00:00 This is named Chris. This is Chris, yeah. Chris, I come from a neighbouring country called Congo,
00:05 if you know geographically that is located right next door to Rwanda.
00:09 And right now in Goma there's a genocide going on and there's such a big conflict going on with
00:14 people from Rwanda. So had my family members come from Goma on a crossing right now, would they then
00:22 be sent back to the country that they're supposedly warring, Rwanda? Does that make any sense to you?
00:27 No, I think there's an exclusion on people from Rwanda being sent to Rwanda.
00:31 They're not from Rwanda, they're from Congo.
00:32 They're supposedly warring these people from Rwanda. Are they then going to be sent to Rwanda
00:39 if they came here on a crossing? From Congo? Yeah.
00:42 Would people be sent from, well Rwanda is a different country of Congo, isn't it?
00:47 It's a different country. Yes, it is.
00:48 If they come from a war zone in Congo, would they then be sent to Rwanda?
00:55 There is a clause in the legislation that says if somebody would suffer,
00:58 I think the phrase is serious and irreversible harm by being sent somewhere, they wouldn't be
01:02 sent. So there is that safety mechanism built into the legislation.
01:06 Charles.