Delve into the intense 'A Heist' clip from the latest installment of CBS' gripping crime drama, CSI: Vegas, Season 3 Episode 6. Featuring an ensemble cast including Paula Newsome, Mandeep Dhillon, Jay Lee and more. Don't miss out – catch CSI: Vegas Season 3 on Paramount+!
CSI: Vegas Cast:
Paula Newsome, Matt Lauria, Mel Rodriguez, Mandeep Dhillon, Jorja Fox, William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger, Anthony E. Zuiker, Ariana Guerra, Lex Medlin and Jay Lee
Stream CSI: Vegas Season 3 now on Paramount+!
CSI: Vegas Cast:
Paula Newsome, Matt Lauria, Mel Rodriguez, Mandeep Dhillon, Jorja Fox, William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger, Anthony E. Zuiker, Ariana Guerra, Lex Medlin and Jay Lee
Stream CSI: Vegas Season 3 now on Paramount+!
00:15Someone's been down there.
00:24What have we got here?
00:33Ross and his end-of-the-world stash.
00:36There must be millions worth of gold in these bags.
00:42Not anymore, there isn't.
00:49We had the motive wrong.
00:52This was a hoax.
00:55We had the motive wrong.
00:58This was a heist.