Demek Edmonds vs Luis Miguel Valera (06-04-2024) Full Fight

  • 6 months ago



00:00 Okay, guys, you receive your instructions.
00:01 Obey my commands at all times.
00:03 Protect yourself at all times.
00:04 Touch gloves. Took a little squint.
00:06 Good luck.
00:08 [ Crowd shouting ]
00:10 Valera in a six-round heavyweight bout,
00:19 and I know Dameik Edmonds in the past
00:22 has really come out and really tried to end things early.
00:27 And, you know, I don't know if he's gonna be
00:29 a little bit more methodical,
00:31 but he is a guy that can put you away.
00:35 Dameik Edmonds in the white trunks.
00:36 He's another hometown fighter.
00:38 We're hearing the crowd, Nick, cheer for their fighters here.
00:42 We know Valera's gonna have his hands full.
00:44 [ Crowd shouting ]
00:46 This fight is six rounds in the heavyweight division.
00:51 [ Crowd shouting ]
00:54 [ Crowd shouting ]
00:56 Both men jockeying for position early.
01:03 Dameik Edmonds, we heard the crowd's reaction.
01:06 His trainer is Rocky Gonzalez,
01:07 the same trainer as Jermaine Ortiz.
01:09 They've trained together since they were kids.
01:12 We spoke earlier, Nick, about Luis Maeda as a firefighter.
01:16 Dameik Edmonds is also a schoolteacher.
01:18 He teaches business.
01:20 And a big left hand there lands for Edmonds.
01:22 And Luis Valera smiles after he catches Edmonds
01:27 with a nice little left hook
01:29 that kind of, like, pushed him back a little bit.
01:32 And I think -- Oh, nice.
01:34 Nice body work by Valera.
01:36 He definitely got Edmonds' attention with that.
01:39 [ Crowd shouting ]
01:41 [ Crowd shouting ]
01:43 Nice shot, nice left hook.
01:54 [ Crowd shouting ]
01:56 Valera trying to come in and measure his shots right now
02:05 and, you know, get the feel.
02:07 Everybody's feeling each other out right now,
02:08 but Valera puts --
02:12 He's got some power behind those punches.
02:15 Ooh, nice straight.
02:16 Nice straight right, another straight right by Edmonds.
02:22 [ Crowd shouting ]
02:24 Ooh!
02:30 And there's a knockdown in round one,
02:33 scored by Dameik Edmonds.
02:35 [ Crowd shouting ]
02:38 Valera had a power shot early, stunned Edmonds.
02:41 It seemed to almost wake up Edmonds in a way there, Nick.
02:44 Yeah, and I'll tell you, Valera was coming out now,
02:47 and he sees, "Hey, this guy can put me down.
02:50 He can hurt me, and I got to come after this guy.
02:52 I got to be on the offensive."
02:54 [ Crowd shouting ]
02:56 And we see the urgency there now for Valera,
02:59 but that could play into Edmonds' hands, Nick.
03:01 It sure can.
03:03 [ Crowd shouting ]
03:05 [ Crowd shouting ]
03:07 [ Bell dings ]
03:16 [ Crowd shouting ]
03:18 [ Bell dings ]
03:26 [ Crowd shouting ]
03:27 Good round one there.
03:29 We saw Valera have success,
03:32 and then Edmonds, of course, gets the knockdown.
03:35 And let's take a look at it here.
03:38 That was the shot that hurt Edmonds.
03:40 Yeah, and right here,
03:42 and he came out with a nice body shot, Valera,
03:44 and then right here, a little sneaky shot by Edmonds
03:48 catches him coming in with that little left, straight left.
03:52 The left hook there for Edmonds, and you could see his reaction.
03:56 He knew he had his man hurt,
03:59 and that must have been especially satisfying
04:02 for Edmonds after getting rocked early.
04:04 [ Crowd shouting ]
04:06 I think you're right.
