BKF: Pelemahan Rupiah Belum Berdampak ke APBN

  • 5 months ago
Kementerian keuangan memastikan, dampak pelemahan rupiah atas berjalannya APBN belum akan membuat postur berubah. Kepala BKF Kementerian Keuangan menjelaskan, bahwa defisit APBN belum akan terlihat berubah, akibat pelemahan rupiah karena masih di awal tahun.


00:00 Meanwhile, the Ministry of Finance has ensured that the impact of the rupee weakness on the operation of the State Budget
00:04 will not make a change in the position of the head of the BKF.
00:07 The Ministry of Finance explains that the State Budget deficit will not change
00:12 due to the rupee weakness because it is still early in the year.
00:15 The Ministry of Finance ensures that it will continue to cooperate and synergize with the Bank of Indonesia
00:22 in reducing the risk of the rupee weakness in the future.
00:25 The head of the Ministry of Finance's fiscal policy, Febrio Natan Kacaribu, explains
00:30 that the government will still address the rupee situation in the future.
00:33 Febrio ensures that it will push for synergy with the Bank of Indonesia in facing the rupee weakness situation
00:39 so that the impact of the rupee on the State Budget can also be controlled.
00:42 However, Febrio ensures that the impact of the rupee weakness on the State Budget deficit
00:47 cannot be measured yet because it is still too early.
00:49 For that, the party will evaluate the State Budget while seeing the developments that will happen.
00:55 [Indistinct chatter]
01:09 The previous committee established that the rupee is at the level of Rp15,000 per dollar
01:13 in the macro assumption of the State Budget 2024.
01:16 With the rupee value at the level of Rp16,200 per dollar,
01:20 it is estimated that the State Budget deficit will rise due to high subsidy needs.
01:25 [Music]
01:33 [Music]
