टीवी एक्ट्रेस सोनारिका भदौरिया ने देवों के देव महादेव से घर घर में पहचान बनाई.वहीं शादी के दो महीने बाद अब एक्ट्रेस की ससुराल में पहली रसोई हुई. पहली रसोई की रस्म के लिए एक्ट्रेस ने मैंगो फ्लेवर्ड शीरा बनाया.
TV actress Sonarika Bhadoria became famous in every household with Dev Ke Dev Mahadev. After two months of marriage, the actress had her first kitchen in her in-laws' house. For the first kitchen ritual, the actress made mango flavored sheera.
#SonarikaBhadoria #SonarikaBhadoriaFirstRasoi #FirstRasoiRecipe
TV actress Sonarika Bhadoria became famous in every household with Dev Ke Dev Mahadev. After two months of marriage, the actress had her first kitchen in her in-laws' house. For the first kitchen ritual, the actress made mango flavored sheera.
#SonarikaBhadoria #SonarikaBhadoriaFirstRasoi #FirstRasoiRecipe