Insta Empire Ep 33 - 42

  • 6 months ago
Insta Empire Ep 33 - 42
00:00:00 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:00:09 After Gwen Archer passed out Kevin suggested that they move her to a table by the window and then open it wide
00:00:17 Next he had them blow out all the centerpiece candles and take them into the kitchen
00:00:21 Adriana and the others still had their doubts, but they were hopeful that this would help
00:00:27 Otherwise, they would have to rush Gwen to the hospital
00:00:30 Some of them whispered rudely to each other because they thought Kevin had no idea what he was talking about
00:00:36 From what Jason Jones had said Kevin was a complete failure and everything that he tried
00:00:41 Drake overheard some of them who were standing nearby and he was less than pleased he turned around and roared angrily
00:00:49 Whoever makes the next night remark about mr. Williams is going to take a swim in the Chicago River
00:00:55 That certainly wiped the smirks off their faces, but Adriana still didn't understand
00:01:01 Mr. Williams, could you please explain again? Why you had president Archer taken over to the window?
00:01:07 It's very simple. He explained
00:01:09 President Archer had a reaction to one of the ingredients in the scent of candles
00:01:14 I can smell an herb that can lower blood pressure. She's obviously more sensitive to it than anyone else here
00:01:21 I'm not sure exactly why though
00:01:24 Dr. Willow still wasn't convinced there didn't seem to be any scientific basis to what he was saying
00:01:30 President Wright in my medical opinion, you'll need to transport this woman to an emergency room immediately
00:01:37 Dr. Willow said with a serious expression
00:01:40 Just then a group of guests walked into the room led by a tall powerful-looking man
00:01:45 Please step aside
00:01:48 Dominic Archer ordered the crowd the guests respectively made way for him
00:01:54 Who put my sister on this table? He bellowed
00:01:57 Mr. Archer, please don't worry. I can explain this
00:02:01 Adriana said calmly there wasn't a trace of fear in her voice
00:02:06 President Wright, I don't need an explanation. I just want to know why my sister isn't on her way to the hospital
00:02:13 What are you trying to pull here?
00:02:15 Dominic asked sternly the onlookers started to throw Kevin straight under the bus
00:02:21 It's his fault one of them blurted out. He's that useless son-in-law's been leeching off the Jones family for years
00:02:28 Jones family which Jones family Dominic asked then his eyes lit up when he remembered what he'd heard about
00:02:36 Kevin he looked at him and snarled. Are you responsible for this?
00:02:41 Dominic I'm warning you you need to show more respect to mr. Williams Drake said as he stepped between Dominic and Kevin
00:02:51 Dominic and Drake had always been rivals in Chicago's underworld, but the two of them had always kept their conflicts quiet
00:02:57 They'd never battled face to face
00:02:59 not yet
00:03:02 Drake since when do you stand up for such a useless piece of crap?
00:03:06 Dominic asked him
00:03:08 Drake, please let me handle this I can explain it to him
00:03:12 Kevin pleaded as he stepped forward to try and convince the large man that this was the best course of action
00:03:19 Please be careful what you say to him. He admires strength
00:03:22 Most of all it may be useless to try and reason with him Drake said to Kevin quietly
00:03:27 Drake and Dominic had been in competition for years and he was a good judge of the man's character
00:03:33 But if Kevin was injured under Drake's protection cook would never forgive him
00:03:38 So what do you have to say you son of a bitch?
00:03:41 Dominic asked nastily as he looked at his sister Gwen lying on the banquet hall table
00:03:48 Drake started to reply, but he was interrupted by Kevin
00:03:51 Your sister is fine her blood pressure dropped for a while
00:03:56 But I can guarantee that she'll be up and back on her feet in less than five minutes
00:04:00 If she's not I promise I won't let you leave this hotel in one piece
00:04:05 Dominic threatened him then he glared at Adriana and added president right you'll have some explaining to do -
00:04:13 Dominic how dare you take on that rude tone of voice with my friends
00:04:17 Drake said arrogantly
00:04:19 Nobody dared to step between the two of them to interfere
00:04:22 Just when it looked like the two of them were about to start swinging at each other when suddenly coughed
00:04:28 They were all amazed that Kevin had been right
00:04:31 Especially the ones who had been swayed by Jason's gossip about him
00:04:35 Dominic grunted at Kevin and Drake then he quickly walked over to his sister and asked her when how do you feel?
00:04:43 Are you okay?
00:04:45 Dominic when did you get here? Gwen shook her head slightly before continuing
00:04:50 It felt like the room was spinning and then everything went dark
00:04:54 Her voice was still faint, but everyone could hear her clearly most of them still didn't believe Kevin was right
00:05:00 Dominic frowned a little and looked at Kevin
00:05:03 President Archer think about this carefully. Did you see anything before you fainted Kevin asked her?
00:05:11 Stop pretending to know what happened. My sister woke up all by herself. This has nothing to do with your nonsense
00:05:18 Dominic shouted indignantly a lot of the guests who were watching this nodded their heads in agreement
00:05:24 They also thought that Gwen waking up right now was just a coincidence
00:05:28 Gwen thought for a moment and then slowly opened her mouth to reply
00:05:32 Now that you mention it just before I passed out. I was starting to have a hard time breathing
00:05:39 There was a strange smell in the air and I just couldn't seem to breathe
00:05:43 I took the candle from the table and smelled it to see if that was where it was coming from
00:05:47 Suddenly everyone felt extremely awkward
00:05:51 How could they all have been so wrong, but somehow a few of them still blame Kevin and the Jones family
00:05:58 That makes sense Kevin explained the candles were made with some ingredients that are used in herbal remedies to lower blood pressure
00:06:05 I asked one of the waiters to bring me one of the boxes from the kitchen
00:06:09 He pulled one of the candles out of the box and smelled it as he explained
00:06:14 This has been made with a powerful combination of ingredients
00:06:17 Usually scented candles can be pretty safe with enough air circulation, but these look like they're homemade
00:06:24 He handed one of the candles to dr. Willow to examine
00:06:27 Dr. Willow took the candle and checked it out for herself
00:06:30 Then she nodded her head based on this slightly more
00:06:35 Scientific explanation she was a little embarrassed for having been so rude to Kevin earlier
00:06:40 With Dominic's help when slowly got down from the table and walked over to Kevin
00:06:45 She was still confused and asked him. There are so many people in this room. Why am I the only one who fainted?
00:06:53 Some of the guests were wondering the same thing
00:06:56 Lots of them had been in the room for at least an hour a couple of them had even leaned down to inhale the fragrance
00:07:02 of the candles
00:07:04 Kevin reflected for a moment trying to recall what he had read then he looked at Gwen and speculated
00:07:09 President Archer, I've learned that in high concentrations for someone who's sensitive the effect can be very serious
00:07:17 What the hell are you talking about?
00:07:20 Dominic interrupted Kevin sighed
00:07:23 President Archer, it's probably just a bit of susceptibility you have
00:07:27 Alright, that's enough
00:07:30 Dominic couldn't hold it in any longer. He gestured for his bodyguards to come over a second later
00:07:36 Kevin was surrounded
00:07:38 Drake stepped forward to put himself between Kevin and the men
00:07:42 All of you stop Gwen snapped. I think he's right about this
00:07:47 I've always been kind of sensitive about some things remember when we were kids. She looked into her brother's eyes
00:07:54 The explanation seemed to make sense to Dominic, but he would never apologize to Kevin in front of everyone
00:08:00 It wasn't in his nature
00:08:02 Instead he asked someone to put the gift that he'd brought for Adriana on the table in the corner
00:08:07 Then he helped his sister walk out of the hotel
00:08:10 Mr. Williams, that was very interesting. Have you been studying the subject for very long?
00:08:16 Adriana's eyes were full of admiration. I just happened to be studying New Age medicine recently
00:08:23 I'm nowhere near an expert Kevin smiled and added. Please go mingle with your guests
00:08:29 This is your evening
00:08:31 Okay, mr. Williams
00:08:33 Adriana agreed then she leaned in and told them there's a private room upstairs for a small group of us
00:08:39 Cook should be up there in a little while. Why don't you make your way up there and I'll join you later
00:08:44 Okay, I'll head up there with Drake Kevin said enthusiastically
00:08:49 About 15 or 20 minutes later cook arrived at the hotel and after checking on things at the party
00:08:55 He went upstairs to join his friends
00:08:58 Gilbert Rhodes and emo squire showed up - they all spent a lot of time catching up
00:09:03 Finally after all the guests had left the banquet hall Adriana joined her friends and they all chatted until early in the morning
00:09:11 That night because Kevin was tired from such a long day
00:09:15 And because he had drunk a little too much to be safe on the road. He spent the rest of the night at the hotel
00:09:21 Early the next morning right after he woke up Kevin got a call from Lily. Hi Lily. Are you doing?
00:09:28 Okay
00:09:29 Kevin, please come home quickly. I need a ride to grandma's place
00:09:33 Lily sounded very anxious. What's the matter? Kevin immediately realized something bad had happened
00:09:40 My dad's friend disappeared right after he got all the money
00:09:44 So now her voice trailed off then she said you should take care of your business first
00:09:51 I'll take a taxi there myself
00:09:53 Then Lily hung up the phone in a hurry
00:09:57 Kevin was sure he knew what had happened when Oliver told them all about the investment
00:10:01 He and Matilda had been against it
00:10:03 But the rest of the members of the Jones family were only thinking about how much money they could make in this get-rich-quick scheme
00:10:09 Nobody was willing to listen to reason
00:10:12 Just as Kevin was thinking about how pleasing it would be to see the Jones family suffer a little he thought of another problem
00:10:19 Since this whole idea had been suggested by Oliver Lily might suffer from the backlash
00:10:26 Kevin said to himself
00:10:28 Lily I'm only helping the Jones family because of you. This is definitely the first and last time
00:10:35 Then he took out his phone and made a call to his old friend Tyler Dawn
00:10:39 Mr. Williams, it's wonderful to hear from you again. I was beginning to think that something had happened to you
00:10:46 Hearing his colleagues playful tone Kevin couldn't help breaking into a grin. Don't be ridiculous
00:10:52 Kevin told him Tyler. I need your help with something
00:10:56 What you need my help again, his friend answered mischievously
00:11:00 Seriously, what can I do for you Kevin?
00:11:03 I want you to contact the Jones family in Chicago and discuss a partnership
00:11:08 But I want you to do it using the KWTD corporations name not mine
00:11:14 Several years ago Kevin invested a large sum of money with his friend Tyler and they formed a company called the KWTD
00:11:22 Corporation they were in a hurry so they didn't have time to research a good corporate name
00:11:27 They just used their initials at first the company only did import and export business
00:11:32 But over the past six years Tyler had built
00:11:35 KWTD into one of the top companies in the country and it was definitely the top import export company
00:11:42 However, the real boss of KWTD had always been Kevin other than him and Tyler. No one else knew about it
00:11:51 It was important for Kevin to hold on to the company
00:11:54 So he was careful not to mention it to anyone when he was driven out of his family. That's how much he cared about Lily
00:12:00 Okay, Kevin. I'll get on that right away
00:12:03 It just so happens that I've been working on a project in Chicago lately
00:12:08 So it'll be no problem for me to drop in on the Jones family personally. They discussed a few more details before hanging up
00:12:16 Kevin couldn't help wondering how the Jones family would react if they found out that he was behind all of this
00:12:22 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:12:35 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
00:12:42 Click the link in the description to install the app now
00:12:46 While Kevin was setting up the deal with Tyler all the Joneses were rushing to the family mansion
00:12:52 Grandma Jones was sitting in the big chair in the middle of the room looking despondent
00:12:56 Oliver was standing in front of everybody looking fearful and very ashamed
00:13:01 So Oliver, where did your friend go?
00:13:05 Grandma Jones asked him sharply
00:13:08 Usually the Joneses would mutter to each other, but they were beside themselves this time
00:13:13 One of his cousins shouted. Where's all the money you promised?
00:13:17 another one yelled
00:13:19 Unbelievable, you lost everything in just one night
00:13:22 The crowd looked like they wanted to eat him alive
00:13:25 Please don't worry. Lily said in a panic. My dad has already called the police. They'll track him down soon
00:13:33 Dorothy actually tried to appeal to them saying we're all family
00:13:39 Let's talk about this peacefully as long as we find him. We'll get our money back
00:13:43 But their pleas fell on deaf ears. The family was too furious with Oliver right now
00:13:50 Grandma Jones gave Oliver a sad look and said you've really disappointed me
00:13:55 The discussion turned to the next step they would take having lost all their liquid assets
00:14:02 The family was on the brink of ruin and it was so much money over a hundred million dollars that there was no way
00:14:09 Oliver could ever pay them back by himself
00:14:11 It looked hopeless if grandma Jones hadn't been in the room. They might have gotten violent
00:14:17 Mom, I really had no idea would turn out like this
00:14:21 I transferred the money to my friend last night, but I couldn't contact him this morning
00:14:25 Oliver explained of course Oliver had been fooled but the family didn't believe his explanation as they became more and more
00:14:33 Emotional a few of them started rolling up their sleeves. They look like they wanted to take a swing at Oliver whether grandma was there or not
00:14:41 Just then everyone turned to the entrance as it was announced that Bella or Tez and Eugene Kim had arrived
00:14:50 They were financial partners with the Jones family
00:14:53 There were also some Jones Enterprise clients who wanted to speak with them. This was too important
00:14:59 So they all came straight to the mansion instead of waiting to meet in the corporate office
00:15:04 Before anyone could react the large group entered the Jones mansion's main hall
00:15:10 Where it was obvious that Oliver had just been called on the carpet
00:15:14 Bella or Tez was the first to speak. She said glumly
00:15:18 I'm sorry to inform you that our board just had an emergency meeting
00:15:23 We've decided to end our association with your company
00:15:28 Grandma Jones was shocked. She asked Bella. Why would you do that?
