• last year
The second episode of the "Washington" miniseries, titled "Comandante rebelde" (Rebel Commander), focuses on key events during the American Revolutionary War and George Washington's leadership. In this episode, Washington deals with challenges such as Benedict Arnold's betrayal, a soldier mutiny, and the decisive assault on General Cornwallis' forces in Yorktown with the aid of the French fleet. The episode also covers Washington's nomination as the first President of the United States, his presidency, and his retirement in 1797.

[1] https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8xbauc
[2] https://www.documaniatv.com/biografias/washington-2-comandante-rebelde-video_164e46d0b.html
[3] https://redecanais.dev/washington-episodio-02-comandante-rebelde_bc00f5256.html
[4] https://mi.tv/gt/programas/washington-s01e02-comandante-rebelde


