Salute, Landazabal (Gsk): “Investire in prevenzione per benefici economici Italia”

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “L’Italia dovrebbe continuare ad investire in prevenzione perché i benefici che ne derivano vanno ad impattare sull’economia e sulla salute pubblica. Tutti noi invecchiamo e dobbiamo farlo in salute”. Lo ha detto l’Amministratore delegato di Gsk Italia, Fabio Landazabal, a margine di un evento sul virus respiratorio sinciziale tenutosi a Roma.


00:00I think that adult vaccination is in the development phase in Italy.
00:09Now the institutions, all the societies, are for the first time considering vaccination
00:19as an investment, not as an expense, and for the first time we are seeing data
00:26that proves that the lack of vaccination coverage has a direct impact on the Italian economy.
00:33So, not doing the vaccination, not investing in vaccination, has an impact on the country's economic growth.
00:42So, for me, we are in the development phase, but now we have a lot to do.
00:49We have to prioritize resources, we have to invest, and this is a challenge for everyone,
00:58so we have to make a partnership.
01:00As a pharmaceutical company, GSK continues to invest in Italy, continues to invest in prevention,
01:08and we are bringing new innovations that will help make this benefit of prevention
01:20a reality in the economy and in public health, because we are all aging,
01:28and we all have to live in good health.
01:32First, we shouldn't see it as an expense, we should see it as an investment.
01:41Why? Because if the population is over 50, over 65 years old, we are all productive,
01:50we all contribute to the economy and to growth, so we have to ensure that the resources
01:59for prevention are correctly implemented in all regions, and that we have the opportunity
02:07to find, optically, because I believe that in the end this is an individual decision,
02:14and also with our trusted doctor, which vaccine is suitable for us and when we should do it.
02:25And with that, we will find the benefit for everyone.
02:30First, we have to prioritize funding for vaccination, so we have to, in this financial maneuver
02:39of 2024-25, we have to prioritize the investment in vaccination, and we have to ensure that
02:51the infrastructure is developed for the new vaccination platform, for the new vaccination technology,
03:03so we have to take advantage of the current infrastructure, and maybe in some regions
03:10it could be the vaccination center, in others it could be the hospital, but also the pharmacy
03:18has a fundamental role that we have to consider, and at this moment there is a debate
03:27about how to activate the pharmacy, and for us, as an objective, it should be the vaccination
03:36and facilitate the vaccination, because in the end, if there is the ideal coverage,
03:42there is economic growth.