00:15:32 We've been working together for so many years
00:15:36 Before Bella could say anything Eugene Kim followed suit and said it looks like President or Tez is trying to spare your feelings
00:15:45 So she hasn't told you the real reason that we need to end our relationship with your company
00:15:49 Kim got straight to the point
00:15:52 We have a reliable report that the Jones family's corporation has been cheated out of all its assets to put it bluntly
00:15:58 We do not want to be drawn into your bankruptcy. We hope that you can see this is purely a business decision
00:16:05 Grandma Jones lip quivered as she replied
00:16:08 President Kim you've gone too far our situation isn't as desperate as you think. Can you please reconsider?
00:16:18 Bella responded to this request with a directness that left no room for doubt. I'm sorry, but we have no choice
00:16:25 According to our contract we are requesting only our initial outlay of funds
00:16:30 As soon as she finished speaking the rest of the group spoke up to request their capital - they realized that the Jones family
00:16:38 Would be unable to repay them and the discussion turned to selling off the Jones family's real estate holdings
00:16:45 Including the mansion the Joneses knew that they were ruined and started arguing with their former partners and clients
00:16:52 Suddenly grandma Jones slammed the table hard and shouted. That's enough. What's the point of arguing?
00:16:58 All that we're asking is clearly laid out in our contracts. We have no choice now that the Jones family and your corporation are now
00:17:06 Bella or Tez didn't finish her sentence, but everyone understood what she meant
00:17:11 Grandma Jones let out a long sigh
00:17:15 President or Tez President Kim don't worry
00:17:18 We will definitely reimburse you but can you please give us a few days after all?
00:17:25 We've been business partners for many years and we need some time to raise such a large sum of money
00:17:31 Agreed out of respect for you. Mrs. Jones. We will give you five days
00:17:36 After saying this Bella turned around and walked towards the door
00:17:41 Before leaving President Kim added Mrs. Jones doesn't your granddaughter's husband know Mitchell cook and Adriana, right?
00:17:48 Perhaps you can ask them for help
00:17:50 Remember if we don't see our money in five days, there will be serious consequences for all of you
00:17:55 After they had all left grandma Jones sat back in her chair and rubbed her temples
00:18:00 How could they raise over 50 million dollars in just five days?
00:18:04 At the same time they were also trying to track down the hundred million that had been stolen by Oliver's friend
00:18:11 It didn't look good
00:18:13 Not to mention the fact that they had no idea if Mitchell cook and President Wright would even agree to help them
00:18:19 Even though they obviously had great respect for Kevin. It was impossible for grandma Jones to ask them for help
00:18:25 That's when someone suggested. Why don't we ask Kevin to approach? Mr. Cook and President Wright for us?
00:18:31 This seemed to be their only solution, but nobody knew if it would even be possible
00:18:36 They certainly weren't on good terms with Kevin right now to say the least
00:18:41 As they were discussing their limited options a striking looking man in a dark suit walked in
00:18:46 The man slowly walked to the middle of the room and said
00:18:50 I'd like to speak with mrs. Victoria Jones
00:18:53 I'm mrs. Jones. May I ask who you are?
00:18:57 Grandma asked with a slight frown
00:19:00 She didn't recognize the man so she was fairly certain that he wasn't someone who was currently doing business with the Jones family
00:19:06 The man replied in a friendly tone of voice
00:19:09 My name is Tyler Dawn. I'm the CEO of the KWTD corporation
00:19:13 As soon as he finished speaking the room became filled with an excited buzz of conversation
00:19:19 This was a shocking development
00:19:22 Everyone in the entire country had heard of the KWTD corporation
00:19:26 They also knew that the company president Tyler Dawn rarely showed his face in public. He was a very private man
00:19:34 Grandma Jones was stunned. She had never expected to meet such a famous business tycoon
00:19:39 Especially right here in the Jones mansion
00:19:42 Tyler was unimpressed by their reaction. The Jones family didn't have the best reputation in Chicago, but he trusted Kevin
00:19:49 So he continued to be pleasant to them if his friend hadn't asked him this favor
00:19:54 He was pretty sure he wouldn't even be talking to grandma Jones
00:19:57 Mr. Dawn, what brings you here today?
00:20:01 Grandma Jones asked nervously while they were talking some of Tyler's assistants walked in and one of them brought over an empty chair for him
00:20:09 to sit in
00:20:10 Tyler sat down and casually explained
00:20:12 Grandma Jones. I hope you don't mind if I call you that please don't be nervous
00:20:18 I came here to discuss a joint venture that should be profitable for all of us
00:20:23 Everyone became excited when they heard him say this
00:20:26 Mr. Dawn, how do we fit into your plans?
00:20:31 Grandma Jones was starting to get a little short of breath with the help of the KWTD corporation
00:20:36 The Jones family would be able to easily pull out of this crisis and she wouldn't be forced to ask Kevin for help
00:20:43 It's very simple. I know that you currently have no available funds. So I'm prepared to invest
00:20:50 300 million dollars to set up an import-export company in Chicago
00:20:55 Tyler explained as soon as he finished saying this everyone looked at him enthusiastically
00:21:01 What are your conditions? Mr. Dawn? Grandma Jones asked him somberly
00:21:05 Except for the fiasco with Oliver's investment. She wasn't usually very trusting this sounded too good to be true
00:21:13 The conditions are actually very simple. All you would have to do is handle the day-to-day activities of the company in exchange
00:21:22 I only want 60% of the Jones family shares Tyler said casually, you know that you're in a dire situation
00:21:30 300 million would not only pay off your debt but put you in a position to expand your family's business
00:21:35 For a moment the entire room fell silent
00:21:38 Grandma Jones thought long and hard before answering
00:21:41 Mr. Dawn, you understand the situation perfectly. However, don't you think that the conditions are a bit extreme?
00:21:50 Grandma Jones, you know very well that the family's assets are worth 300 million Tyler said very seriously
00:21:59 This is a very fair offer. If you can accept my conditions, then I'll move on
00:22:04 I'm sure there are people in Chicago who would be willing to sign on with KW TD
00:22:08 Without waiting for Grandma Jones to speak Tyler continued to be honest. I could easily walk away from this deal
00:22:16 I run a business not a charity you have three minutes to consider my offer
00:22:21 Everyone in the room turned and stared at Grandma Jones. They all knew that without this opportunity they would be finished
00:22:29 Grandma Jones gritted her teeth and replied hesitantly
00:22:32 Alright, mr. Dawn. I agree to your conditions
00:22:36 Suddenly the room broke into lively debate. Some of them were against it
00:22:41 They knew Tyler was taking advantage of them, but they also knew that they were facing liquidation and bankruptcy
00:22:47 They didn't jump at the software. It would just go to someone else
00:22:50 Stop grandma Jones shouted. I've decided the discussion is closed. Oh
00:22:57 Why is decision Tyler said I'll have my attorneys draw up the contract and arranged for the transfer of funds
00:23:04 Tyler walked out followed by his assistants
00:23:07 20 minutes later while riding in his limousine Tyler read through the contract and financial plan on his laptop
00:23:13 Then he pulled out his phone and called Kevin
00:23:16 Kevin everything's been set up according to your instructions
00:23:20 300 million for 60% of the shares in the Jones family's corporation. He reported coolly
00:23:27 Thank You Tyler. I hope this goes well for you
00:23:30 Kevin replied calmly if you don't have anything else, I won't take up any more of your time
00:23:36 After saying this Tyler hung up the phone
00:23:38 Kevin took a moment to think about what he had just done
00:23:42 He put his phone in his pocket and headed for the exit
00:23:45 Just as he walked out of the Whitsler Hotel a black car pulled up in front of him
00:23:50 Two men dressed in black suits quickly got out of the car and called to him. Mr. Williams
00:23:56 Our employer would like to meet with you
00:23:58 Dominic Archer Kevin raised his eyebrows and asked please come with us
00:24:04 The men in black didn't answer Kevin's question
00:24:06 They opened the rear door of their limousine and gestured for him to get in
00:24:10 Kevin shrugged and got into the car as they drove along Kevin thought back on a question
00:24:16 He'd asked cook just last night. He was wondering how Dominic Archer compared to Drake as
00:24:22 It turned out most of Drake's strength came from having cook support. However, Dominic Archer was different
00:24:29 He relied on his own strength. So Drake and Dominic were pretty much equal
00:24:33 Half an hour later. They arrived at a luxurious mansion when Kevin entered the foyer
00:24:39 He saw Dominic stretched out on a sofa in the library
00:24:42 Glad you could make it Dominic said as he glanced at Kevin
00:24:47 Mr. Archer, I don't understand why you've called me here. So early in the morning Kevin asked candidly
00:24:52 I know I can be a little headstrong, but in our family, we know how to repay kindness
00:24:58 You really helped my sister yesterday, so I'd like to give you something
00:25:02 Dominic Archer stood up in motion for one of his aides to place a box in front of Kevin
00:25:08 Yesterday your president writes party my sister and I could tell that you're interested in the miraculous benefits of herbal medicine
00:25:17 Dominic walked over to Kevin and opened the box
00:25:19 He said we have connections with a research lab that is developing some very powerful herbal ingredients
00:25:26 I believe that you'll find the contents of this box extremely helpful
00:25:30 Really Kevin replied. He was surprised at this turn of events
00:25:35 Then I guess I should say thank you Kevin said quietly
00:25:39 Dominic Archer waved his hand and said no need to thank me. I'm just returning the favor
00:25:46 Kevin looked in the box for a few seconds and then said I would never have expected the two of us to have something in
00:25:53 Common, but he couldn't help wondering what else Dominic may want from him
00:25:58 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire
00:26:04 Exclusively on the pocket FM app click the link in the description to install the app now
00:26:09 Hi guys Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
00:26:16 Click the link in the description to install the app now
00:26:19 While Kevin stepped outside of the Whitsler Hotel a black limousine pulled up and the driver asked him to get in
00:26:26 They drove him to Dominic's mansion where he and Kevin discussed advanced herbal supplements
00:26:32 Dominic offered him a special blend that he said would increase his strength
00:26:37 I've been interested in natural ways to increase my strength and focus
00:26:42 Dominic explained it's made a huge difference in my ability to succeed in business
00:26:47 When Kevin heard this a faint smile appeared on his face
00:26:51 If I offered you something that can help you reach your goal, how would you repay me?
00:26:56 Are you joking Dominic retorted?
00:26:59 Trust me. There are no shortcuts in this process. It takes time and effort
00:27:05 What if I could help give you an advantage?
00:27:08 Kevin said as he smiled and took out a pill of his pocket
00:27:12 It was one of the pills that he had made from the recipe in officer Emmett's old book
00:27:16 This combination that I discovered can be very effective
00:27:20 Dominic glanced at the pill in Kevin's hand if it had the effect that Kevin claimed
00:27:26 It could help him reach his goals of having more energy and mental focus in his business. You could never have enough of that
00:27:34 But he really didn't believe that Kevin would have access to something like this
00:27:39 Especially based on the rumors that he'd heard about him. What do you think Kevin asked with a smile?
00:27:44 Keep it Dominic replied rudely
00:27:47 Then I'll be on my way Kevin said as he took the box and stood up to leave
00:27:52 Before Kevin got to the door Dominic stopped him. Is that pill of you is really that effective?
00:27:58 Dominic asked Kevin it was clear that the man had his doubts, but he was intrigued enough to consider trying it
00:28:06 Since you don't believe me. There is no point in trying to convince you Kevin answered
00:28:11 Dominic hesitated for a moment before he continued. How much do you want for it? What do you mean?
00:28:17 Kevin asked in shock. I mean what's your price?
00:28:20 Dominic asked again
00:28:23 Actually Dominic still didn't believe that Kevin's pill would work and knowing that Kevin was in the Jones family didn't help
00:28:29 But he just couldn't pass up this chance
00:28:32 He already took the special supplements that had been developed for him and he watched his lifestyle
00:28:38 Everything he did was driven by his will to be better than his competition
00:28:42 Some of whom could be vicious considering the circles he moved in
00:28:47 Dominic had also spent years training in the martial arts, but he was also fighting against the aging process
00:28:53 It was worth a try
00:28:56 Mr. Archer, I know you're rich and powerful, but you can't solve everything with money. Kevin said coolly
00:29:03 Just name your price
00:29:05 Dominic said stubbornly
00:29:07 Kevin didn't answer right away. He thought about it for a second and said
00:29:11 500
00:29:13 Okay
00:29:15 $500,000 deal Dominic said right away
00:29:18 Kevin couldn't help looking surprised
00:29:22 $500,000 for a simple herbal pill. He was afraid to tell Dominic that he actually meant just $500
00:29:29 Maybe Williams media should drop the entertainment industry and switch to this Kevin thought to himself
00:29:35 Dominic slowly walked up to Kevin and told him money isn't a problem
00:29:41 But if your pill doesn't work, you know, what will happen to you?
00:29:45 The man's posture and tone were coldly threatening
00:29:49 But not only did Kevin not show any sign of fear. He even smiled more broadly
00:29:53 Don't worry. I always make sure that my customers are happy Kevin said as he took out the pill again
00:30:00 But just when Dominic reached for it Kevin suddenly took a step back
00:30:05 What's going on? Do you think I won't pay you?
00:30:08 Dominic snarled
00:30:10 Mr. Archer, I didn't say that I would give it to you for a measly
00:30:13 500,000 Kevin said mischievously
00:30:17 What other conditions do you have?
