01:52It's not worth saving. And you know it.
01:55I know you're afraid.
02:00Me too.
02:04It's alright to be afraid.
02:09Have faith.
02:10He will protect his children.
02:15When it happens, run.