• 8 months ago
Competition Information:


00:00 Good morning and welcome to the 2024 Precision Machining Sensational Competition.
00:12 In just a few moments we will start the men's pre-novice free program.
00:21 I invite the following skaters to the ice for a six minute warm up.
00:25 From the Derrick Figure Skating Club, Lawrence Lee.
00:30 And from Lake Bonavista Figure Skating Club, Justin Chung.
00:40 The officials for this event.
00:44 Please welcome the referee, Ethan Swinburnson.
00:49 The judges, Pam Chislett, Karen Federle,
00:55 Jennifer Kelleher, and Nicole Rapetti.
01:02 The technical controller, Sarah Allatt.
01:09 And the technical specialist, Desiree Tidgatt and Robin Forsyth.
01:15 [MUSIC]
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06:15 [MUSIC]
06:25 Skaters, the warm up time has ended.
06:28 Please leave the ice.
06:29 Thank you.
06:43 Please welcome the first competitor,
06:46 representing the Derrick Figure Skating Club, Lawrence Lee.
07:07 [MUSIC]
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08:12 [MUSIC]
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09:02 [MUSIC]
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10:17 Representing the Derrick Figure Skating Club, Lawrence Lee.
10:27 [MUSIC]
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10:47 [MUSIC]
11:12 [MUSIC]
11:37 [MUSIC]
12:06 Please welcome the next competitor.
12:08 Representing the Lake Bonivista Figure Skating Club, Justin Chung.
12:35 [MUSIC]
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15:45 Representing the Lake Bonivista Figure Skating Club, Justin Chung.
15:58 [MUSIC]
16:07 I invite the following skaters to please take to the ice for their six-minute warm-up.
16:13 Representing the Ice Palace Figure Skating Club, Sergey Usenka.
16:19 From the Royal Glenora Club, Ethan Paganow.
16:24 From the Indus Figure Skating Club, Logan Miro.
16:30 And from the Derrick Figure Skating Club, Cameron Muir.
16:36 [MUSIC]
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22:42 Sergey Usenka.
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29:04 [MUSIC]
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29:48 [MUSIC]
29:58 >> Please welcome the next competitor.
30:07 Representing the Royal Glenora Club, Ethan Pagano.
30:16 [MUSIC]
30:26 [MUSIC]
30:43 [MUSIC]
30:53 [MUSIC]
31:10 [MUSIC]
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33:06 [MUSIC]
33:23 >> Representing the Royal Glenora Club, Ethan Pagano.
33:28 [MUSIC]
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34:02 [MUSIC]
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34:55 [MUSIC]
35:12 [MUSIC]
35:22 [MUSIC]
35:39 [MUSIC]
35:45 >> Please welcome the next competitor.
35:49 Representing the Indus Figure Skating Club, Logan Miro.
35:55 [APPLAUSE]
36:03 [MUSIC]
36:13 [MUSIC]
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39:04 [APPLAUSE]
39:06 >> Representing the Indus Figure Skating Club, Logan Miro.
39:12 [MUSIC]
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41:00 [MUSIC]
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41:37 [MUSIC]
41:55 >> Please welcome the next competitor.
41:58 Representing the Derrick Figure Skating Club, Cameron Muir.
42:17 [MUSIC]
42:42 [MUSIC]
43:07 [MUSIC]
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45:12 [MUSIC]
45:22 >> Representing the Derrick Figure Skating Club, Cameron Muir.
45:38 [APPLAUSE]
45:48 >> This completes the pre-novice men free program.