00:30:19 Dominic asked he saw that Kevin wanted a bargain with his other hand Kevin pointed at the small wooden box on the coffee table
00:30:27 He had noticed the ring inside the box as he walked in the room earlier for some reason he wanted it
00:30:34 You want it?
00:30:36 Dominic glanced at the ring and gave Kevin a strange look
00:30:39 He walked over to the coffee table picked up the box and tossed it to Kevin
00:30:44 So all you really wanted was a ring Dominic said with a sneer
00:30:48 Then he called his aid over to have the money transferred to Kevin
00:30:52 After they'd concluded their deal Dominic had his driver take Kevin back to the Whitsler Hotel as he rode along
00:30:59 Kevin looked out the window and thought about what had just happened. He just sold one of his herbal pills for
00:31:06 $500,000 and a ring maybe it would be worth looking into this further
00:31:13 After stopping to pick up his car Kevin headed back to his penthouse
00:31:17 When he got home Lily was sitting on the sofa as soon as she saw him step out of the elevator
00:31:23 She immediately stood up and exclaimed
00:31:25 Kevin you're finally back
00:31:27 What's wrong? Did you really miss me that much Kevin replied gently?
00:31:33 Lily rolled her eyes and said you came back just in time. I need you to go someplace with me
00:31:41 Kevin nodded and they headed down to the lobby to send for his car since things had been going so well
00:31:46 He'd added to his car collection
00:31:48 Lily's eyes lit up when she saw the sleek blue Pagani Roadster as they pulled on the Lakeshore Drive Kevin asked Lily
00:31:57 Where are we going exactly?
00:31:59 My mom is having a reunion with some of her school pals when she saw that everyone else was bringing their children
00:32:06 She called me too. Lily replied softly. It's at a cafe on the north side. I've got it set in my GPS
00:32:13 Just head north along the lake for a little while and I'll tell you where to turn left. It's near Evanston
00:32:19 If your mom's classmates will be there. Do you think it's okay for me to come along Kevin asked uneasily?
00:32:25 I'll understand if you don't want to see her just drop me off and you can head back home. Lily said sadly
00:32:32 Kevin smiled but didn't say anything else about it
00:32:36 After about a half hour they arrived at the cafe. The event was being held in a private room in the back
00:32:41 When Lily entered Dorothy was chatting with a few of her old classmates
00:32:46 Upon seeing her daughter. She smiled broadly
00:32:49 Then when she saw Kevin her smile immediately left her face
00:32:53 However in front of so many of her old classmates Dorothy couldn't kick Kevin out of the place
00:32:59 Dorothy is this your daughter? She's so beautiful
00:33:05 her friend exclaimed a
00:33:07 Couple of her friends had heard that Lily was in charge of Brittany Davis's account at Williams media and they were very impressed
00:33:14 All the praise brought Dorothy smile back then her friends introduced their own children
00:33:20 It seemed they were all successful business executives and doctors
00:33:24 Then one of Dorothy's friends looked at Kevin and asked loudly
00:33:28 So who is this young man?
00:33:31 The woman who was asking about Kevin was Iris Reid
00:33:34 Ever since she and Dorothy were children the two of them like to show off to each other
00:33:39 The moment Iris saw Kevin she'd figured out who he was
00:33:43 It seemed that everyone in their circles knew about Dorothy's good-for-nothing son-in-law
00:33:48 Everyone looked at Kevin
00:33:50 Dorothy stopped smiling and gave Kevin a disgusted look
00:33:53 Lily suddenly stood up and introduced him to everyone with a smile
00:33:57 This is my husband Kevin
00:34:01 So you're Dorothy's son-in-law Iris deliberately emphasized the word son-in-law
00:34:07 He's very handsome Iris said to Lily turning to Kevin she asked where do you work? What's your position? I?
00:34:17 Work for a small company downtown Kevin said casually I helped my boss with his accounts
00:34:23 he added he could tell what Iris was trying to do, but he didn't want to play her game a
00:34:29 Small company should have a name shouldn't it if you help your boss with his accounts you must have some kind of title
00:34:35 Iris wouldn't drop the subject until she was satisfied. I guess you could call me a clerk Kevin replied modestly
00:34:43 Nobody was impressed and it showed on their faces. I
00:34:46 Guess it doesn't matter that you're just a clerk in any case Lily has a powerful position at Williams Media
00:34:54 Even if you don't earn a lot she can still support you Iris said proudly she knew that she'd beaten Dorothy this time
00:35:01 Dorothy wanted to go over and tell Kevin off, but she couldn't do that in front of all of her friends
00:35:06 Lily looked uncomfortable and began to regret bringing Kevin along
00:35:10 Then Iris stood up and waved to the young man on the other side of the room
00:35:15 I'd like to announce a joyous occasion on the 26th of this month my daughter Rose will be getting married
00:35:22 Iris said proudly Vito Booker, please stand up and introduce yourself to my friends
00:35:28 Iris took her seat in a man quickly stood up. He politely waved at everyone
00:35:33 Hi, my name is Vito. I'm currently the general manager at the
00:35:39 KWTD Corporation Chicago branch when he said this everyone was clearly impressed
00:35:46 one of Dorothy's friends gushed the
00:35:49 KWTD Corporation, that's one of the top three companies in the country
00:35:54 Another one added
00:35:56 Iris I'm so excited for you. He's already a manager at KWTD and it's such a young age
00:36:03 Rose will be set for life
00:36:06 The more Iris smiled the more Dorothy frowned even though Lily had a promising career
00:36:13 Iris's son-in-law was way better than Dorothy's it looked like Iris had won today's private little competition
00:36:20 Suddenly one of them asked Vito. How's it being a general manager at the KWTD Corporation?
00:36:27 The word can be exhausting. But as I move up the corporate ladder, I have greater and greater responsibility
00:36:33 I don't have much free time right now, but that's because I manage a few hundred people Vito said very modestly
00:36:40 He smiled at Iris and said mom for the wedding between Rose and me. I've arranged for a limo that's worth half a million dollars
00:36:47 What do you think?
00:36:49 They seem to find this almost as impressive as his position at KWTD
00:36:54 That's fine with me Vito. I'll leave all the decisions up to you and Rose Iris replied
00:37:01 She was trying to act humble, but you could see the pride in her eyes. I
00:37:06 Know what you mean Iris Lily commented no matter how good a car is. It's just a means of transportation
00:37:12 From point A to point B, then she turned around and asked Kevin. Don't you think so?
00:37:19 Before coming to the reunion Iris had asked Vito to help her embarrass Dorothy's son-in-law
00:37:25 So Vito naturally couldn't let an opportunity like this pass him by
00:37:30 Everyone's aesthetic sense is different. If you think that a car is just a means of transportation, then it's just a tool Kevin said with a smile
00:37:38 Then what kind of car do you drive Vito asked Kevin? He was sure he'd win this round
00:37:44 They all turned to Kevin everyone seemed to think that Vito was in another league and Kevin couldn't possibly compare with him
00:37:51 And Dorothy was ready for her friend Iris to beat her again
00:37:55 My ride Kevin slightly raised his eyebrows and said it's just a Pagani Roadster. Nothing special basic blue color
00:38:03 Vito looked at Kevin and disbelieve a Pagani that's worth at least three million dollars
00:38:09 Everyone in the room gasped when they heard this Lily coughed on the pastry. She was eating and reached for a sip of coffee
00:38:16 Iris recovered from her shock and said
00:38:20 Dorothy I really didn't know that Lily treated her husband so well. What a lovely gift she bought for him
00:38:26 She didn't say it out loud, but Iris thought that Kevin was just a gigolo who is mooching off her friend's daughter
00:38:33 Lily probably got her husband the car just to make Dorothy look good. However when Kevin heard that he said
00:38:39 Actually the car is my bosses. It wasn't Lily who bought it for me when he said this everyone laughed
00:38:47 Dorothy couldn't take it any longer. She wanted to chase Kevin out into the street
00:38:51 But Kevin interrupted the laughter to clarify what he just said
00:38:55 So I didn't buy the car, but my boss gave it to me because I'm doing so well in the company
00:39:01 That seemed to shut everyone up. They all looked at Kevin in amazement
00:39:05 They couldn't imagine what kind of boss would give a three million dollar sports car to an ordinary employee
00:39:12 Kevin may I ask where you work? What's your boss's name?
00:39:15 Vito asked in disbelief
00:39:18 Kevin looked at Vito with a smile and said my boss's last name is Dawn
00:39:23 Vito dropped the subject this conversation definitely wasn't helping his mother-in-law
00:39:29 Besides he didn't believe that Kevin really had such a generous boss. He was obviously just bragging to look good
00:39:36 So Vito changed the subject and turned Iris
00:39:40 Mom, this is a gift I got for you a while ago because of all that was going on at work
00:39:45 I never had a chance to give it to you
00:39:47 He reached under the table and took out a gift box. Then he said to her
00:39:50 This is a small token of my appreciation
00:39:53 And I'd like to tell you that you can rest assured that after Rose and I get married. I'll always treat her well
00:39:59 This was just too much for Dorothy to bear what would happen next?
00:40:05 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire
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00:40:15 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:40:25 Vito we're family now, there's no need for you to give me anything while Iris was saying this she reached out and took the gift
00:40:34 Her friends practically begged her to open the present as they all watched enviously Iris happily opened the package
00:40:41 When she pulled out the gift everyone immediately gasped in surprise
00:40:45 Inside the box was a lustrous green emerald bracelet. They couldn't believe their eyes
00:40:51 One of her friends exclaimed Iris your son-in-law is so generous
00:40:56 Iris was also very surprised and asked Vito
00:40:59 This bracelet is beautiful. I hope it didn't cost you too much
00:41:05 Not much mom just about thirty thousand dollars Vito smiled and said but the price isn't important
00:41:11 What matters is whether you like it?
00:41:14 Lily looked at the expensive emerald bracelet and was a little envious herself
00:41:18 Iris was ecstatic but pretended to protest
00:41:22 No Vito. This is way too expensive. I can't accept this gift. You should give it to Rose
00:41:28 Her friends jealous looks filled her with pride
00:41:32 Mom, it's only thirty thousand. How is that expensive?
00:41:35 Why don't you let your friends decide if it looks good on you?
00:41:39 Vito smiled casually and added if Rose likes it. I'll buy one for her, too
00:41:44 Okay, since you insist I'll keep it. Iris said as she excitedly put the bracelet on her wrist
00:41:51 Vito you're more than a son-in-law to me Iris said very seriously
00:41:57 You're a wonderful young man and a welcome addition to our family
00:42:02 After Iris said this she gave Dorothy a haughty look
00:42:06 Lily understood exactly what Iris meant by this
00:42:09 Vito was the general manager of
00:42:12 KWTD Corporation Chicago branch and Kevin was only a clerk in a small company. There was no comparison between the two
00:42:20 Kevin suddenly put down his coffee and got up to leave the room
00:42:24 Dorothy let out a little snort. She'd already decided that after this embarrassing afternoon
00:42:30 She would definitely let Lily and Kevin divorce
00:42:33 Dorothy why did your son-in-law just leave?
00:42:37 Iris asked in a tone that was full of ridicule
00:42:41 Maybe he has to get back to work Dorothy replied coldly
00:42:45 He's just a clerk. What could he possibly be so busy with?
00:42:50 Could it be that his tiny little company doesn't allow him to take a day off?
00:42:56 Iris said in disdain a few of the other women heard this and couldn't help but laugh
00:43:01 Now that there wasn't anyone there to ridicule their little gathering started to get a little boring
00:43:06 Just as some of them were thinking of leaving Kevin came back with a red gift bag in his hand
00:43:12 Why did you come back? Haven't you had enough?
00:43:16 Dorothy asked him in disgust
00:43:18 Lily sighed and walked over to Kevin she whispered in his ear
00:43:23 Just wait for me downstairs. There's no need to stay here and put up with this
00:43:27 But Kevin didn't say anything. He just gave her an enigmatic smile
00:43:32 Before they entered the cafe earlier. He'd already expected something like this would happen
00:43:37 So he texted Adriana and asked her to buy something special for him to present to his mother-in-law
00:43:43 Adriana had spent a lot of time in the upper class and knew how competitive some people could be
00:43:50 Kevin trusted her sense of taste so he figured the gift couldn't be too bad
00:43:54 Kevin slowly placed the bag in front of Dorothy and said in his sweetest voice
00:43:58 Mom Lily and I have been married for a long time now, and I've never given you anything decent
00:44:05 This gathering seems like a nice place to present you with something to show you how much you mean to me
00:44:12 Most of them figured that Kevin who was just a lowly clerk at a small company
00:44:17 Had bought her something from the supermarket across the street
00:44:20 It couldn't be nearly as nice as the expensive bracelet that Vito had just given to Iris
00:44:26 Dorothy could hear her friends whispering to each other and hesitated to open the gift bag while they watched
00:44:32 She couldn't handle any more embarrassment today
00:44:35 When she pulled the gift box out of the red bag
00:44:38 It was obvious that it came from an expensive store not one of those kiosks at the mall
00:44:44 Even before Dorothy opened the box. They all knew that whatever it was it wasn't a knockoff
00:44:50 Vito saw this as another opportunity to try and embarrass Kevin
00:44:54 The strategy hadn't gone too well when he asked about Kevin's car
00:44:58 But it was certain that this gift wouldn't be as expensive as the one he just given to Iris
00:45:03 How did you find that so quickly Kevin? Did you just grab it from one of the shops down the street?
