• last year


00:00President Trump today said that NBA players kneeling during the national anthem is disgraceful
00:06and he said that nobody has done more for the black community than him other than Abraham Lincoln
00:12and I'm curious to get your reaction. Trying to make me laugh right now? I appreciate that.
00:24I really don't think the basketball community are sad about losing.
00:30His viewership, him viewing the game.
00:36And that's all I got to say. I don't want to, I'm not going to get into a, because I already know
00:45where this could go, where it could lead to for tomorrow for me. I'm not going to get into it,
00:50but I think our game is in a beautiful position and we have fans all over the world and our fans
00:58not only love the way we play the game, we try to give it back to them with our commitment to the
01:03game, but also respect what else we try to bring to the game and acknowledging what's right and
01:10what's wrong. And I hope everyone, no matter the race, no matter the color, no matter the size,
01:18see what leadership that we have at the top in our country and understand that November
01:26is right around the corner and it's a big moment for us as Americans. If we continue to talk about
01:32we want better, want change, we have an opportunity to do that. But the game will go on without his
01:45eyes on it. I can sit here and speak for all of us that love the game of basketball. We could care
01:51less. All right.