04:12 I think Valera, he woke Edmonds up with that shot
04:17 because he stung him,
04:19 and he basically got his attention immediately,
04:21 and I think at that point, I think Edmonds was like,
04:24 "Listen, I'm in a real fight here.
04:25 You know, I thought I was gonna walk through this guy.
04:27 It ain't happening. I gotta be serious,
04:28 and I gotta go after him," and he did,
04:30 and he put him down in the first round.
04:32 That's exactly right, Nick.
04:33 Second round underway of our six-round
04:35 heavyweight feature here.
04:38 Dameek Edmonds already scored a knockdown
04:40 in round one in the black trunks.
04:45 Luis Miguel Valera, known as the Punisher,
04:48 in the white trunks.
04:50 It seemed like the knockdown woke up something in Valera,
04:53 a little urgency, so we'll see if that continues in round two.
04:56 [ Crowd shouting ]
04:58 [ Indistinct shouting ]
05:00 ♪♪
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05:27 In round two, starting off in a way the way round one did,
05:30 both men kind of jockeying for position a little bit.
05:33 [ Crowd shouting ]
05:35 ♪♪
05:41 You see Edmonds throw the left hook there.
05:43 That's the punch that landed the knockdown in round one.
05:46 Certainly, he's gonna be looking to find a home for that again
05:49 as this fight progresses.
05:52 -Oh!
05:54 Right now, Edmonds has him staggered,
05:56 has Valera staggered, and he hits him with another shot,
05:58 and another one! He's coming after him!
06:01 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:03 Edmonds is hitting him with some great powerful shots,
06:06 but Valera's eating all of them.
06:08 He got a little staggered. It looked like he was hurt,
06:10 but right now, he looks like he's trying to hang in there
06:13 and keep his composure, but I'll tell you right now,
06:15 Edmonds hit him with some bombs.
06:18 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:22 -And it seems like, Nick, that's the pattern of this fight.
06:25 Valera getting a little bit aggressive,
06:27 and that's playing into Edmonds' hands,
06:29 and then Edmonds is having success.
06:31 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:33 -Edmonds had some bad intentions on that punch.
06:48 He was looking for a home run right there.
06:50 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:52 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:54 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:56 [ Crowd shouting ]
06:58 [ Crowd shouting ]
07:00 [ Crowd shouting ]
07:02 -Nice body work by Edmonds.
07:04 [ Crowd shouting ]
07:06 -Ooh! Valera took that smile right off Edmonds' face.
07:10 He caught him with that shot, and he came right back,
07:13 and Edmonds wasn't smiling after that nice hard shot by Valera.
07:18 -Edmonds was admiring his handiwork there,
07:21 and didn't take too kindly to that.
07:23 -Ooh, another shot.
07:24 Nice right hand -- I'm sorry, straight left by Valera.
07:29 -And it's interesting. It's Southpaw versus Orthodox,
07:32 and Valera was able to land that left hand,
07:36 that straight left hand on Edmonds there
07:37 at the end of round two.
07:41 Let's take a look at the replays, Nick.
07:45 Edmonds having success.
07:46 That big right hand staggered Valera.
07:49 And he comes back with another one right away,
07:51 two more right away, and really hurt Valera.
07:56 I'm sorry.
07:57 -Yeah, hurt Valera. -Yes, hurt Valera.
07:58 -Valera did have a moment, though,
08:00 at the end of that round,
08:02 where he was able to land his straight left,
08:03 but Edmonds was able to do damage earlier in the round.
08:08 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:11 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:14 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:17 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:20 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:23 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:26 [ Crowd shouting ]
08:29 [ Bell dings ]
08:31 -Round three underway here of our sixth round.
08:34 Heavyweight feature,
08:38 Dameek Edmonds from Worcester, Massachusetts, undefeated,
08:42 looking for his ninth win.
08:45 He's knocked down his opponent in round one, had success in round two.
08:50 Luis Miguel Valera, certainly the challenger here tonight. The southpaw in the white trunks.
08:55 [crowd cheering]
08:57 [crowd cheering]
09:25 That'll certainly be a push there.