00:45:09 Before Kevin could say anything Iris stood up and said quick Dorothy open it up
00:45:15 We're dying to see what your son-in-law just bought for you
00:45:19 The rest of her friends joined in egging her on
00:45:22 Dorothy took a deep breath and looked anxiously at the box
00:45:26 Finally she made up her mind. This would probably be another disappointment in her competition with Iris
00:45:33 But with all the peer pressure she had no choice
00:45:36 As soon as she got home. She was definitely going to make Lily divorce Kevin
00:45:40 The room grew silent as she opened the velvet box to reveal a sparkling diamond necklace
00:45:47 Kevin is this really from you?
00:45:50 Dorothy asked in disbelief. Do you like it mom Kevin asked with a smile?
00:45:55 But Dorothy's friends still didn't believe that it was a genuine diamond necklace
00:45:59 How could someone like Kevin afford to buy something so expensive?
00:46:03 On the other hand a chore looked like the diamonds were real
00:46:07 Vito felt his mouth go dry as he looked on even from where he was sitting
00:46:13 He could tell that the diamonds were genuine not cubics or conia like you could get at a department store
00:46:18 Who is this guy? He's not what I expected from all the rumors. I've been hearing Vito thought to himself
00:46:25 Lily got over her initial shock and tugged on Kevin's sleeve
00:46:29 Tell me honestly, where did you get this necklace a friend of mine gave it to me Kevin said very honestly
00:46:36 When Dorothy heard this she immediately wanted to throw the necklace in the trash. How could Kevin make her look like a fool?
00:46:43 Just then one of Dorothy's classmates walked over to her and asked may I take a look at your necklace?
00:46:50 I just studied jewelry appraisal in college, and I'd be happy to give you my opinion. Oh
00:46:56 All right
00:46:57 Dorothy said hesitantly before handing the necklace over to her a
00:47:01 Few minutes later the woman raised her head and then gave Kevin a puzzled look she said in my opinion
00:47:09 These diamonds are all real judging from the color and size of them. They're all top quality
00:47:15 Also, the cut and polish are exquisite
00:47:18 Obviously the work of an expert
00:47:21 She looked at the necklace again and added. I believe that this necklace has a value of at least
00:47:27 $200,000
00:47:30 Iris and Vito felt very awkward when they heard this the
00:47:34 $30,000 emerald bracelet that he'd given his new mother-in-law paled in comparison
00:47:39 Kevin are you really giving this necklace to me?
00:47:43 Dorothy was so shocked that she couldn't even speak clearly
00:47:46 Kevin didn't answer Dorothy's question instead. He asked her
00:47:51 Mom, do you really like it? Of course? I like it Dorothy answered without thinking
00:47:57 I'm happy that you like it Kevin said with a pleasant smile
00:48:01 Dorothy was so excited that she got a little short of breath as everyone watched she carefully put the necklace on
00:48:08 Her friends were envious and started commenting on how lucky she and Lily were to have Kevin in their family
00:48:14 One of them even invited them to visit them at their home
00:48:19 Dorothy was happy to have everyone sucking up to her for a change better yet
00:48:23 Iris and Vito were no longer the center of attention
00:48:26 Lily and Kevin left soon after and drove back to Corwin Tower
00:48:31 While they were heading down Lakeshore Drive Lily looked sideways at Kevin and asked him
00:48:35 I'm very curious to know what kind of friend would give you a necklace that's worth over
00:48:40 $200,000. Oh
00:48:43 It's just a friend who borrowed some money from me a while back Kevin answered carefully
00:48:49 Lily thought about this and said since he gave us such a valuable gift. We should at least invite him to dinner
00:48:55 Kevin wasn't sure if it was a good idea for Lily to meet his best friends yet. So he explained
00:49:01 He was just passing through town and working abroad for a couple years. I think he's already headed back
00:49:08 Lily could tell that Kevin was hiding something, but she didn't want to start an argument. She just shook her head silently
00:49:15 When they returned home Lily went to a room to rest
00:49:18 Kevin went to the study and pulled out the box that Dominic gave him and looked at the special blend of supplements
00:49:24 500,000 for a single herbal pill. This guy's definitely wealthy Kevin thought to himself
00:49:32 Then he opened one of the books that officer Emmett had let him borrow and flip through it
00:49:37 He found the instructions for putting the ingredients Dominic had given him into an energy drink
00:49:43 After carefully mixing everything and drinking the entire glass Kevin sat down on the living room couch
00:49:48 He didn't feel any different at first but about a half an hour later
00:49:52 He let out a long breath and felt a surge of energy
00:49:56 Even though it had been a long day. He changed his clothes and went to his home gym for a bodyweight workout
00:50:02 It was refreshing to do this in the comfort of his apartment looking out on the park from the top of Corwin Tower
00:50:10 The next morning Lily got a call from her family. They were having another meeting
00:50:14 She went down to the lobby and took a taxi to the Jones mansion a little while later
00:50:20 Kevin woke up from a very deep and refreshing night of sleep and went to his office at Williams Media
00:50:25 Kevin sat back in his comfortable office chair and murmured to himself
00:50:29 That blend Dominic gave me really was potent. I feel better already
00:50:35 Meanwhile, the Jones family was meeting to discuss how to move forward after all the upheaval in the past few days
00:50:41 Grandma Jones looked around the room at all the eager faces and said now that the kwtd
00:50:47 Corporation has invested 300 million dollars to help us get through this crisis
00:50:52 We only have 40% of our company's shares left. Do any of you have some ideas about what we should do next?
00:51:01 They were unsure how to deal with this while kwtd had saved them from bankruptcy
00:51:06 They didn't stand to see much profit at the end of the year
00:51:09 While they were wrestling with this dilemma Jason stood up and shared what was on his mind
00:51:14 Grandma, I've got an idea if it succeeds the Jones family will be back on top in no time. Jason said confidently
00:51:22 What do you propose?
00:51:24 Grandma Jones asked Jason explained
00:51:28 Grandma now that we've turned over 60% of our shares to kwtd. We may never be able to recover them
00:51:34 So Tyler Dawn now has controlling interest in our company. My suggestion is to forget about the 60% that we've lost
00:51:42 Let's sell off 10% of the shares we have left. We can use that as seed money to start a new company
00:51:49 That's how we'll make our comeback
00:51:51 That sounds like a good idea, but who would be willing to buy any of our shares grandma Jones asked worriedly
00:51:58 Grandma, don't forget that everyone knows that we're affiliated with kwtd corporation now Jason said with a smile
00:52:06 When someone buys our shares, it's like they're forming a business relationship with kwtd
00:52:11 We can use that to our advantage
00:52:14 One of his uncles had his doubts
00:52:17 But who would be able to buy our shares even 10% is a lot of money
00:52:21 They all look back at Jason wondering if he already had a plan
00:52:25 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:52:37 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:52:47 Don't worry everyone. I've been thinking about this for a while now Jason said proudly
00:52:53 I have a friend who definitely has enough money to buy 10% of our shares
00:52:58 And who might this friend of yours be grandma Jones asked grandma. Have you ever heard of Lucas Meriwether?
00:53:05 Jason asked with a smile
00:53:07 Suddenly the entire room filled with chatter. They had all heard of the five-time world champion of mixed martial arts
00:53:14 Everyone was surprised that Jason knew him personally after all he had dozens of martial arts schools not just in Chicago, but across the country
00:53:22 Lily sat calmly while the relatives around her were getting excited about this golden opportunity
00:53:29 But she felt that she should advise her grandmother not to sell the shares
00:53:33 However, Lily was too shy to speak up after all the whole mess had been caused by her father and his foolish investment advice
00:53:41 All right, Jason call. Mr. Meriwether right away
00:53:45 Grandma Jones exclaimed with a joyful expression on her face
00:53:49 Jason nodded took out his phone and called his friend because he was a show-off Jason put his phone on speaker mode
00:53:57 Hello, this is mr. Meriwether Jason said proudly. This is Jason. Are you free right now?
00:54:03 I have something I'd like to discuss with you
00:54:06 Lucas Meriwether's voice blared from the speaker
00:54:10 Mr. Meriwether the Jones family is planning to sell some shares
00:54:20 We'd rather sell them to you than to some strangers. So I'm wondering if you're interested
00:54:26 Jason felt very important as he saw the amazed look on his relatives faces
00:54:31 Meriwether said candidly
00:54:36 That's great Lucas have your driver take you to the Jones mansion, I'll be waiting for you here
00:54:48 Jason ended the call and turned around to speak to his grandmother
00:54:51 Grandma, it's settled. Mr. Meriwether will be here in a little while
00:54:57 You've shown yourself to be very useful Jason
00:55:00 Grandma Jones said with a smile if you succeed in making this deal with mr. Meriwether
00:55:06 I'll make sure you're next in line to lead the family business
00:55:10 Thank You grandma Jason replied sincerely
00:55:13 Inside he was jumping for joy
00:55:16 Then he gave Lily a proud look that told her it was thanks to her father Oliver that he had this chance to get back
00:55:22 in grandma's good graces
00:55:25 About a half an hour later two long limos pulled up at the mansion's entrance a moment later the family Butler announced
00:55:32 mrs. Jones
00:55:34 Lucas Meriwether has arrived as
00:55:37 The tall powerful man walked into the reception room followed by his assistants
00:55:42 Jason quickly brought grandma Jones to welcome them. Thank you for coming. So quickly Jason said sincerely
00:55:49 How could I make a good friend wait Meriwether said graciously?
00:55:54 I appreciate your confidence in me. Please. Let me introduce you to my grandmother the Jones company CEO
00:56:01 Jason said as he shook Meriwether's hand warmly
00:56:04 Mrs. Jones Meriwether said as he offered his hand to greet her
00:56:09 Welcome to the Jones mansion. Mr. Meriwether
00:56:12 Grandma had a strange feeling as she shook his hand, but she didn't pay attention to it
00:56:17 Then she gestured to the comfortable leather armchair next to hers and said, please have a seat
00:56:24 After Meriwether sat down the Jones family members who were in the room sat quietly as they waited to see the outcome of this meeting
00:56:31 Next Jason gave Meriwether a detailed explanation of his plan and how he hoped to get his support for it
00:56:38 Unbelievable Meriwether said angrily the KWTD corporation really made this outrageous offer
00:56:46 That's right Lucas, and that's why my family wants to sell you our shares Jason agreed
00:56:53 Meriwether thought for a while before he made his offer
00:56:55 I'm willing to pay
00:56:58 150 million dollars for 10% of the Jones company shares
00:57:02 This announcement shocked all of them including grandma Jones. She couldn't hide her joy
00:57:08 Grandma had been expecting Meriwether to offer half that amount at most
00:57:13 Jason was also stunned. Mr. Meriwether. Are you serious? We can't thank you enough for this generous offer
00:57:21 No need to thank me Meriwether replied with a strange expression on his face
00:57:25 Money's not a problem for me, but I do have one condition
00:57:30 What condition is that? Mr. Meriwether grandma Jones asked him without thinking
00:57:35 It's very simple. He replied calmly then he looked around the room like he was searching for something or someone
00:57:42 Jason has told me about a cousin of his who was young and very beautiful. I've admired her for a long time
00:57:49 So mrs. Jones, I'm not here to just talk about shares
00:57:53 I hope you will give me your blessing to marry your granddaughter Meriwether said with a smile
00:57:58 This was unexpected to say the least the Joneses weren't sure what to think
00:58:04 It was unusual to make this kind of request in the middle of a business deal
00:58:08 What made things even more awkward was that everyone knew that the most beautiful person in the entire family was Lily
00:58:15 But she was already married
00:58:17 I'm not sure what you're talking about. Jason said with some hesitation
00:58:21 Jason how could you forget? I've admired your cousin Lily for a long time Meriwether smiled casually
00:58:29 Before Jason could answer Lily stood up and said emphatically
00:58:33 Mr. Meriwether, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm already married
00:58:38 Yes, mr. Meriwether Lily has been married for almost three years
00:58:44 Perhaps you'll consider one of my other granddaughters grandma Jones said awkwardly
00:58:49 Meriwether smiled and replied
00:58:52 To tell you the truth. I only came here for Lily
00:58:55 Otherwise, I wouldn't be negotiating with you today. Then he added she can always get a divorce. Can't she?
00:59:02 Grandma Jones's mood had changed from joy to disappointment
00:59:06 Mr. Meriwether, you can't be serious
00:59:11 Do I look like I'm joking he replied sternly
00:59:14 Jason was at a loss for words. He hadn't expected his friend to do something like this
00:59:19 Then Meriwether sneered and said miss Jones. You really ought to consider my offer
00:59:26 I've already had my advisors investigate the situation
00:59:29 Lily's husband is in no position to help your family get through this crisis
00:59:34 He paused for a moment and added you have no choice, but to sell me your shares
00:59:40 Do you think there's anyone else in all of Chicago who'd be willing to pay?
