00:00 [Musique]
00:13 Wouah, wouah!
00:15 [Musique]
00:44 [Musique]
01:13 [Cri]
01:15 [Musique]
01:17 I'm your fairy godfather.
01:19 Fetcheth me a can of spinach or you'll be late for the ball.
01:24 The ball? Oh boy!
01:27 [Musique]
01:36 [Coup de sifflet]
01:37 [Musique]
01:49 Gee, now I can go to the ball.
01:52 Just a minute.
01:54 You can't go in them rags.
01:57 [Musique]
02:02 Wow! Toodle-oo!
02:04 And thanks. Remember, return it by midnight or he'll change back to rags again.
02:13 Well, what do you know? He disappeared.
02:16 [Musique]
02:36 Ye Princess Olive!
02:40 [Musique]
02:59 Allow me, fair princess.
03:02 [Musique]
03:07 Oh! Thank you!
03:11 [Musique]
03:13 Just trying it on for size, baby.
03:16 Cinderella!
03:20 [Musique]
03:23 Oh!
03:26 [Musique]
03:32 Ah! Ma chérie!
03:35 Cometh with me to ye casbah.
03:40 Listen, you runt! I seeneth her first.
03:43 Soeth what?
03:45 Oy, boy!
03:47 Now ye men whom's bestest with ye bow and arrow, shall leadeth me down ye straight and narrow.
03:56 Okay, baby. Where is good is hitched right now.
04:06 Ye bullseye!
04:09 Pretty good shot for an amateur.
04:12 Uh, no, uh, just watch ye fisk.
04:16 [Musique]
04:24 [Bruit de mouette]
04:29 Ye real bullseye!
04:33 Pistols at ten paces.
04:38 Oneeth, twoeth, threeeth, foureth, fiveeth, sixeth, seveneth, eighteth, nineth.
04:48 [Bruit de fusil]
04:58 [Musique]
05:06 [Rire] Twelve o'clock and all ain't well.
05:11 [Musique]
05:23 Get ye away from me, ye brute!
05:30 How about a kiss for your new prince, princess?
05:36 [Musique]
05:52 [Cris]
05:55 Somebody do something, save us, me!
05:58 [Cris]
06:00 [Musique]
06:19 Happy princess, now to collecteth me kiss.
06:24 [Musique]
06:31 [Bruit de tir]
06:34 [Musique]
06:40 [Musique]
06:58 *Bruit de tonnerre*