09:27 By Edmonds. We see Harvey Dock come in and...
09:31 Make sure to say that wasn't a knockdown, a push there.
09:36 He got a hand at the Valero. I mean, he's game and he's coming after him.
09:46 He doesn't care. He got rocked a couple of times, but he's coming after Edmonds really strong here in this third round.
09:53 [crowd cheering]
09:55 Certainly Valera not coming in as the opponent. He's ready, he's hungry for this matchup.
10:05 And Nick, we're getting the always interesting orthodox vs. southpaw matchup.
10:11 Oh, that was a nice shot.
10:12 Valera has landed some straight left hands, which could be attributed to him being a southpaw
10:17 and maybe Edmonds not having as much experience vs. southpaws.
10:21 [crowd cheering]
10:23 Another straight left hand there gets through for Valera.
10:48 And this time right hand to the body.
10:51 By Hightower Edmonds.
10:55 Nice body shot. And Edmonds comes back with a nice left hook to counter that.
11:10 [crowd cheering]
11:12 Beautiful left hook there moments ago.
11:20 That's a nice shot. And another one.
11:22 Three, four shots for Valera. Really solid shots.
11:27 And he catches him with two more at the end of the round. And another one.
11:30 What a really good finish to that round for Valero.
11:35 And Nick, that seems like what we've seen a few times in this fight.
11:38 Edmonds has success and then Valera comes on with counter shots of his own.
11:41 He might have stole that round.
11:44 Just with that last 10-15 seconds he might have stole that round.
11:48 And let's take a look at some of the replays from the previous round.
11:52 That was the left hook by Edmonds that certainly got the attention of Valera.
12:00 Right here at the end of the round, I believe this is the end of the round.
12:08 And he caught him with three, four shots. I mean, it was really nice.
12:32 Round four underway of this six-round heavyweight feature.
12:37 Karambatya on the call, joined by All-American Nick Garone.
12:40 We have a back-and-forth matchup here.
12:43 Dhamik Edmonds in the black trunks.
12:46 Luis Miguel Valera in the white.
12:49 That classic orthodox vs. southpaw matchup.
12:54 Both men finding openings.
12:57 [crowd noise]
13:00 And Edmonds again there moments ago.
13:16 You saw him land that left hook around the guard.
13:19 It seems like he's landed that a few times on Valera.
13:22 Nice double jab.
13:27 [crowd noise]
13:30 One of the things that I really like about Edmonds is no matter what happens,
13:36 if he gets hit with something or he's throwing some big shots,
13:40 which he just landed one right there, he keeps his head about him.
13:43 And he doesn't rush in, he doesn't make any critical mistakes
13:47 that could possibly turn the tide of the fight.
13:50 And that comes a sign with being a veteran and having more fights
13:54 and becoming more of a polished professional.
13:57 [crowd noise]
14:00 [crowd noise]
14:03 Valero just blew a kiss at Edmonds in the middle of the round.
14:30 I guess Valero is back, I guess he's weathered the storm, so to speak.
14:36 And now he's going after Edmonds, he wants to win this fight.
14:40 Less than one minute to go in this fourth round of a six round heavyweight fight.
14:47 It's been a back and forth matchup, certainly the knockdown in round one for Edmonds
14:55 will loom large if this fight ends up on the scorecards.
14:59 You got two for one right there, you got two for one.
15:06 And he gets hit with another shot.
15:09 Valero's, oh, and Edmonds, this is toe to toe, I love this.
15:15 Great action by these two guys.
15:22 I'll tell you, let me, I could tell you this right now,
15:27 if I would give this round, I would give this round to Valero, 100%.
15:33 You know, he really had a really solid round from the beginning of the round
15:38 to the end of the round and finished strong.
15:40 And you know, Edmonds, don't get me wrong, Edmonds had a couple of shots in there,
15:43 he had a couple of moments, but at the end of the day, Valero,
15:46 really I thought took that round.