00:59:43 150 million dollars for your useless shares
00:59:47 But Lily is already married
00:59:50 It wouldn't be appropriate for me to offer her to you as part of a business deal. Grandma Jones explained haltingly
00:59:58 if
01:00:00 150 million isn't enough. I'll make it
01:00:03 225 million Meriwether countered as he smiled and looked at Lily
01:00:09 According to my sources her husband hasn't touched her in three years
01:00:13 Grandma Jones couldn't bear to hear this her family listened in complete silence
01:00:18 But part of her was actually weighing the offer
01:00:21 After all Meriwether was willing to give them over 200 million dollars while Kevin had contributed nothing to the family in three years
01:00:30 And Lily's life would certainly be much easier if she were married to Meriwether
01:00:36 Then he walked slowly over to Lily and said we don't know each other, but I could learn to love you
01:00:42 When he finished speaking Meriwether grabbed Lily by the wrist
01:00:46 Mr. Meriwether, please let go Lily struggled hard, but she wasn't strong enough to break his grip
01:00:54 Your whole family is okay with this just ask them. He said as his mouth broke into an evil smile
01:01:01 The whole family was shocked by the way this promising business deal had turned ugly so quickly
01:01:07 Let go of my daughter right now
01:01:10 Dorothy roared angrily
01:01:12 Even though she didn't like Kevin. He was still her daughter's husband
01:01:16 Everyone else joined in and demanded that Meriwether let Lily go after all he was in their home
01:01:23 Not one of his martial arts schools. This was outrageous behavior
01:01:28 Lily didn't know where she got the strength, but she managed to push the man away
01:01:32 Meriwether turned around and looked at grandma Jones who was so angry. She was trembling then he spoke to Jason
01:01:39 I thought you asked me here in good faith. I'm very disappointed in you
01:01:44 Mr. Meriwether, please don't be angry Jason pleaded then he turned around and said loudly to grandma Jones
01:01:52 I think you should marry Lily to Lucas we can always offer Kevin some money to settle with him
01:01:58 But grandma Jones didn't respond. So Jason tried again
01:02:01 Grandma, we can't let the entire family be ruined just to save Lily's reputation
01:02:07 Grandma Jones was at a loss for words
01:02:09 None of them knew what to say to the man seeing Meriwether and his bodyguards Lily lost all hope and gave up
01:02:17 Tears silently flowed down her cheeks in the middle of all of this. The first person Lily thought of was actually Kevin
01:02:25 Kevin, please come quickly and save me from this beast Lily prayed
01:02:29 Just as Meriwether was leaning down to kiss her a powerful hand grabbed his neck from behind
01:02:35 This made him furious. He let go of Lily and as he turned around he cursed
01:02:41 Who the hell did that?
01:02:44 Get away from my wife
01:02:46 Kevin growled at him
01:02:49 Kevin, please save me Lily said tearfully when she saw Kevin
01:02:54 So you're Lily's piece of crap husband Meriwether said with disdain. This is none of your damn business
01:03:02 Lily's mine now
01:03:04 The anger flashed in Kevin's eyes as he grabbed Meriwether's arm and pulled him away from Lily
01:03:10 Then he threw the big man 10 feet away
01:03:13 The room shook as Meriwether's body hit the wall
01:03:17 The onlookers were shocked to see Kevin show of strength, but they knew that Meriwether was a highly trained fighter
01:03:24 Kevin was definitely in trouble now
01:03:26 Do you have some kind of death wish Meriwether bellowed as he stared at Kevin coldly?
01:03:32 Well as long as you're here today, you'll save me the trouble of hunting you down
01:03:37 Then he rushed toward Kevin like some kind of ferocious animal
01:03:41 Everyone was certain that Kevin was a goner now not even his friends could save him Lily shouted
01:03:48 Kevin run you can't beat him. They all watched helplessly as the powerful man attack Kevin
01:03:54 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:04:03 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:04:15 Kevin and Meriwether were fighting right in the main reception room of the Jones mansion
01:04:20 Although Kevin had taught Jason a lesson at Grandma Jones's birthday party
01:04:24 Lily doubted that her husband could beat Meriwether, but it made her feel good to see Kevin stand up for her. Hurry Kevin get out
01:04:31 Lily shouted as she ran to grab her phone and call the police
01:04:35 Kevin acted as if he didn't hear Lily's warning and just stood there calmly facing Meriwether
01:04:41 Once her phone connected Lily said this is an emergency
01:04:45 Come to the Jones family mansion right away. There's a terrible fight
01:04:49 Lily's voice trailed off over the phone. The police operator could hear the fight going on in the background
01:04:56 The Joneses were all amazed to see Kevin standing there tightly clenching Meriwether's fist
01:05:02 With your punching speed you should consider going into the martial arts. Kevin said sarcastically
01:05:08 How dare you mock me Meriwether snarled while Kevin was holding his fist
01:05:14 Meriwether turned and gave him a powerful kick to the head the 911 operator told Lily
01:05:20 The MMA champion Lucas Meriwether is attacking my husband Lily cried
01:05:31 Everyone closed their eyes. They were sure that Kevin would be severely injured by the kick a
01:05:37 Cold smile emerged on Meriwether's face. He had used this move to knock out a lot of his opponents
01:05:43 But in the next second to everyone's surprise
01:05:46 Kevin calmly reached out his left hand and grabbed Meriwether by the ankle when he squeezed his hands together
01:05:53 Meriwether screamed in agony
01:05:56 Then Kevin grabbed Meriwether's hands and feet and threw him onto the ground with a dull thud
01:06:01 Everyone there including Meriwether's bodyguards were stunned
01:06:07 They couldn't believe he had beaten the world champion so easily
01:06:10 Before Meriwether could get up from the floor Kevin put his foot on the man's chest pinning him down
01:06:16 So what were you saying about my wife you arrogant bastard?
01:06:21 Kevin said as he leaned down and slapped Meriwether on the face
01:06:25 Stop hitting me. I was wrong Meriwether begged him
01:06:30 So you admit that you were wrong, then maybe you should apologize
01:06:35 Kevin said coldly all right. I apologize
01:06:38 Meriwether said in a muffled voice
01:06:41 Not to me to Lily
01:06:44 After Kevin finished speaking he glared at Meriwether's bodyguards none of them dared to move
01:06:50 They knew that they couldn't beat their boss even if they joined forces
01:06:54 Seeing how easily Kevin had defeated Meriwether. How could they possibly stand a chance?
01:06:59 Never Meriwether said bitterly
01:07:03 Never Kevin grabbed the man by the collar and raised his palm to slap him. This is unbelievable
01:07:10 They all thought was this really happening
01:07:12 Lily gulped in disbelief
01:07:15 She'd been married to Kevin for three years and had never seen the side of him
01:07:19 Kevin gave Meriwether another punch to the jaw it looked like he may have knocked out a couple of his teeth
01:07:25 We're still waiting Kevin said threateningly. I'll do it. I'll do it just stop hitting me Meriwether begged
01:07:34 Kevin turned the big man to face Lily as everyone looked on in shock Meriwether said Lily
01:07:40 Mrs.. Williams, I'm sorry. I should never have done this. Please forgive me
01:07:45 Before Lily could say anything Kevin said I'll call the police now and let them handle this
01:07:51 I've already called the police Lily said softly
01:07:55 Kevin nodded and lowered Meriwether to the floor then he turned around and looked at the man's bodyguards
01:08:01 He ordered them come over and sit on the floor with your hands on your heads
01:08:06 They frowned and looked at each other. What are you waiting for?
01:08:10 Come over here and sit down next to me Meriwether shouted at them. Yes, sir
01:08:15 They replied and sat on the floor to wait for the police a few minutes later. They all heard sirens approaching the mansion
01:08:23 Officer Emmett walked in followed by several backup officers
01:08:27 What's this all about she asked then she looked at Meriwether and his bodyguards sitting quietly on the floor with their hands on their heads
01:08:35 What's going on? Why are these guys sitting on the floor?
01:08:38 officer Emmett frowned and asked
01:08:41 Officer please help me before Meriwether could finish what he was saying Kevin grabbed him by his throat
01:08:48 Kevin what are you doing? You can't do that in front of a police officer officer Emmett said
01:08:55 Well officer Emmett. I've already guessed what Meriwether was about to say. He just wants to complain
01:09:01 I figured I'd save you some time and just make him shut up
01:09:04 Kevin said calmly
01:09:07 Officer Emmett rolled her eyes at Kevin then she turned to the other officers and asked them to have two more cars sent over
01:09:13 She looked at the Jones family standing in a big circle then pointed at the men sitting on the floor and added
01:09:20 Take these guys back to the station for questioning after officer Emmett finished giving these instructions. She turned to Kevin and Lily and said
01:09:27 Please follow me
01:09:29 Of course officer Emmett Kevin said as he shrugged his shoulders
01:09:32 Then he hesitated for a moment before saying does my wife have to go?
01:09:38 She was a little frightened by all of this and she should go get some rest. It's fine
01:09:43 I can go with you Lily said worriedly
01:09:47 Officer Emmett said I'll be in touch ma'am. Then she nodded at Kevin and said let's go
01:09:52 Kevin turned to Lily and said go home and rest up. I'll be back soon
01:09:58 Then he and officer Emmett left the Jones mansion
01:10:01 Kevin sat down in the front seat of officer Emmett's cruiser
01:10:05 She put it into gear and drove through the gate toward the city after about 10 minutes Kevin asked her
01:10:11 Aren't we going to the police station?
01:10:14 He knew that they weren't in the right neighborhood
01:10:17 You know the police station pretty well, don't you officer Emmett gave him an odd look and then smiled
01:10:23 Don't look at me like that. He said I drive by the police station all the time and this is definitely the wrong direction
01:10:30 What's going on?
01:10:32 Forget it. I won't tease you anymore. She said in a slightly playful tone
01:10:36 Actually, I already know what kind of guy Meriwether is I can find out all I need to know from the Jones family
01:10:44 Suddenly Kevin's eyes lit up that pill I made actually helped you didn't it? How did you guess she said in surprise?
01:10:52 I'm not just another pretty face Kevin joked don't flatter yourself
01:10:57 Officer Emmett said as she went back to looking at the road as they got closer to downtown
01:11:03 The traffic started to back up even though it wasn't rush hour yet
01:11:07 Officer Emmett slowed down and squeezed into the next lane over
01:11:11 Kevin she said do you have another one of those pills?
01:11:14 Officer Emmett what kind of man do you think I am? I don't just go around handing out pills
01:11:21 Kevin replied as he smiled casually I
01:11:24 Really didn't expect it to have such a great effect on me a few hours after you left. I started to feel fantastic
01:11:30 Officer Emmett said enthusiastically if you have one left over me I have it she asked awkwardly
01:11:38 The supplement has already done its work. Why would you want another one Kevin asked he found her request puzzling?
01:11:45 She didn't strike him as someone who was greedy. I have a very good friend who needs some help she explained
01:11:52 She knew that something this miraculous would be difficult to make herself
01:11:56 Somehow Kevin seemed to have a gift for it. I'm not sure I can help he explained honestly I
01:12:03 Understand officer Emmett answered he could see in her eyes that she was disappointed
01:12:08 However, there may be a way for me to help your friend Kevin said with a smile how?
01:12:14 Officer Emmett's face lit up
01:12:17 Kevin glanced at her first then asked do you know Dominic Archer? I sold him one a couple of days ago
01:12:23 You mean you want me to pay for it officer Emmett asked Kevin slowly nodded his head
01:12:30 He hadn't heard a lot of the ingredients in the recipes that he'd found if he wanted to keep
01:12:36 Experimenting with this herbal medicine he'd need a lot of money
01:12:39 But he couldn't use any of the Williams Media or KWTD corporation assets to pay for his personal research
01:12:46 He wanted those companies to continue to grow because he knew he'd need them in the future
01:12:51 So he had to fund the project himself as long as your friend is willing to pay I can do it Kevin said calmly
01:13:00 Don't worry money isn't a problem. My friend is pretty well off
01:13:03 Then officer Emmett asked curiously. How do you know Dominic Archer? And how much did he pay for your pill?
01:13:10 How did I meet him? I'd rather not talk about it Kevin casually said but he didn't pay much just
01:13:17 500,000
01:13:19 Officer Emmett slammed on the brakes when she heard this how much did he pay?
01:13:24 officer Emmett repeated
01:13:27 500,000 didn't you say that your friend could afford it Kevin said with a smirk of
01:13:31 Course Kevin knew very well that officer Emmett's friend would never be able to afford to pay that much
01:13:37 After all hardly anyone in the whole city was as rich as Dominic as Kevin expected officer Emmett didn't say anything else
01:13:44 She just quietly followed the car in front of them and slowly crossed the next intersection
01:13:49 Let's go to the police station for a statement officer Emmett said blankly
01:13:55 Officer Emmett I consider us to be friends. Why don't I give your friend a 20% discount Kevin said nervously
01:14:02 Was Kevin really afraid of going down to the police station? Of course not
01:14:07 He knew that Meriwether was completely in the wrong. Although he may have gotten a little carried away defending Lily against the bully
01:14:14 Kevin was acting anxious so he could give officer Emmett a way out a
01:14:20 20% discount isn't that still a few hundred thousand officer Emmett said sadly
01:14:25 Kevin are you teasing me? Are you having fun?
01:14:29 He knew that she couldn't possibly afford to help her friend. No matter how generous she was
01:14:34 Forget about it officer Emmett. I value our relationship in the short time. I've known you we faced a lot together
01:14:41 Even fought side by side. I'll just give you the pill Kevin said gently
01:14:48 Really officer Emmett said as she pulled to the curb and slammed on the brakes again
01:14:52 Her sudden move caught Kevin off guard and he grabbed the armrest
01:14:56 Officer Emmett, can you please be more careful? I can give you the pill, but I do have one condition
01:15:03 Kevin said nonchalantly I knew it. I already told you I can't afford it
01:15:09 So if you're asking for any money, we can forget about the whole thing
01:15:12 officer Emmett said bluntly
01:15:15 Don't worry. The condition I want is very simple. All you have to do is say, please
01:15:22 Kevin said with a smile
01:15:24 officer Emmett turned her head and continued driving a
01:15:28 Few minutes later. She said okay, please give me the pill for my friend
01:15:33 Wasn't that easy?
01:15:35 Kevin said with a smile then he took a small bottle out of his pocket and poured the pill out into his hand
01:15:42 Thank you. Officer Emmett said gratefully then she quickly took out her phone and called her friend. Hello. Where are you right now?
01:15:50 I've got the pill she made a u-turn and started to head back out of the city
01:15:55 Where are we going now?
