Why does one crave to become better? ll Acharya Prashant (2018)

  • 5 months ago
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Video Information: Myth Demolition Tour, 27.02.2018, Rishikesh, India

~ What is betterment?
~ Why does one crave to become better?
~ What is loneliness?
~ Can visualisation help in achieving the goal?
~ When do we think for further improvement?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00 There is a person who is dreaming about betterment and sitting at her place, she is visualizing
00:19 how things would be after betterment. And she says that the visualization energizes
00:29 her and fantasizing about the end point makes her happy. This is the situation. Let's go
00:39 into it. Find it interesting? I think of betterment because I take myself as deficient. If I don't
00:59 treat myself as incomplete or deficient, I cannot think of betterment. In contentment,
01:13 it is absurd to think of further improvement. We are talking of the I sense, the I sense
01:23 that takes itself as lacking in something. Because it takes itself as lacking in something,
01:31 so it thinks of betterment. What we miss here often is that the thought and the thinker
01:45 will always share the same quality. The action and the actor will always share the same quality.
01:58 The imagination and the one imagining will always be of the same quality. Getting it?
02:13 Now, if I say that I am imagining precisely because I do not like the way I am, I want
02:23 to change because I do not feel all right with the way I am, then who am I in my own
02:29 estimation? Somebody, please, somebody deficient, somebody incomplete. And if I am incomplete,
02:40 then sitting where I am, what would be the quality of my action, thought and imagination?
02:46 They too would be of incomplete nature. So incompleteness is projecting more incompleteness
02:55 for itself and then trying with all its might to reach more incompleteness. How will that
03:02 help? Please get this. Let us take the extreme and crass example of a drunkard. It is an
03:14 extreme example, I understand. So just stay with it. If one is drunk and one is thinking
03:22 of improvement in his drunken state, and when you are drunk, you think of a lot of things
03:29 that you usually don't think of. If one is drunk and one is thinking of improvement,
03:35 and one is thinking of improvement precisely because one is drunk, then what would be the
03:40 quality of that dream or vision? I have already declared myself as lacking or poor or deficient.
03:50 And if I am lacking or poor or deficient, how will I dream of a total and complete and
03:57 whole future? My vision too would just be a polished version of who I already am. And
04:08 I am, in my own estimation, not good enough. My dreams would only be a refined version
04:20 of my current state. They will not be able to take me beyond myself. And that is why
04:28 dreamers keep failing. That is why the progress that dreams give us are only cosmetic. Yes,
04:38 dream changes, but only on the surface. Real change never comes. When you make a goal for
04:50 yourself, pay attention to the state of the goal setter as well. If you are afraid, what
04:58 would be the quality of your goal? The goal would contain a lot of fear. And you set a
05:05 lot of goals when you are afraid. In fact, the more afraid you are, the more you would
05:10 want to reach to the next goal because you will not be comfortable with your current
05:15 state. So you would want to quickly shift to the other state of the goal. You would
05:21 say, I don't like this state. I am afraid. I am afraid. So that's my goal. But because
05:26 you are setting that goal in your current state, that goal would have all the elements
05:31 of fear, but hidden. And because they would be hidden, so you would be tripped into thinking
05:40 that your dream or imagination will take you away from fear. That can't happen. That can't
05:50 happen. Which means, very interestingly, that goal setting or dreaming or visualizing defeats
06:03 its own purpose. The moment you visualize, you have certified that you are not worthy
06:11 of visualizing. Because you visualize only when you are not alright with yourself. And
06:17 if you are not alright with yourself, then this is not the right time to visualize. Dreaming
06:29 defeats the dreamer. Dreaming defeats the very purpose of dreaming. One therefore has
06:39 to simply open her eyes to the fact of today, the fact of living, the fact of how one is
06:52 operating through the 24-hour cycle. That probably may help really. For example, if
07:13 the person was to visualize from a place of wholeness, in that end goal that has been
07:23 visualized, if there was maybe like a dis-identification with what that is, and it just be what it
07:37 is. Wonderful.
07:40 From a place of wholeness, one doesn't visualize. From a place of wholeness, one creates without
07:51 purpose. And there can be no purposeful creativity. If you are whole, then too you act, then too
08:02 you think. But that thinking is not about making up for your perceived deficiencies.
08:13 Then you just act, then you just think, then you do not act for a reason, then you do not
08:19 think with a target. This just acting, that is the elixir of life. To act without knowing
08:34 what the action would lead to, and having the courage and the boldness and the faith
08:40 to act without knowing what the action would result into. To live without knowing what
08:48 the future would bring. To create without knowing whether the creation would fetch
08:55 any material returns or not. To dance without bothering whether somebody is applauding or
09:01 not. That is creativity.
09:07 When we are talking about creativity, right, so, and about being a dreamer, right, so a
09:23 dreamer dreams a lot, right? He has got his creating visions for himself. Probably, being
09:33 from a creative side, what I feel is like, if I do not have that material base of my
09:41 visions, when it comes to creating something, I would not be able to create, right? Because
09:49 these imaginations are the support, these are the bricks that are supporting that creation,
09:55 right? Somewhere down the line, though I may be dreaming, right? So, coming from the dance
10:00 thing, so suppose I tell you, I was travelling to Mumbai for some office trip. I met a model,
10:08 had a conversation. Last year, I had met another model, both have different natures. From that,
10:15 I took those pieces, created a story which is on dance. Probably, I would not be able
10:21 to make and direct it right now, but at least I have a story. I have visualisation from
10:27 which something has been created.
