• 6 months ago
00:00Hey everyone, Rohan Nakharni from Sports Illustrated here. I hope everyone who's
00:03watching this is staying safe, staying indoors, washing your hands.
00:07You know, today I just wanted to talk about the comments Oklahoma State
00:11football coach Mike Gundy made last week when he
00:14discussed, you know, wanting his players back in the building on May 1st.
00:18The comments, you know, about his timeline basically about how quickly he wants to
00:22get back to college football, hoping to get his players, you know, back
00:26in training camp in May, were just ignorant, they were offensive,
00:30really just abhorrent comments. You know, Gundy apologized on Saturday.
00:34You know, he basically said, hey, these young kids are healthy, why not
00:38bring them back to campus, we need to get going here. You know, he was immediately
00:41refuted by his athletic director, the Big 12, the university, and it just
00:46goes to show, I think, a problem that's been popping up recently.
00:49You know, it's not everyone in sports, you know, Chick Kelly had some
00:53meaningful things to say about this, but, you know, seeing coaches, whether it's
00:57Gundy or Davos Swinney, we're seeing leagues trying to kind of plot their
01:01return to action here, whether it's the MLB trying to figure out,
01:04you know, a quarantine situation, the NBA, same thing, can we
01:08set up our leagues in different cities, and I think it just needs to be said. I
01:13feel like it's not clear. The individual leagues, the coaches, the
01:17commissioners, not even the president of the United
01:20States are really in charge of when things are going to get back
01:24to normal here. You know, Donald Trump had his conference call with the league
01:28commissioners about a couple weeks ago now,
01:30where he discussed how badly he wanted, you know,
01:34the leagues to get back on the action, help with the economy, and all
01:37that stuff. It's great to be having these
01:39conversations, but until public health officials, you know,
01:44give leagues the okay to get back to work,
01:49things are going to be like this for a long time, and I think it's
01:52really important to call out people like Mike Gundy, who are making dangerous
01:56comments. I frankly don't know how someone who
01:59could be that ignorant, that misinformed, can be in charge of college kids and be
02:04willing to risk their health for his own personal gain. At least the
02:07professional leagues, they have unions, the players aren't
02:11able to go back to play without their own consent, but
02:14the sports leagues, the coaches, the commissioners,
02:18they're all powerless here. You know, the virus isn't going to care
02:22when Mike Gundy wants to get back to action, so I just think it's important to
02:26note that, you know, it's important that leagues
02:28are preparing their contingencies, trying to figure out
02:31how they're going to get back on the field, court, etc.
02:34Obviously, there's a lot of money involved, there's entertainment involved, we want
02:37to see our sports back in action, but it can't come at
02:41the risk of not only the health of us, the fans, the people around them, and
02:44it can't come to the risk of the health of the players as well, and
02:47that was really what was just so important about what Mike Gundy said
02:51last week. So, you know, all these plans that leagues and coaches want to put
02:55together, unfortunately their words mean very
02:59little right now. Until there's meaningful action taken
03:02in terms of testing, maybe even in terms of a vaccine,
03:06it's going to be a very long time before the leagues,
03:09you know, whether it's the NCAA football, MLB, NBA,
03:13can return to normal.
