Interview with the landlord of the live music venue, the Trumpet pub, Bilston.
00:00 Paul Jenkins at the Express and Star in the centre of Bilston at the famous Trumpet pub
00:08 with one of the landlords who run it, Musty, along with his partner Diane.
00:15 It's true isn't it, you've been nominated, or you are, the 16th best pub in Europe.
00:22 That's right.
00:23 According to the European Beer Guide.
00:25 Tell us a little bit about that, you must have been a bit, were you surprised at that
00:28 nomination?
00:29 I was, we were not expecting this, you know, to be, you know, this, that's a...
00:40 To get the award.
00:41 To get the award.
00:42 Yeah.
00:43 But as I say, it's a very famous venue, you've been here over 20 years running it.
00:49 Oh yes, yeah.
00:50 How has that been, that 20 years?
00:52 It was a great experience, you know, when I came here, people, they, I mean, it's through
01:01 the brewery that I had, you know, and the brewery, they...
01:08 When I came here, I was teaching French, you know, and at school, it was a high school,
01:16 I met a colleague, you know, it's a PE teacher, Mr. Banz, he said, "I'll take you to..."
01:25 I was talking with him about music and I said, "I used to play in France here and there."
01:30 He said, "I'll take you to a place you might like it."
01:33 And he brought me to the trumpet.
01:36 And I saw the trumpet here, I saw, "Oh, this is going to be the place where I'm going to
01:42 come here to listen to some music."
01:46 So you are, your background is in music as well, because I mean, this venue, just looking
01:50 around it, look at all the jazz memorabilia, you've got Louis Armstrong on the wall, and
01:57 you've got a big weekend coming up as well, because it's the International Jazz Day on
02:03 Sunday.
02:04 And we've got the big band from Warsaw, you know, coming here.
02:10 Warsaw Jazz Orchestra.
02:11 That's right.
02:12 But you are known really for live music as well as you've appeared.
02:15 Yes, I've been doing this in other countries, especially in France, where I've got a family
02:20 in the South, in Paris, and you know.
02:23 So I go there when I can, because I can't leave the place.
02:30 And I've been a teacher here.
02:31 I started teaching when I came first at George Salter High School in West Brom.
02:40 And then I turned to my, you know, what I wanted to do most, you know, it was the music.
02:49 A bit of a change for you to become a pub landlord after 20 years, you must be used
02:54 to, but again, it is all about the music, isn't it?
02:58 Oh yes, yes, absolutely, yeah.
03:00 So just quickly tell us a little bit about what you've got on this weekend for International
03:05 Jazz Day.
03:06 You've got an open mic tonight, I believe.
03:09 We've got a big band of Warsaw, you know, so they will be, we had already a band as
03:18 big as this one coming in here and it was packed, you know, all chairs, you know, it
03:26 was good.
03:27 But we'll see, I think we've done it before.
03:30 I think we can manage to do it again, you know, with a big band in this small place,
03:36 you know.
03:37 So you've got a good turnout on Sunday then, live music all weekend, I believe.
03:41 We've got a lot of people who reserved already the places, you know, so it's going to be
03:48 busy.
03:49 Well, we wish you all the best with it.
03:50 Thank you very much.
03:51 It's good to see a pub that's going from strength to strength.