01:15:57 Kevin won. Hi guys Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:16:07 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:16:16 His officer Emmett was driving Kevin away from the Jones family mansion in her squad car. She decided to ask him for a favor
01:16:25 She needed one of the herbal pills that he'd made so she could help a friend
01:16:30 When Kevin finally agreed she picked up her phone and called her friend to say she was on the way
01:16:36 All right, wait for me there
01:16:38 Officer Emmett said as she hung up the phone
01:16:40 She turned her head and said to Kevin my friend is having breakfast at the Whitsler Hotel. We're almost there
01:16:47 So let's head over to meet him
01:16:48 After hearing officer Emmett say that her friend was having breakfast at the Whitsler. Kevin had an idea of who it was
01:16:55 Anybody who has such an expensive breakfast has to be a snob Kevin commented
01:17:01 Officer Emmett was surprised to hear this
01:17:04 Realizing that something was wrong. She said Kevin. My friend is just a little spoiled by his family. So sometimes he splurges
01:17:10 Please promise me you won't bicker with him. Okay?
01:17:14 All right, I'll go with you
01:17:16 But let's get one thing clear first if this friend of yours isn't polite. I may not just hand over the pill
01:17:22 Kevin said calmly
01:17:24 When they arrived at the Whitsler Hotel, they took the elevator up to a private room on the third floor as he opened the door
01:17:31 Kevin noticed that there were five or six couples in the room
01:17:34 Based on the way they were dressed Kevin was even more certain that they were just snobs who had nothing to do all day long a
01:17:41 Well-dressed man walked up and stood next officer Emmett. It was Sherwin Blair
01:17:47 He took her by the hand and introduced her to everyone
01:17:50 I'd like you to meet my fiancee Kelly Emmett. I'm sorry. He paused for a moment
01:17:58 Lieutenant Emmett as you can see by her uniform
01:18:01 One of his table companions said delighted to meet you. When are you getting married? We can't wait to attend your wedding
01:18:09 Soon soon, but let me tell you something else. He replied today. We have another surprise
01:18:16 Mrs. Blair just brought me a miraculous herbal pill. He said happily
01:18:23 Sherwin how many times have I told you we aren't married yet. So it's too soon for anyone to call me. Mrs. Blair
01:18:30 Officer Emmett said with a hint of irritation in her voice
01:18:33 My fiancee is just a little nervous. Please don't be offended Blair replied
01:18:39 Just then one of them looked at Kevin and asked abruptly
01:18:43 Isn't this the guy who married into the Jones family? What's he doing here?
01:18:48 There was an awkward pause then Blair turned toward Kevin and sneered
01:18:53 Are you lost? This is the Whitsler Hotel, you know, they don't just let anyone come in here
01:18:59 Then why can't I be here Kevin asked with a smirk?
01:19:03 Everyone knows that the Jones family is desperate to find people to buy shares in their company
01:19:10 They'll be bankrupt soon, and there's nothing they can do about it Blair said in a snobby tone
01:19:15 Then he glanced at Kevin and added can you even afford to eat here?
01:19:21 You probably should have stayed at home
01:19:23 Shut up Sherwin officer Emmett said angrily Kevin was kind enough to bring you the herbal remedy. I was telling you about
01:19:31 Everyone in the room was shocked when they heard that they really didn't expect Blair's girlfriend to defend Kevin
01:19:38 What shocked them even more was that Kevin actually had an herbal supplement that could help Blair
01:19:44 It was a rare skill and there were a lot of rich people who were desperate to have access to the latest breakthroughs
01:19:51 They really doubted that Kevin had the ability to help their friend
01:19:55 Kelly you can be so gullible
01:19:57 Kevin is obviously playing you for a fool Blair said arrogantly
01:20:02 Think about it. How could someone like him have any knowledge or skill to make an effective herbal remedy?
01:20:10 Before officer Emmett could respond Kevin spoke up
01:20:14 Because officer Emmett and I are friends. I was going to give you a good price
01:20:18 But now I've decided to increase it by 30%
01:20:22 Kevin what are you doing?
01:20:25 Officer Emmett asked him in shock
01:20:27 She knew how much Dominic had paid Kevin an increase of 30% would be a fortune
01:20:33 Kevin shook his head and answered her. I haven't done anything to these people and they're treating me. So rudely. What did you expect?
01:20:41 So what I'm not going to waste any more time talking to someone like you Blair said
01:20:48 Consciously
01:20:49 Listen carefully
01:20:50 He said with a sneer the only reason Kelly has made any progress is her training in her healthy diet
01:20:57 It has nothing to do with that stupid pill of yours
01:21:00 I'm warning you right now. He continued angrily if you do something like this again, you won't like what happens
01:21:09 Sherwin why are you saying this?
01:21:12 Kevin is my friend and I'm the one who brought him here today
01:21:16 Officer Emmett asked him she was getting very upset
01:21:19 Kelly Kevin is obviously a liar. Don't be fooled your sudden improvement has nothing to do with him
01:21:27 He answered firmly
01:21:29 Kevin took a deep breath. He couldn't believe officer Emmett had such a jerk for a boyfriend
01:21:34 Okay, since her progress had nothing to do with me, then I guess I'll leave
01:21:40 Kevin turned around and started to head for the door
01:21:44 Stop who said you could leave without asking for permission?
01:21:47 Blair snapped at him
01:21:50 Enough Sherwin you're hurting my feelings
01:21:53 officer Emmett said angrily
01:21:56 Just then the door opened from the outside
01:21:58 Five or six waiters came in carrying enormous trays
01:22:02 They were used to scenes like this and started serving the meal like nothing was wrong
01:22:08 Blair gave officer Emmett a bewildered look
01:22:11 He didn't know why his girlfriend trusted Kevin so much
01:22:15 But he figured it wouldn't be worth it to have a fight with her over some useless loser
01:22:20 So Blair took a deep breath and said all right, Kelly
01:22:24 He can eat with us today, but I'm only doing this as a favor to you
01:22:28 Seeing Blair given officer Emmett's expression softened up a little then she turned to Kevin and said apologetically
01:22:36 I know this didn't get off to a great start, but can you please stay for the meal?
01:22:41 Is a favor to me? I'll definitely make sure Sherwin apologizes to you later
01:22:46 All right, I'll stay
01:22:49 Kevin nodded slightly as he tossed the herbal pill to officer Emmett
01:22:53 Thank you. She said gratefully then officer Emmett gestured for Kevin to take a seat
01:22:59 She turned to Blair and said just trust me. Okay, take this
01:23:03 Blair didn't want to risk making her angry again. So he took the pill and swallowed it
01:23:09 Then he stood up with a glass of rosé in his hand and said
01:23:12 Kevin at Kelly's request you're our guest today
01:23:17 Kevin thought this was pretty funny. He could eat at the Whistler Hotel anytime that he wanted
01:23:22 Blair saw that this hadn't gotten much of a reaction from Kevin
01:23:26 He sneered and went on with his insulting toast. The Jones family is on the verge of bankruptcy
01:23:32 So as a favor to Kelly I can instruct our company to hire you on as a building custodian
01:23:39 Starting salary would be let's say
01:23:41 $1,500 a month. How about it?
01:23:44 The whole room burst into laughter
01:23:46 One of the guests said you're too generous. Mr. Blair. Just make sure he can do a good job cleaning the restrooms
01:23:54 Officer Emmett was embarrassed
01:23:57 She suddenly felt guilty that she'd brought Kevin along if she hadn't insisted Kevin wouldn't be in this humiliating situation
01:24:05 So you're Sherwin Blair Kevin said with a mocking smile
01:24:09 Hardly anyone has heard of you. Do you really think you're a big shot?
01:24:14 The room got quiet all of the sudden they all knew that Blair was hot-tempered and wouldn't put up with Kevin's insults
01:24:21 But Blair held his anger in so he wouldn't upset officer Emmett. He shouted at Kevin
01:24:26 So this is how you respond to my generous offer. You really are a lowlife
01:24:32 Look who's calling me a lowlife. You should take a good look in the mirror Kevin replied spitefully
01:24:39 Blair threw his wineglass on the floor shards of glass went everywhere
01:24:44 Just as he was about to make a move toward Kevin
01:24:47 The door was flung open and Drake hurried into the room followed by a few of his bodyguards
01:24:52 What's going on here? Who's causing trouble Drake growled as he looked around the room
01:24:59 Kevin was sitting with his back facing the door. So Drake didn't recognize him yet. One of the people whispered to the others
01:25:05 This is Drake. He's the head of security here. They all knew the place he had in Chicago's underworld
01:25:12 Suddenly Blair had an idea. He straightened out his tie and walked towards Drake with a smile on his face
01:25:18 Hello, sir. I wonder if you still remember me Blair said warmly
01:25:24 My father and I brought some gifts to Mitchell Cook's birthday party
01:25:28 When his breakfast companions heard that he knew someone like Drake they were very impressed. Who are you? Drake replied brusquely
01:25:36 Did you throw the glass? I don't like troublemakers
01:25:39 Blair's face froze. He immediately pointed at Kevin and explained excitedly
01:25:45 Sir, I'm Sherwin Blair. Perhaps you've heard of me. I'm not the one causing trouble today
01:25:51 He's the one who broke the wineglass. He was also very rude to my girlfriend
01:25:56 Please show him the exit for me Blair said pretentiously
01:26:00 However, Drake didn't seem to hear what he was saying. He was frowning and staring at Kevin's back
01:26:05 Kevin took a sip of his coffee and said Drake. Are you really sure you want to do that?
01:26:11 Be careful how you talk to this man Blair scolded him
01:26:16 They were all very upset by Kevin's attitude and were afraid that Drake would take it out on them all
01:26:22 Just then Drake reached out and took Blair forcibly by the elbow
01:26:26 What's the meaning of this? The man asked he had no idea why Drake was doing this
01:26:32 Stay right here. Drake growled at him after saying this. He slowly walked over and stood in front of Kevin as
01:26:39 Everyone watched in amazement Drake offered his hand and apologized. I'm so sorry. Mr. Williams. This is all my fault
01:26:47 I didn't recognize you right away, sir. Drake said nervously you could have heard a pin drop
01:26:53 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire
01:26:59 Exclusively on the pocket FM app click the link in the description to install the app now
01:27:04 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:27:16 That's okay Drake, how could you have known it was me Kevin calmly sat back in his chair and sipped his coffee
01:27:22 Mr. Williams, I had no idea that you were eating here today
01:27:26 Unfortunately, we're not prepared for you. Would you like me to set up one of the upstairs rooms for you? Drake asked politely
01:27:33 Blair and his guests couldn't believe their ears
01:27:36 They had never been offered one of the upstairs private rooms. The highest they ever got was the third floor
01:27:43 Only the most influential people in Chicago were invited upstairs
01:27:46 Not today. Thanks Kevin casually replied
01:27:50 All right, mr. Williams since you're okay with this room. I won't force you
01:27:55 After saying this Drake immediately turned around and said to one of his brownie bodyguards
01:28:01 Go and tell the manager in the lobby downstairs to make arrangements all the expenses in this room around the house
01:28:07 The group had no idea what to think they just spent a half an hour being rude to Kevin and now Drake was treating him
01:28:15 Like royalty as the man was walking out of the room to carry out Drake's instructions
01:28:20 Kevin suddenly put down his coffee cup wait
01:28:23 Kevin said amiably I only drank half a cup of coffee. Just ask him to count my coffee
01:28:30 Then Kevin slowly stood up and glanced at Blair who was standing there in shock
01:28:35 He chuckled quietly and left the room
01:28:38 Go back to work Drake. I'm going to take a stroll Kevin said nonchalantly
01:28:43 Okay, mr. Williams. Enjoy your walk. If you need anything, just let me know
01:28:47 Drake gestured for his men to follow him out of the room a moment later officer Emmett sped out of the room and ran after Kevin
01:28:55 Kevin where are you going? She asked an embarrassment. I'm going home Kevin answered her indifferently
01:29:02 Why don't I take you home? Officer Emmett offered? I'm really sorry for all this. I didn't expect it to get so unpleasant
01:29:09 It's no big deal. They're just a bunch of rich spoiled brats Kevin said very calmly
01:29:16 Officer Emmett seemed happy to hear that he was taking it so well
01:29:19 Thank you so much. I can't let you take a taxi home. Let me give you a ride
01:29:25 Officer Emmett said cheerfully Kevin nodded his head and said, okay
01:29:31 Kevin and officer Emmett had just gotten to the parking lot when Blair ran over to them
01:29:35 Kelly, what are you doing Blair asked in confusion?
01:29:39 Then he glared at Kevin. He figured Drake had been so nice to him because he was related to grandma Jones
01:29:46 Blair knew that Mitchell cook had given grandma a birthday present. So it made sense for them to be welcoming to Kevin
01:29:53 I'm taking Kevin home. You know, I brought him here to help you after all this
01:29:58 I just can't leave him here without a ride officer Emmett explained
01:30:02 It was clear that she was pissed at him when Blair heard this. He got a little angry
01:30:07 Kelly, what do you mean? How can this loser be your friend? You'd better go back inside right now
01:30:15 Officer Emmett gave Blair a nasty look and said to Kevin ignore him. Let's go
01:30:21 Just then a long black car with tinted windows screeched to a stop in front of them
01:30:27 The door opened and someone fired what must have been tranquilizer darts at them
01:30:32 Not good Kevin thought to himself
01:30:35 But before he could react he felt the world spinning as he fell heavily to the ground
01:30:41 The three of them woke up one after another in what looked like the basement of an industrial building
01:30:47 They weren't sure how long they'd been there a few bare light bulbs were giving off a dim yellow light
01:30:54 Kevin got up and looked through the tiny window of the heavy steel door and saw five or six burly men standing guard not far away
01:31:01 Do you know who I am?