15:49 So, Nick, on your scorecard, I know you had the last round for Edmonds,
15:52 you have this one for, sorry, excuse me, the last two for Valero,
15:55 this is a four round fight now.
15:57 The knockdown in round one was a 10-8 round, but this is a close fight on your scorecard.
16:00 Alright, listen, I haven't even, without taking the knockdown into account,
16:06 I have this an even fight right now going into the last two rounds.
16:09 Listen, if Valero can pull this off and he can win these next two rounds,
16:15 I think he can steal this fight.
16:17 But, you know, listen, Edmonds knows, I'm sure his corner's telling him,
16:20 listen, you gotta pick up the pace, he can't get hit,
16:23 what he's doing right now, I think he's willing to take a couple to try to land one,
16:27 and you know, Valero's getting back in this fight.
16:30 Round five underway.
16:37 These are crucial rounds in a six round fight.
16:40 It's our heavyweight attraction here at Mohegan Sun.
16:43 This is Joe DeGuardia star boxing.
16:45 Dhamik Edmonds in the black trunks.
16:50 Luis Miguel Valero in the white trunks.
16:53 Valero has a look of disbelief.
17:04 [crowd noise]
17:30 Big left hand there gets through for Valero.
17:33 Certainly caught the attention of Edmonds.
17:36 And Nick, one thing we have to definitely give Edmonds credit for is
17:44 he's varying the attack on the right hand.
17:46 He's gone upstairs, and we just saw there he went down to the body.
17:49 So Edmonds is going upstairs, going downstairs, and varying that attack.
17:57 Right now I have this fight very close.
18:00 Other than the knockdown, I have this fight very close.
18:03 Nice, nice right hand.
18:15 [crowd noise]
18:18 Valero seems to be really kind of getting,
18:30 even in Edmonds head a little bit, you know?
18:33 This may not have been the fight that Edmonds thought he was walking into.
18:39 He didn't realize it was going to be this competitive.
18:41 Not at all, not at all. I really don't think he thought this fight was going to be as competitive.
18:45 Or Valero would have the firepower to, or the chin to hang in there with him.
18:51 Regardless, listen, if Edmonds can, you know, obviously goes on to win the fight,
19:01 these are great rounds.
19:03 These are great rounds for a fighter with eight fights to have.
19:07 To dig deep, to have to pull rounds out, to have to be in a situation where maybe,
19:12 you know, you got caught with a couple of really good shots and you gotta come back.
19:15 You know, this is a great opportunity for both fighters to learn from this bout.
19:22 Ten seconds to go in round five.
19:28 And on Nick Neron's scorecards, these final two rounds are going to be crucial for both men.
19:35 And they've been competitive, they've been back and forth.
19:37 I got it, I have it even right now. Even with the knockdown.
19:41 I have the last three rounds for Valero and the two rounds for Edmonds.
19:47 And, you know, with the knockdown, that makes it an even fight.
19:50 I think this round, this round I think will determine who will win the fight.
19:55 And we talked about Edmonds maybe being surprised by how competitive it is.
20:03 If you look at it on paper, that makes sense.
20:05 Edmonds is 8-0 with seven knockouts. Valero is 4-2-2.
20:09 But then when you dig a little deeper, you see that Valero is A, a southpaw.
20:12 He's from Cuba. We know that technical Cuban style, very efficient style of boxing.
20:17 And we've seen that here tonight.
20:19 And certainly that's manifesting itself here in the ring in this six-round heavyweight fight.
20:24 It's a big round for both fighters. I hope their corner let them know that, you know, listen.
20:39 They need to dig down deep right now and they need to win the round.
20:42 The jab gets through there for Valero.
20:50 To start off the final round. And as Nick said, a crucial round at that.
20:55 You know, some fighters don't warm up until after two, three rounds.
21:01 You know, you have a situation here with Valero.
21:05 Came out, got put down in the first round and since then he's kind of, you know,
21:10 increasingly done better and had opportunities to really kind of not only win rounds,
21:17 but actually at some point in time, at a couple points in time, he actually had Edmonds hurt.
