A special screening of the film 'Kaam Chalu Hai' directed by Palash Muchhal was organized recently. Many Bollywood stars attended this special screening and extended their support to the film. Apart from the star cast, Gauhar khan, Juhi Parmar and many other big names were also present on the occasion at the special screening of the film.
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#kaamchaluhai #kaamchaluhaispecialscreening #rajpalyadav #gauharkhan #juhiparmar #giaamanek #trending #viralvideo #entertainmentnews #bollywoodnews #celebupdate
00:00 Bollywood's most popular comedian Rajpal Yadav's film Kaam Chalu Hai is going to
00:10 be streamed on OTT platform Zee5 from today.
00:14 Before the OTT streaming of the film, its special screening was organised in Mumbai,
00:19 where Rajpal Yadav was also seen in stylish avatar.
00:23 Rajpal Yadav was wearing white pants with a brown coloured shirt.
00:27 Actress Gauhar Khan also attended the screening and added charm to the gathering with her
00:31 simple suit look.
00:32 Gauhar Khan wore an off-white printed suit at the special screening of Kaam Chalu Hai.
00:37 Gauhar also wore a choker necklace around her neck along with a white suit.
00:42 Actress Juhi Parmar also attended the special screening of Kaam Chalu Hai.
00:46 During this time, the actress wore a stylish outfit of sky blue colour.
00:51 Juhi Parmar did not carry any kind of jewellery with her stylish outfit.
00:55 Juhi Parmar's latest photos are being liked a lot on social media.
00:59 Cricketer Smriti Mandana also attended the special screening of Kaam Chalu Hai.
01:04 Smriti showed her stylish avatar in yellow long dress.
01:07 Smriti also posed for the paps with style and smile.
01:11 Palash Muthal and Palak Muthal also posed for the paps in stylish avatar at the special
01:15 screening of their new film Kaam Chalu Hai.
01:18 Let us tell you, Palash Muthal is a filmmaker and his sister Palak Muthal is a singer.
01:24 Actress Jia Manek is going to be seen in the lead role with Rajpal Yadav in the movie Kaam
01:28 Chalu Hai.
01:29 Jia Manek flaunted her desi avatar in red and golden silk saree at the special screening
01:34 of her new film.
01:35 The film is about a young girl that dies due to an accident caused by a pothole and how
01:40 her father works hard to get justice for her.
01:43 The film focuses on the alarming danger, accidents and deaths caused by potholes in the country.
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