• last year
Mark Andrrews visit Cannock to see what the issues are for the May local elections.
00:00 Good morning, we're in Cannock today. My name's Mark Andrews. We are speaking to people in the town about what they think will be the important issues in the forthcoming local elections.
00:15 By and large the biggest issue people seem to be raising seems to be about the actual town centre itself, the need for regeneration. People have lots of different views about what should be done.
00:31 The one thing everybody seems to agree on is that things need to be done quickly, as if you have concerns about the amount of time it's taking for projects to get off the ground.
00:44 There's also a lot of talk about things such as the roads maintenance, potholes, lots of local issues.
00:51 As a general rule a lot of people are saying they won't be voting at all. A lot of people seem to have now strong party affiliations in terms of how the council's performing.
01:05 Lots of people are actually quite happy with how the council's performing but they feel it's just small things that aren't getting done.
01:13 They doubt the general consensus seems to be that it won't make a lot of difference who people vote for. Thank you very much, Mark Andrews in Cannock Town Centre.
