• 6 months ago
Duke quarterback Gunnar Holmberg says that the team needs to learn how to motivate itself with no fans in the stands this season. He also talks about breakout players on offense and whether his family will buy any cardboard fan cutouts for the stadium
00:00I'd say a lot of younger guys that are stepping up. I think a guy that's been
00:03around here a lot, Dennis Smith, has made some really good plays throughout this
00:07camp and in the scrimmages. Jarrett Garner coming back from injury looks
00:10really good too. Speed wise he looks very very up-to-date, similar to his old
00:15self. And just receiving wise, tight end Matt Smith is playing like a
00:19stud right now for us too, I'd say is another name. I think similar to Coach
00:23Cutts energy, we're all we're a very optimistic team as well. I think we have
00:26guys that we know we're talented. We know you know last year we were two or
00:29you know four or five plays away from you know making a bowl game and having a
00:32really successful year. I think yeah the guys know we're talented. They see we're
00:37making a lot of plays and scrimmages are in practice and that motivates a lot of
00:40guys and it gets us a lot of energy as we're going through. You know we try to
00:43feed off each other too as practice goes out because you know it's hot, it's
00:46summer, we're wearing masks. It's not you know it's not the easiest thing to do
00:50out of here but you got to feed off each other and I think making big explosive
00:53plays is one heck of a way to do that and we're doing it well. I think you have
00:57to take an advance that teams might hear your calls for example is one big thing
01:01that we're kind of thinking about and coming up with a lot of different words
01:03so teams can't catch on to what we're doing. I'm gonna try and get a jump on us
01:07based on the words we're saying you know because it's not gonna be loud. They're
01:09gonna be able to hear us. We're gonna be able to hear them. That's well that's one
01:13big thing and you know just having you know superior focus, having to find
01:15motivation from yourself and from your teammates, not really counting on crowd
01:18noise to do that. I think it is a big thing that we'll have to figure out as
01:21we kind of go about this and figure out this weird time. I mean like I said I
01:25think I think just trying to find a way to motivate our guys ourselves is gonna
01:31be the biggest thing that I that I can guess right now. You know like talking
01:35about guys that you know went to V Tech last year I wasn't able to make it
01:37because I was hurt but you know just running out of the tunnel like guys like
01:40almost blackout it's like it's a real moment for them so just trying to find
01:43ways to do that within ourselves within our own energy whether that be videos
01:46that you know our crew makes and they do a great job with that as a way to
01:49motivate us or just you know playing music during the games kind of between
01:54between plays between breaks things let things of that nature I think are gonna
01:57be are gonna be big for us. I suppose my mom was asking how she could sell
02:01pretzels or something to get into the stadium but yeah I can see some I can
02:04see some carpool cutouts of the Holmberg family in there sometime soon. I think
02:08the guys are handling it well. I know I took two summer classes over over the
02:13summer and that was a little different as opposed to some guys didn't really
02:16get the opportunity to do that so I'm a little more used to it than some of the
02:19guys but I think you know kind of getting back in the focus of you know
02:22going from practice to class making sure you get enough sleep making sure you're
02:25eating throughout the day is a big thing and you know don't don't let you know be
02:29sure to take it one thing at a time you know don't let football get into your
02:32class don't let class get into football type deal so yeah just just focusing on
02:37every little thing you got to do.
