Kolaborasi Pengembangan Sektor Parekraf

  • 5 months ago
Potensi perputaran uang saat libur lebaran, di sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif diprediksi mencapai Rp360 triliun lebih, sebuah nilai transaksi yang sangat besar. Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif terus memaksimalkan, potensi daya tarik kawasan wisata belum dioptimalkan.


00:00The potential of money circulation during Eid al-Adha in tourism and creative economy sector is predicted to reach 360 trillion rupiah more.
00:07A very big transaction value for the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy continues to maximize the potential of attracting tourism areas that have not been optimized.
00:21The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy continues to maximize synergy and collaboration
00:27in developing and increasing the potential of tourism and creative economy in various areas that have not yet obtained a touch of branding that attracts tourists.
00:36For that, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, affirmed that the momentum of strengthening the synergy of the development of the paragraph sector must be done now.
00:47Whereby increasing the strong synergy will create even better paragraph potential.
00:53The infrastructure and accessibility.
00:57Secondly, of course, the attraction with the event, with the promotion of natural attractions, nature, culture, and also adventure.
01:13And thirdly, we create themes to attract more visitors such as 3B, Banyuwangi West Bali. This is now starting to be popular.
01:25The challenges of the tourism and creative economy sector are getting tighter.
01:30For that, the government continues to innovate, adapt, and collaborate in an effort to advance the tourism and creative economy sector.
01:39From Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