10:30 You see, creativity is love. It does not bother for what practical resources you have. What
10:39 you are saying is, you give the first position to what you have and then creativity is built
10:44 on that. Not really. If creativity is real, it would spring into the unknown and then
10:55 would find whether resources are available. If resources are there, then obviously you
11:03 are using them only for predetermined purposes. Then how is there creativity? Please understand
11:11 this. Secondly, creativity is not a side. That which is normally called as creativity
11:20 in commerce or arts or advertising or theatre or whatever is hardly creative. Creativity
11:28 is not a field. Every field is going to be limited. Creativity is a moment to moment
11:37 way of living. You cannot call certain professions as creative professions and certain professions
11:47 as commercial or uncreative or mechanical or whatever. Either your very breath is creative
11:56 or you are not. There is nothing called a creative field.
12:02 So, one other thing that probably I would like to share, but just because the video
12:13 is on, I was sharing with this gentleman. I found him very positive and energetic. It's
12:23 a very interesting story that how I am right now in Rishikesh. I was driving for office,
12:30 something like things were not working fine, both at family and at office. I just snapped
12:39 into and I just parked my car at the airport, took a bus, metro, then a bus, Zeradun and
12:47 now I'm sitting in Rishikesh. And man, it's been around more than 24 hours I have not
12:55 informed my family. I'm into this question that how...
13:01 So, you know what creativity is, right? And this act is not going to be certified or validated
13:09 as a great creative act by anybody outside of you. But you know very well now what is
13:18 creativity. It's not coming up with a masterpiece. It's not about coming up with something that
13:24 is demonstrable. It's about living in a certain way, which is not quite a way.
13:35 I tend to do things which are not appreciable by others and this is causing trouble. But
13:49 you decide what do you love more, creativity or troublelessness? One has to take the call.
13:58 Would you say that is spontaneous action? Yes, it is spontaneous. But then if I switch
14:07 on this bulb, this too is spontaneous in its reaction. It takes no time for the bulb to
14:16 start emitting light. That's a different quality of spontaneity. That's a spontaneity in which
14:24 there could possibly have been a lag. But now there is not. Here it has no option to
14:34 not to react when it's asked to. Are you getting it? Similarly, a short-tempered man has no
14:44 option to not to react when abused. That too is spontaneous. You abuse me, I abuse back.
14:53 That too is spontaneous. Spontaneity is when you could not have been probably and possibly
15:01 spontaneous. Your fears could have arrested you. You could have sought time to think over,
15:08 mull over and come up with a safe and secure response. But then there was something more
15:14 attractive, more lovable than safety and security. So you decided to not to take any time and
15:27 rush towards that lovable thing. That is creativity. Life is either creative or it's the life
15:43 of this audio system, of this camera, of this bulb, programmed. If there is not creativity,
15:57 then there is a programmed life. Then everything is programmed. Love is programmed. Vacations
16:08 are programmed. God is programmed. Meditation is programmed. But we are, aren't we? Yes,
16:17 unfortunately most of us are programmed. The redeeming part is something in us does not
16:24 like our state. So even though we might be living programmed lives, yet we want to be
16:35 somewhere else. We don't like where we are. Nobody likes where he is. That's wonderful.
16:46 Dangerous are those who have settled comfortably into their programs. Very dangerous are those
16:54 who have now come to an agreement and have made a deal with their programming.
17:05 So do you think that there is, though we sometimes take spontaneous decisions, but I somehow
17:17 feel that they are also somehow guided somewhere. So my life is driving, so I have to take a
17:24 u-turn to my office. Now that day, yesterday, there's been a new road which has been channelized.
17:34 So they are like, this is for the u-turn, this is for if you have to go straight. And
17:39 because it is for the first time, so I get confused and I take this one. And then I am
17:44 having second thoughts. Should I take a u-turn or whatever thought is coming into my mind,
17:50 I take it. And I didn't take that deliberately. So I just couldn't manage in traffic. I went
18:00 into that lane and I'm driving straight, I'm driving straight. And then I said, I go for
18:08 it. So supposedly, it's not spontaneous. That is what somehow guided.
18:16 You see, there is nobody who gets no taste of the beyond in his daily life. The tragic
18:28 part is, we get a taste of that and yet do not feel sure enough to plunge into that.
18:45 In fact, life would have been without any suffering had we had no taste of freedom or
18:55 love. The great tragedy is, somewhere we know what truth is, what freedom is, and what it
19:12 means to live lightly. Because we know that, therefore, we suffer all the more. Because
19:22 now we also know what we are missing out on. Had you had no experience, no intimacy with
19:36 the beyond, then you would have been as trouble-free as a machine. No machine ever weeps. But you
19:48 know what is your great possibility. And therefore, you weep because you deny that great possibility
19:58 to yourself. To a machine, there is no great possibility, so it doesn't weep. To you, that
20:06 possibility very much exists. And man lives so that that possibility can be achieved,
20:15 can be materialised. And if in your lifetime you do not materialise that possibility, if
20:23 you do not live to your fullest, then you have wasted your life.
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