明年7月全国落实电子发票   大企业到路边摊小贩都得开发票!

  • 5 months ago
新闻报报看 | 为避免逃税情况出现,让影子经济无所遁形。根据星洲报导,税收局在4月发布的指南阐明,明年7月1日将在全国落实电子发票,那时不管是大企业还是路边卖炸香蕉糕的摊主,都要开电子发票让税收局验证,但小贩却对这项措施颇多怨言。(主播:颜江瀚、洪欣仪)


00:00 The Ministry of Finance's economic outlook report estimated that China's GDP is close to 2 trillion,
00:09 while the underground economy is up to 4 trillion.
00:12 The so-called underground economy is the so-called "non-taxation" trade.
00:24 In order to prevent the situation of "escaping tax" from getting worse, the Tax Administration will launch a system of electronic voting on July 1st.
00:35 The tax authorities will verify the results by electronic voting on the street vendors and big companies.
00:43 According to the report, the Tax Administration mentioned in the electronic voting guide 2.1 that electronic voting will be implemented in stages.
00:54 Starting on August 1st this year, the tax authorities will first cover taxpayers with annual income or annual salary of more than 100 million yuan.
00:59 As for taxpayers with income or annual salary of 25 million to 100 million yuan,
01:04 the tax authorities will start implementing it from January 1st next year until July 1st next year.
01:11 During the transition period, the vendors can issue handwritten receipts.
01:14 However, after the full implementation on July 1st next year,
01:17 each transaction of the vendor will require a single or a combined electronic voting.
01:23 After the government fully implements electronic voting, no matter the size of the business,
01:28 as long as the merchant has completed a transaction or is spending,
01:31 he must issue an electronic voting as an income certificate,
01:33 an income certificate and a certificate of purchase or spending.
01:37 The government can avoid tax evasion by implementing electronic voting.
01:42 Why? Because the mechanism is that electronic voting is a practical verification.
01:48 For example, after Mr. A buys goods and issues electronic voting,
01:52 his income will immediately appear in the database of the Tax Administration.
01:55 Even if the Tax Administration did not get the profit table from Mr. A during the tax period or the end of the year,
02:02 he can still use the transaction records of this and that to control his financial statements.
02:06 This is the strength of electronic voting.
02:08 Although the implementation of electronic voting is in line with the trend of the times,
02:12 which level of impact will it have on the system?
02:16 I'm afraid it will be those who are used to receiving cash,
02:19 or those who are not familiar with technology.
02:22 When the President of the General Assembly of the Food Business Association, Huang Tianfa,
02:25 was interviewed by the Guanghua Daily, he pointed out that
02:28 many vendors are very confused about electronic voting.
02:32 Is it possible that you sell a vegetable in Bazaar, and sell a cup of water with 50% salt,
02:37 and you also need to use electronic voting? That's not practical, is it?
02:40 President Huang said that there may be no problem with Wi-Fi in the cafe,
02:44 but what about the small vendors in Bazaar?
02:46 Does the government want small vendors to install wireless networks in Bazaar?
02:51 In addition to some vague barriers that make small vendors doubtful,
02:56 the President of the Coffee Association of Fuzhou, Binzhou also said that
02:59 some old vendors are not familiar with technology,
03:03 and they don't even know how to use electronic wallets.
03:05 Electronic voting is even more difficult for them.
03:08 Some people even have the idea of quitting their jobs,
03:11 and they just quit.
03:12 And for small vendors who have good business and bad business,
03:15 this will increase the cost burden,
03:17 because small vendors who have good business can't get busy at all at the peak,
03:21 and maybe they need to hire someone else to open the vote.
03:23 As for small vendors who have bad business,
03:25 they need to buy some additional electronic voting machines,
03:27 which will be a double-edged sword.
03:29 The government wants to implement the electronic voting system,
03:32 but it seems that it is a must.
03:33 President of the General Assembly of the Binhui Food and Drug Administration, Huang Tianfa said that
03:36 it is absolutely no problem if it is implemented in a large cafe,
03:39 but if it is implemented in a small coffee shop, Bazaar, etc.,
03:42 there may be many details and difficulties that need to be overcome.
03:46 President Huang said that he will fight for the government
03:49 to allow the government to accept small vendors and small vendors with annual sales,
03:53 otherwise it will cause a huge impact on small vendors.
03:57 [Music]