21:24 Valero looks really solid. I mean, it's a close fight.
21:35 No matter which way this thing goes, I can see this being going either way.
21:40 And certainly these final two minutes will play a huge part in the final scorecards.
21:45 This round six could be the swing round.
21:48 Remember, Damik Edmonds did score the knockdown in round one.
21:54 Oh, nice shot, nice left hand by Valero.
22:03 Hey, listen, I think Valero's, listen, if Valero goes after him right here, I think he could take this fight.
22:09 That straight left hand has gotten through and it gets there. It gets through again there, Nick.
22:14 It keeps getting through with that left hand. I mean, all fight long, Valero has proven he can land that punch.
22:20 And Edmonds there with a right hand to the body. He's been consistent with the body attack
22:27 and that is one way to slow down your opponent. He's been able to do that against Valero here.
22:32 One minute to go in this sixth and final round of this heavyweight attraction.
22:43 That punch has been there all night.
22:46 Just under a minute left in the round. Oh, nice shot by Valero.
22:53 Woke Edmonds right up with that shot.
22:57 Both men hungry. Both men want this win.
23:10 30 seconds left. Who wants it more? That's what it's going to come down to.
23:39 And that's the final bell. Nick, that was a tremendous back and forth fight.
23:44 Listen, I loved it. This fight was, listen, this whole card is not disappointed.
23:49 Every single fight from, you know, Rockman and Davis and Alvis and Maeda and Marrero and Venable and now Edmonds and Valero.
24:00 I mean, these fights have all been overly competitive.
24:04 And let's take a look at some of the highlights here. That left hand by Valero.
24:11 That was able to get through the guard multiple times.
24:15 You know, something happened after the round. But watch, listen, watch these punches get through for Valero in this last round.
24:25 Valero landed the left hand and then held it up for the crowd to see.
24:29 And you see the reaction there. And after the fight, what happened is Valero went over to Edmonds' corner and they started getting into it a little bit after the fight.
24:39 Yeah, you know what, it caused a little bit of a disruption here after the fight.
24:44 Valero, you know, listen, right now, I mean, he had a really good solid fight and he goes over there and, you know, listen, that's unprofessional.
24:54 You don't go into somebody else's corner, you don't start taunting them and doing that after a fight.
24:59 You just don't do that, especially, there has to be respect.
25:02 These guys are warriors, they're gladiators. They go after each other, they want to hurt each other, they want to knock each other out.
25:08 But combat sports, MMA, wrestling, boxing, all these sports, there is a level of respect for one another.
25:19 For getting inside the ropes, for going toe to toe, for taking punches and things like that.
25:25 There's a mutual respect. And you have to have it, especially after a fight, a well-fought fight by both competitors.
25:44 Right now, my partner, Curran, but Batilla is going up in the ring to get the scorecards from the judges.
25:54 And we'll hear from him in a minute.
25:57 [crowd cheering]
26:05 Looks like Valera is still, he's still talking.
26:25 [crowd cheering]
26:31 And we're going to have the decision soon by Curran.
26:38 And here we go, I'm going to throw it up to Curran in the ring for the results.
26:43 Mohegan Sun, let's hear it for these two warriors in the heavyweight division.
26:50 [crowd cheering]
26:55 We go to the judges' scorecard after six rounds.
27:03 Judge at ringside, Glenn Feldman, scores at 57-56, Edmonds.
27:16 Judge Tom Caruso scores at 57-56, Valera.
27:23 And finally, Don Trella scores at 57-56, for your winner by split decision,
27:40 from Worcester, Massachusetts, Demi "High Tower" Edmonds!
27:50 [crowd cheering]
27:54 [crowd cheering]
27:57 [crowd cheering]
28:00 [crowd cheering]
28:03 [crowd cheering]
28:06 [crowd cheering]
28:09 [crowd cheering]
28:12 [crowd cheering]