01:31:04 Hurry up and let us go or I'll make you suffer
01:31:07 Blair shouted as he pounded on the door
01:31:10 What are you yelling about? One of the men said impatiently
01:31:14 Hurry up and let me go Blair roared loudly
01:31:19 Suddenly one of the other men barked pull him out
01:31:24 Moments later two strong men opened the iron door and pulled Blair out of the room
01:31:29 Kevin wanted to take this opportunity to fight back but realized that he was still under the effects of the tranquilizer
01:31:35 He felt too weak to do anything right now
01:31:38 Let me go Blair said as he struggled with all his might a second later
01:31:44 A man dressed in black from head to toe punched him hard on the jaw
01:31:49 Knocking out a couple of his teeth blood instantly began pouring out of his mouth
01:31:53 Then he punched Blair in the stomach. He collapsed to the floor writhing in pain
01:31:59 That should calm him down the man said with disdain
01:32:03 Who do you people think you are?
01:32:06 Officer Emmett asked indignantly. I'm a lieutenant at the 30th District Station
01:32:11 One of the men walked into the room and said menacingly
01:32:15 We know who you are officer Emmett. That's why you're here
01:32:19 You know me officer Emmett asked in confusion
01:32:23 Have you forgotten already you captured dozens of my men lately?
01:32:28 Then he added the day before yesterday. You were looking everywhere for me
01:32:34 Xavier Marshall officer Emmett finally reacted from the Alliance. What do you want from me?
01:32:42 Officer Emmett knew that they were in trouble. These were desperate criminals
01:32:46 Kevin wondered what's the Alliance?
01:32:49 Marshall took a long look at Kevin and Blair
01:32:52 Officer Emmett you must be very happy today. You have very handsome companions
01:32:59 Don't talk nonsense Blair growled angrily. I have nothing to do with this useless bastard
01:33:08 Shut up. I don't care what's going on between you. But as long as you're all here, I may not let you go so easily
01:33:15 Marshall said with an evil smile
01:33:18 Marshall let them go. I was the one who gave the order for your men to be arrested. It's my responsibility not theirs
01:33:26 Officer Emmett pleaded with him. She knew very well. What kind of dangerous organization the Alliance was
01:33:33 They were cruel and often cold-blooded in their methods and her department had been trying to stop them for years
01:33:40 But she had no idea what to do to get out of this mess
01:33:44 She's right Blair said this obviously is between the two of you. Not me. Let me go and I'll pay you whatever you want
01:33:53 Blair was panicked when he realized the men were from the Alliance
01:33:58 How much can you give me Marshall sneered then? He said now that I've captured officer Emmett
01:34:05 I'm in a good mood. So I'll give you a chance if you can name a price that I like I'll let you go
01:34:11 I'll pay five million for officer Emmett's life in my own Blair quickly replied
01:34:18 Five million. Do you really think that's enough then Marshall smiled cruelly?
01:34:24 Anyway, I didn't say that officer Emmett's life was part of the deal
01:34:29 Then Marshall turned around and looked at Kevin since you're friends with them. I figure you're not too poor yourself
01:34:37 Tell me how much money would you pay in exchange for your life?
01:34:41 When Kevin heard this he clenched his fist. He never thought that Marshall would ask him this kind of question
01:34:48 He's just a freeloader and he doesn't have any money at all Blair told him and I'm not friends with him either
01:34:55 He paused for a moment and then made another offer if you don't think five million is enough. I'll give you another million
01:35:02 Just let me go
01:35:04 When officer Emmett heard Blair say this her heart sank
01:35:07 Kevin looked at Marshall and he could tell that the man didn't care what happened to them. He said to himself
01:35:13 I don't think he plans to let us go at all
01:35:17 Marshall looked at Kevin and said well, I guess money isn't everything you can't blame me for asking
01:35:24 Then he said to one of his men take him outside
01:35:27 Toss him in the lake when you're done with him
01:35:30 Blair got excited when he heard that he thought that Marshall was going to accept his offer and only kill Kevin as
01:35:37 Soon as they let him go. He'd call the police to rescue officer Emmett. She'd have to be grateful to him for that
01:35:44 Suddenly Kevin said very calmly wait, I don't have six million dollars, but you may be interested in my ring
01:35:52 Kevin showed him the ring he had taken from Dominic Archer
01:35:55 Kevin had a feeling that there was something special about the ring, but he didn't know exactly what it was
01:36:01 The only thing he was sure of was that it was an antique and it was worth a lot of money
01:36:07 But if he couldn't figure out its secret, then it would be useless to him
01:36:11 He might as well just give the ring to Marshall in exchange for his life
01:36:15 As Marshall took a good look at the ring his face grew more and more serious
01:36:20 Where did you get this ring from? He asked he had a feeling he knew but he just had to be sure
01:36:27 Seeing Marshall's reaction Kevin decided to string him along
01:36:31 Where did the ring come from? Do you really need me to explain it to you?
01:36:37 Kevin pretended to be cold. It took all his courage to push this as far as he could
01:36:41 Blair who was standing next to Kevin got upset by his behavior. What are you doing? If you piss him off, he'll kill us all
01:36:50 When Marshall heard this he turned to Blair and snarled if you say another word, I'll cut out your tongue
01:36:57 That made Blair shut up right away, but he continued to glare at Kevin
01:37:03 Marshall turned his attention back to Kevin. Of course. I need an explanation
01:37:07 Kevin seemed to be the only one who noticed how jittery Marshall seemed to be. It's always been mine
01:37:14 Kevin said in a tone that made Marshall's blood run cold when Marshall heard this he looked like he'd been slapped in the face
01:37:21 Beads of sweat started to form on his forehead
01:37:25 Then Kevin looked Marshall straight in the eye, but didn't say a word
01:37:30 Marshall immediately understood. He said take him to the next room. I want to interrogate him properly
01:37:36 Blair saw that Marshall was about to leave. He struggled to stand up and said let me go
01:37:43 I promise that as long as I leave I'll send someone to deliver six million dollars to you
01:37:49 Work him over
01:37:51 Marshall said to his men then he turned around and left the cell
01:37:56 Two strong men escorted Kevin to the next room when Kevin reached the door. He saw a few men beating Blair up
01:38:02 It wasn't a pretty sight
01:38:04 When they got to the other room Marshall asked the two men to leave
01:38:08 As soon as the door was closed the frightened man turned to Kevin and said I'm sorry, sir. I had no idea who you were
01:38:16 Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:38:28 Hi guys Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:38:39 As soon as they were alone Marshall apologized to Kevin and repeated I had no idea you were the Night King
01:38:47 When Kevin heard this he was puzzled. He had no idea who or what the Night King was
01:38:53 But now that he saw Marshall treating him like his superior
01:38:56 Kevin figured he could take advantage of the situation to get out of the place if this guy thinks I'm the Night King
01:39:03 I guess I should act the part Kevin thought to himself
01:39:06 Well, I can't fault you for your ignorance Kevin said to him coldly
01:39:11 Thank you for not punishing me for my behavior Marshall groveled then he cautiously asked what's brought you to Chicago?
01:39:21 Nobody contacted me to make preparations for your arrival
01:39:24 Do I need to inform you in advance where I want to go?
01:39:28 Kevin said with a sour expression on his face
01:39:31 Then he added coldly just do your job and leave the rest to me
01:39:36 Yes, sir
01:39:38 Marshall replied timidly
01:39:40 What Kevin didn't know yet was that nobody in the Alliance knew exactly where the Night King was?
01:39:46 Marshall had obviously never met him, but when he saw Kevin he figured he was too young to be in such a powerful position in
01:39:53 The organization that's why he'd been caught by surprise when he saw Kevin wearing the ring
01:39:58 Kevin casually sat down on a chair and asked him you just said that officer Emmett caught a lot of your gang
01:40:05 How could that happen?
01:40:07 It's true. She was able to infiltrate our organization
01:40:12 That doesn't interest me Kevin impatiently interrupted Marshall as long as we haven't been completely exposed in this town
01:40:19 You can handle the rest yourself. I
01:40:22 Understand sir Marshall said very obediently
01:40:26 Kevin suddenly felt hungry all he'd managed to have for breakfast was half a cup of coffee at Blair's fancy breakfast
01:40:33 I haven't eaten anything today Kevin said awkwardly, but he didn't finish his sentence
01:40:39 Well, you're a busy man. I'm sure it's hard to find the time
01:40:43 I'll get someone to make something for you right away Marshall answered very agreeably
01:40:48 Kevin nodded indifferently and Marshall left the room
01:40:52 Once Marshall was gone Kevin took a look around the room from the layout
01:40:56 He guessed that this was probably his private office as he scanned the room Kevin saw a black box
01:41:02 What's this?
01:41:05 Kevin slowly walked over to the box and studied it carefully the door of the room was still closed. So he forced the box open
01:41:12 Inside there was a small vial of powder in a book on how to prepare advanced herbal remedies
01:41:18 Kevin picked up the book and flipped through it then his eye caught a recipe for a powerful
01:41:24 Hallucinogenic powder that looked a lot like the one in the vial
01:41:27 Based on the description it seemed to be some kind of herbal weapon
01:41:32 What the hell is going on here? He thought to himself
01:41:35 Everybody seems to be into obscure herbal ingredients first cook then officer Emmett and Dominic now this guy
01:41:44 Kevin heard a burst of hurried footsteps outside the door
01:41:48 He didn't have any time to think so he stuffed the book in the powder under his shirt
01:41:52 Then he quickly closed the box and returned to a seat
01:41:55 When Marshall returned Kevin clearly noticed that he'd glanced at the box
01:42:00 Was it fear that Kevin saw in the man's eyes?
01:42:03 You seem nervous
01:42:06 Kevin provoked him a little I was afraid I was neglecting you so I rushed back
01:42:11 Marshall explained then he turned to the door and said hurry up and bring the food and wine
01:42:17 Before Marshall finished speaking three men came in with trays of sandwiches and fruit along with a few bottles of wine
01:42:25 They placed it all on the table and hurried out of the room
01:42:28 I'm very sorry sir, but since I didn't know you were in Chicago. I didn't make any preparations
01:42:34 This is the best we could come up with on short notice
01:42:38 Marshall said apologetically I don't mind Kevin said as he slowly picked up a sandwich
01:42:44 He looked at Marshall and said have you eaten yet? Would you like to sit down and join me?
01:42:50 Kevin hadn't been threatening at all, but Marshall looked a little skittish. He quickly excused himself saying I
01:42:58 Couldn't impose please enjoy your meal. I'll be waiting outside the door if you need anything
01:43:04 Then Marshall rushed out of the room
01:43:07 Kevin finished off the meal pretty quickly, then he opened one of the bottles of wine and poured some of the powder into it
01:43:13 Is there anyone out there Kevin called towards the door?
01:43:17 Marshall immediately pushed the door open and entered he asked politely is there anything I can do for you, sir
01:43:24 I'd like to reward your men for their diligence Kevin said as he casually offered the bottle of wine
01:43:30 Marshall took the bottle and replied
01:43:33 Thank you for your kind offer
01:43:35 However, we only drink to celebrate
01:43:37 Are you telling me that my arrival here isn't something worth celebrating Kevin asked gravely?
01:43:44 Marshall was happy to hear this he knew very well that Kevin was trying to find an excuse for his men to be able
01:43:50 to have a drink
01:43:52 We're very proud to have you with us sir
01:43:55 Marshall answered in the most flattering tone he could muster
01:43:58 Then what are you standing there for? Don't you want your men to have this Kevin said with a satisfied smile?
01:44:04 I'll give it to them right away
01:44:07 Marshall said gratefully as he headed out the door
01:44:10 Kevin was starting to feel like his plan might work once these people drank enough wine he could try to save officer Emmett
01:44:18 But he still had some doubts he'd gotten his ring from Dominic Archer
01:44:23 Whoever wore it obviously wielded a lot of power
01:44:26 But what was the relationship between Dominic and the Alliance and what the hell was he doing with the ring?
01:44:34 But he'd have to figure that out later right now Kevin's top priority was to get out of this place
01:44:40 Unfortunately a single bottle of wine wouldn't be enough to get everyone here drunk even with some of the powder in it
01:44:47 So Kevin poured more of the hallucinogen into the rest of the bottles of wine. He mixed them well and called again
01:44:54 Come back in
01:44:56 Two of Marshall's men immediately walked in one of them asked him very politely. What orders do you have sir?
01:45:02 No orders, but I see that you've got it pretty tough here
01:45:06 So why don't the two of you take this wine and share it with the rest of the gang Kevin said generously?
01:45:11 They were overjoyed that he was being so kind to them especially considering his rank in the Alliance
01:45:18 They took the bottles and gave him a big grin. Thank you, sir
01:45:22 Bottoms up Kevin said as he gestured to them to leave the room
01:45:26 After the two of them left Kevin walked over to the room where officer Emmett and Blair were being held as he approached the guards
01:45:34 Greeted him politely
01:45:36 Kevin gave a slight nod and instructed them go and have a drink and a bite to eat with your buddies
01:45:42 I can watch these guys for a while
01:45:44 Thank you, sir. They said excitedly as they headed over to join their comrades
01:45:49 What Kevin didn't know yet was that he'd gotten the whole gang worked up
01:45:53 There hadn't been anything to celebrate lately. So they hadn't had any alcohol in weeks
01:45:58 After they left officer Emmett was baffled Kevin. What the hell is going on? Why are they calling you sir?
01:46:06 I'm not sure. They probably think I'm some big shot Kevin said with a shrug
01:46:12 It has to be a mistake. How could a lowlife like you be anyone of importance?
