مساعد وزير المالية السعودي للسياسات المالية الكلية والعلاقات الدولية: افتتاح صندوق النقد الدولي مكتباً إقليمياً في الرياض سيعزز التعاون بين المملكة والصندوق

  • 5 months ago


00:00Thank you very much. The IMF of course issues regular reports, depending on the data and analysis that I have.
00:12There is a discussion between the Ministry of Finance and the IMF regarding these expectations,
00:20but our expectations in the Kingdom are what are issued in the state budget statement.
00:28Regarding the cooperation with the IMF, why do you focus on it in the coming period,
00:32especially since we have many projects in the Kingdom and many plans to develop the financial sector?
00:38One of the cooperation is the regional office that was established recently,
00:46and its activities have started in the Kingdom.
00:49One of the activities that has started is the holding of the conference on industrial policies for economic diversification
00:57to enhance knowledge, exchange of experiences, and to bring international expertise to discuss an important issue in international economic policies.
01:11This is one of the types of cooperation, and cooperation with the IMF is also present in other areas.
