LeBron James On His Historic Performance

  • 5 months ago


00:00 [no audio]
00:25 Hey, LeBron, you had a historic performance tonight
00:28 with 20-15-15 in the playoffs,
00:31 first person who's done that.
00:34 Can you talk about what was your mindset
00:36 heading into tonight's game?
00:38 And is there a sense of frustration
00:39 when you have a performance like that
00:41 and then the game doesn't go the way you want it to?
00:44 My mindset going into the game is to make plays for my team.
00:49 When I get the opportunity to make plays for myself,
00:52 more importantly, just keying in on the keys.
00:54 Our coach, Savio, gave us a great game plan
00:56 to go out and execute it,
00:57 and I just try to not make mistakes.
00:59 I know mistakes happen throughout the course of the game,
01:00 but I try not to combat them.
01:02 If I make one, I don't want to make the same mistake
01:04 the next time, the next possession, or next quarter.
01:07 So just being locked in on the game plan
01:09 is what it's all about.
01:11 No frustration, because the game is the game,
01:16 and we came in with a mindset to win.
01:17 We didn't take care of business,
01:19 but we got another opportunity on Thursday
01:23 to even the series, and that's my only mindset.
01:25 I'm going to go back to the hotel, watch a film tonight,
01:29 lock in with the team tomorrow,
01:31 and then prepare again on Thursday before the game
01:34 and get ready to play.