01:46:18 They've obviously confused you with someone else Blair sneered
01:46:22 Kevin looked at Blair and saw just how much he'd gotten worked over
01:46:26 His nose and cheek were swollen and there was still dry blood around his mouth to add insult to injury
01:46:33 He was shackled to a pipe in the corner of the cell
01:46:37 Officer Emmett ignored Blair's insults instead. She turned her attention to Kevin and told him since that's the case
01:46:44 You should find a way out of here. Then you can get some help and come back for us
01:46:48 Just be a little patient Kevin said with a smile
01:46:52 Officer Emmett was confused by his mellow attitude a few seconds later outside the room. There was a heavy thud
01:46:59 Then there was another one along with the sound of breaking glass. I
01:47:04 Drug their wine Kevin said with a smile
01:47:07 Maybe you're not so useless after all Blair said excitedly. Don't just stand there hurry up and let us out
01:47:15 Kevin ignored Blair and walked over to officer Emmett who was still tied to her chair
01:47:20 Kevin untied her and helped her stand up. I don't know exactly how long they'll be knocked out
01:47:26 We need to leave as soon as possible
01:47:28 Kevin said as he opened the cell door to let officer Emmett out
01:47:32 Can't you see that? I'm still tied up Blair shouted and keep your filthy hands off of Kelly
01:47:39 Blair didn't you just agree to pay six million dollars to save your own life Kevin asked with a sardonic grin
01:47:47 Do you really think I'm that stupid Blair complained if you two leave me here alone
01:47:53 They won't care about my six million dollars. I'm finished. I
01:47:58 Haven't seen any sign that you're all that smart Kevin replied. Just stop talking and let me out Blair sobbed
01:48:06 officer Emmett sighed and said
01:48:09 Kevin, please just let him out
01:48:11 But Blair is so rich and powerful. How could he let a lowlife like me help him?
01:48:17 He wouldn't live it down at the country club Kevin retorted
01:48:22 Stop being a hypocrite if they hadn't mistaken you for someone else you'd be dead right now Blair roared
01:48:29 Did you hear that?
01:48:31 Officer Emmett Blair definitely doesn't want me to save him Kevin said calmly
01:48:36 He wasn't worried at all from what he saw in the book. They should be knocked out for hours
01:48:41 officer Emmett sighed again
01:48:44 Kevin I know Blair is far from perfect and I apologize for his behavior, but please let him out anyway, okay
01:48:52 Apologize it's up to him to apologize. Not you Kevin answered firmly
01:48:57 Kevin you piece of shit you want me to apologize to you
01:49:03 Dream on Blair grumbled Kelly. Don't waste your breath on him. He's not worth it
01:49:10 Can you please stop arguing officer Emmett said impatiently?
01:49:15 Don't you know who Marshall is if we leave you here? You'll be dead by morning
01:49:21 Blair was stunned to hear her say this he knew she wasn't exaggerating
01:49:25 Kevin didn't want to waste any more time. I'm not worried Blair can afford to pay his way out
01:49:32 Kevin I'm begging you let Blair out officer Emmett pleaded, but after all of Blair's cruel insult
01:49:40 She wasn't very confident that Kevin would listen to her. He was under no obligation to save her fiance
01:49:47 Okay, I'll do it for you. Not him Kevin finally gave in but there's just one condition
01:49:53 You have to say please
01:49:56 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:50:05 Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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01:50:16 When mom and dad find out you own a place like this, they'll definitely change their opinion of you
01:50:22 Lily exclaimed as she hugged Kevin tightly and gave him a kiss. I think we should wait a while Lily Kevin replied
01:50:30 He thought for a moment and said you just had a knockdown
01:50:33 Drag out with your parents if you tell them now, they'll just think that I borrowed it from my friends
01:50:38 Lily got a sad look in her eyes when he said this I guess that makes sense
01:50:44 She said I just don't know why they hate you so much
01:50:47 It doesn't matter right now as long as I'm willing to work hard one day your parents will come around and accept me
01:50:54 Kevin said as he reached out and ran his fingers through Lily's hair
01:50:58 Just then Kevin's phone vibrated in his pocket
01:51:02 He took a look at the caller ID and saw that it was cook while Lily explored the condo Kevin sat down and answered the call
01:51:09 Mitch what's going on?
01:51:12 Kevin do you have any free time this evening cook asked him sure. What's up? Kevin asked curiously
01:51:18 It's Adriana's birthday tonight. She's having a party at my hotel and she asked me to invite you cook explained
01:51:26 Okay, no problem. Kevin thought for a second and then added and you don't need to send anyone to pick me up
01:51:32 After he hung up Kevin looked over at Lily who was standing on the stairs and gazing up at the top floor
01:51:40 The apartment was like something you only saw in an architecture magazine
01:51:44 Kevin decided not to take Lily with him to the party
01:51:47 He didn't want to risk having her find out the rest of his secret not right now
01:51:52 Lily I've got something to do and I need to head out. I might be back pretty late Kevin told her no problem
01:52:00 You go ahead and do your work
01:52:02 She replied
01:52:04 Lily felt that Kevin's boss was really going to help him on his meteoric rise to the top and she didn't want to get in the
01:52:10 Way with his boss's help. He could finally be accepted by the Jones family
01:52:15 Great. If you need anything just use the intercom over there the concierge in the lobby can get you whatever you need
01:52:22 I'll give you a tour when I get back
01:52:24 He explained then he got in the elevator to head down to the valet to pick up his car
01:52:30 Kevin stopped at an upscale mall along the way to buy Adriana a sparkling diamond necklace
01:52:36 Of course, it wasn't expensive for Adriana, but he wanted to give her a little something as a token of his appreciation
01:52:43 Then he headed to the Whitsler Hotel
01:52:46 When he got out of his car Drake held the door and gave him a warm greeting
01:52:50 Mr. Williams, what a pleasant surprise. Mr. Cook asked me to wait for you here
01:52:56 This was quite a contrast from the nasty threats that Drake had made when they first met
01:53:00 But Mitch had straightened him out and now he treated Kevin with far more respect
01:53:05 Kevin smiled and said it's good to see you Drake. I hope you've been staying out of trouble. I met your service. Mr
01:53:12 Williams he replied the party is just getting started. Mr. Cook will join you soon
01:53:17 Drake stepped aside and gestured for Kevin to head inside
01:53:20 Where's Adriana Kevin inquired?
01:53:24 President Wright is getting ready upstairs. She wants to be presentable when she greets all the VIPs Drake said with a smile
01:53:31 When Kevin entered the banquet hall, he saw that even though it was still pretty early
01:53:36 A lot of guests had already arrived that made sense
01:53:40 The West Chicago International Group was one of the leading corporations in the Midwest
01:53:44 There was a table in the corner covered with neatly arranged gifts
01:53:50 Kevin reached out to put the necklace on the pile and he was interrupted by one of the hotel staff
01:53:54 Hello, sir. Please follow me after you finish
01:53:58 We're asking all the bodyguards to move to a private room the employee said politely before Kevin could say anything
01:54:05 Drake got a furious look on his face and asked him who said this gentleman was a bodyguard
01:54:11 Sir, I don't know. He said to Drake in an apologetic tone
01:54:16 Mitchell Cook was the most respected person in the Whistler Hotel, but Drake was close behind
01:54:22 Still even though Drake had the same last name the only mr
01:54:27 Cook at the hotel was Mitchell Cook
01:54:30 But Drake didn't know anything about managing a hotel
01:54:33 His specialty was dealing with anyone who dared to commit a crime on the property and he was known for his cruel methods
01:54:40 Why are you apologizing to me? You should be apologizing to mr. Williams Drake berated him
01:54:46 The young man had noticed Kevin earlier
01:54:49 But saw how simply he was dressed and assumed he was just some big shots bodyguard dropping off a birthday present
01:54:55 He'd worked at the Whistler Hotel for two years, but it never made a blunder like this
01:55:01 Well, what are you waiting for Drake scolded him again?
01:55:05 I'm sorry, mr. Williams, please accept my apologies. He stammered. No problem
01:55:12 I get that a lot Kevin said casually
01:55:15 Isn't it time for you to return to your station Drake said with a glare just then they heard someone call out for help
01:55:22 Please call a doctor
01:55:25 President Archer just fainted the guests formed a circle around the woman and began to discuss what they should do
01:55:32 Drake squeezed through the crowd and saw her lying on the floor. He furrowed his brow and said
01:55:37 President Archer
01:55:39 Do you know her Kevin asked hesitantly as his eyes were scanning the surroundings?
01:55:45 It seemed as if he was looking for something
01:55:47 Mr. Williams, you might not know this but her name is Gwen Archer
01:55:51 She's the CEO of Gwendum real estate the biggest agency in Chicago
01:55:56 Drake explained quickly as he tried to see how he could help
01:55:59 Her brother Dominic Archer is the head of one of the largest crime syndicates in the city
01:56:04 Suddenly someone in the crowd raised their voice. Is there a doctor here? Please come and take a look at President Archer
01:56:12 I'm a doctor. Please. Let me in said a tall woman as she made her way through the crowd
01:56:18 Dr. Willow Drake's face lit up as he said, sorry to trouble you. Please have a look at President Archer
01:56:25 Gwen Archer had been personally invited by Adriana
01:56:30 If anything happened to her the hotel in West Chicago group would have a lot to explain to Gwendum real estate
01:56:36 Everyone was surprised to see dr. Serafina Willow rendering aid
01:56:42 She was famous not just in Chicago as the medical director of downtown general
01:56:48 She probably had the best medical reputation in the entire city
01:56:52 Dr. Willow didn't pay any attention to what the guests were saying her focus right now was Gwen Archer
01:56:58 She asked one of her companions to get her medical bag and then knelt down to start taking the poor woman's vitals
01:57:05 So she could assess the situation a few minutes later Adriana arrived with a few of her bodyguards
01:57:12 Dr. Willow, how is she doing?
01:57:14 Adriana asked with concern the lack of ventilation isn't helping
01:57:18 Please ask everyone to step back and give her some space. She replied with a solemn expression
01:57:24 When Adriana heard this she immediately motioned for everyone to give them some room
01:57:29 Kevin who was standing next to Drake watch this intently it reminded him of something
01:57:35 He just read in one of the books on natural medicine
01:57:38 Gwen still wasn't responding and everyone began to whisper to each other. Was it food poisoning?
01:57:44 Did she have some kind of medical condition?
01:57:46 They didn't want to say anything out loud because they were afraid of her brother Dominic
01:57:51 Drake walked up and asked her
01:57:53 Dr. Willow has there been any improvement?
01:57:56 The doctor seemed a bit embarrassed. She said I
01:57:59 Think we should transport her to the hospital for testing. All I can do is stabilize her
01:58:06 Adriana nodded and asked Drake to send for a car. It would be faster than an ambulance and the doctor could ride with her
01:58:12 Suddenly Kevin walked up and put his arm on Drake's shoulder saying there's no need to run any tests on her
01:58:20 Some of the onlookers recognized Kevin as the deadbeat who had married his way into the Jones family
01:58:26 They figured he was just trying to get attention and look important
01:58:29 As they were making the usual nasty comments inspired by the lies that Jason had been spreading about Kevin
01:58:36 Their chatter immediately stopped when they saw Adriana walk up to Kevin and say
01:58:41 Mr. Williams the entire hall immediately fell silent
01:58:46 Happy birthday, Adriana
01:58:49 Kevin exclaimed as he smiled and handed her the present that he hadn't gotten a chance to put on the table
01:58:54 Thank You. Mr. Williams
01:58:57 Adriana answered as she smiled and accepted the gift
01:59:00 Drake interrupted politely to ask him. Mr. Williams. Why don't you let me say?
01:59:06 President Archer to the hospital. Are you a doctor?
01:59:09 Adriana asked in confusion
01:59:12 Kevin shook his head and simply replied no
01:59:15 So if you've never studied medicine, why are you questioning my decision? Dr. Willow asked abruptly
01:59:22 She was a little irked by this
01:59:25 Actually, dr. Willow wasn't sure herself that Gwen needed to go to the hospital
01:59:29 She couldn't find any reason for her not to be waking up yet
01:59:33 So she assumed that some tests might help to solve the mystery. I'm not questioning your medical skills
01:59:39 It seems to me that her condition is unique in the hospital won't be able to do any more than we can right here
01:59:46 Kevin said politely the doctor ignored Kevin in turn to look at Adriana
01:59:50 President Wright, are you going to put up with this young man's nonsense?
01:59:56 Some of the onlookers started to mumble again. They were curious to see how this would turn out
02:00:02 Dr. Willow, I would trust this man with my very life
02:00:05 Adriana said firmly the doctor wasn't sure how to respond. She just looked at Adriana in disbelief
02:00:12 But she probably wouldn't leave the party. She had pressed for an invitation just so that she could make friends with Adriana
02:00:19 So, mr. Williams, what do you think we should do?
02:00:23 Adriana asked Kevin
02:00:25 Kevin looked around the room and then pointed to the scented candles that were burning on all of the tables in the centerpieces
02:00:32 Drake, please carry president Archer to the table by the window over there and open it wide
02:00:38 Then have your assistants put out all those candles and take them into the kitchen
02:00:43 Drake hesitated a little at this odd request, but after seeing Adriana nod her head he ordered everyone to do exactly as Kevin had said
02:00:51 Mr. Williams, can you please explain why you want to do this?
02:00:57 Adriana asked with a puzzled look on her face. Of course
02:01:00 Kevin smiled and said I noticed the candles when I walked in they give a nice atmosphere
02:01:06 But I'm certain that president Archer is sensitive to some of the ingredients that are used to produce the strong fragrance
02:01:13 I recognize one of the smells as something that is used in herbal medicine to lower blood pressure
02:01:18 She doesn't need any expensive tests just some fresh air
02:01:23 They all watched to see if Gwen was showing any improvement
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