Court métrageTranscription
00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:03 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:05 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:11 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:14 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:17 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:20 -I love the open water, man.
00:22 He knows how to turn ahead...
00:23 -Come to mama.
00:25 -Vous...
00:26 -Play it cool...
00:27 -How'd you hook up with her anyway?
00:28 Looking for a little bit of the shush, the bad, and, uh...
00:31 There she was.
00:32 -And break a heart.
00:33 -Where's my sugar?
00:35 Thank you, baby.
00:37 -And he's so smooth, he can slip one past you.
00:41 -We got to report this thing.
00:42 -Oh, I know that. I know that.
00:44 I was just wondering, you know, maybe you can do it yourself.
00:46 -Do what?
00:47 -Just report what you saw, and you trust me.
00:50 -In the blink of an eye.
00:51 ♪♪
00:55 -Morning, Clay.
00:56 You doing okay back there?
00:57 -You set me up.
00:58 [ Laughs ]
00:59 -How you doing? Dale Shelby, FBI.
01:01 This is Agent Renard.
01:02 You're sleeping with one victim,
01:03 you're dating another,
01:04 and you actually found a third.
01:06 -This is crazy.
01:07 Moody told her this is crazy.
01:09 -Clay is a nice guy.
01:11 They're all nice guys.
01:13 ♪♪
01:17 -Whoa! You're standing in evidence.
01:19 -Barney.
01:20 -Your deputy's name is Barney?
01:22 That's great.
01:24 -Gloria Collins isn't missing anymore.
01:26 -They all think you killed a lot of women.
01:28 The only way they're gonna stop thinking that
01:30 is if they know that the man they're really looking for
01:35 is still out there somewhere.
01:36 ♪♪
01:38 -Vince Vaughn.
01:40 Janine Garofalo.
01:42 And Joaquin Phoenix.
01:45 -Promise me something, though, will you?
01:47 -What's that?
01:50 -Promise you'll stop finding dead people.
01:53 [Musique]
01:54 Clay Pigeons