• last year
Tal Shaish has a revelation after visiting the plastic surgeon.


00:00 So there I was, sitting in the most luxurious, professional plastic surgery clinic in the city, which shall remain nameless.
00:09 I was nervous, but excited.
00:12 I was sinking into those soft, white, leather sofas in the waiting room, browsing through fashion magazine,
00:21 and BAM! I knew exactly what I wanted him to do with my left lines, with my puffy eyes, with my face, with my arms.
00:29 Now, you have to understand, 10 years ago, before having kids, I was a hottie.
00:36 So there I was, in the room, with the most professional, qualified plastic surgeon in the city, which shall also remain nameless,
00:44 and he looked at me in this sharp, pointed, efficient gaze, and he whipped out a thick, black, sharpie.
00:56 As to your eyes, we will inject some Botox here, and here, here, and here.
01:07 We will get rid of those puffy eyes right over here.
01:11 We will do a face lifting here.
01:17 In your arms, we will do a liposuction here, and here.
01:26 In regards to your boobs, we will reduce them, lift them, make them bouncy and perky.
01:33 And in your belly, we will freeze the excess fat.
01:38 In your hips and thighs, we will suck out the fat, and you'll be as good as new.
01:44 Now think about it!
01:47 As he was leaving the room, I felt weird.
01:56 I looked at the mirror, lines of battle drawn all over my face, with sharpie, and I didn't want to be as good as new.
02:05 You see those eyes? These eyes cried tears of happiness when my babies were born.
02:12 These care-worn, puffy eyes spent months of sleepless nights when my babies were in the incubator in the NICU.
02:20 These eyes cried non-stop when four less fortunate babies died from a virus next to my son, and he was the only one who survived.
02:31 These arms? These arms carried them with love and compassion.
02:41 These arms grabbed each twin under each arm like a football and ran into the bomb shelter when there were sirens of missile attack back home.
02:51 Those breasts? Those breasts produced a litre and a half milk every single day because this was the only way I could support my babies when my belly could no longer cradle them.
03:05 And this belly? This belly carried them for as long as it could before the doctor said, "It's too dangerous. You will die from a severe pre-eclampsia."
03:16 And those hips and thighs helped us to come to a new place, a safe place across the ocean.
03:23 And this body? This body took five part-time different jobs when we just landed so I could support my family.
03:32 So I took a deep breath, I wiped the tears, I walked away and I never came back.
03:40 My body is beautiful. My body is as good as it has always been.
03:52 [Music]
04:08 you
