हम साउथ एशियन रीजन में रहने वाले लोग चावल खाना खूब पसंद करते हैं. पूरे दिन में एक बार तो चावल हम खाते ही हैं. लेकिन चावल खाने के बाद घर के बड़े-बुजुर्ग अक्सर एक बात कहते हैं कि चाय मत पीना. आज हम इसी पर बात करेंगे कि क्या सच में चावल खाने के बाद चाय पीना खतरनाक है?
We people living in South Asian region like to eat rice very much. We eat rice at least once a day. But after eating rice, the elders of the house often say one thing that do not drink tea. Today we will talk about whether it is really dangerous to drink tea after eating rice?
#ChawalKhaneKeBaadChaiPeeneSeKyaHotaHai, #ChawalKhaneKeBaadchaiPeeneSeKyaHotaHai, #ChawalKhaneKeBaadChaiPeeSakteHai #TeaAfterRice
We people living in South Asian region like to eat rice very much. We eat rice at least once a day. But after eating rice, the elders of the house often say one thing that do not drink tea. Today we will talk about whether it is really dangerous to drink tea after eating rice?
#ChawalKhaneKeBaadChaiPeeneSeKyaHotaHai, #ChawalKhaneKeBaadchaiPeeneSeKyaHotaHai, #ChawalKhaneKeBaadChaiPeeSakteHai #TeaAfterRice