Frank Vogel On The Biggest Challenges That Portland Presents For The Lakers

  • 5 months ago


00:05 >> See just how do you see that matchup in general?
00:08 >> Well, definitely not your typical eight seed.
00:11 They played at an elite level during this stretch in the bubble,
00:16 at least offensively.
00:17 And we've got a ton of respect for obviously for Dame and CJ and Nerkic.
00:23 But really for their whole team and their whole coach,
00:25 so they got a system that's been together for a number of years.
00:28 They have the continuity piece, conference finals last year.
00:32 So just a ton of respect for what they're bringing to the table.
00:35 >> Hey Frank, my question was kind of similar to Bill's just in terms of
00:40 what are the biggest challenges that you think Portland presents for you guys?
00:46 >> You got the hottest player in the league, you can start there.
00:51 They got great three point shooting support, great size inside and
00:54 a great coach.
