Crystal Kung Minkoff Exits 'RHOBH' After 3 Seasons

  • 5 months ago
Crystal Kung Minkoff Exits 'RHOBH' After 3 Seasons


00:00 So I just wanted to share the news that I will not be
00:04 Coming back to film season 14 of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills
00:09 Crystal Kong Meekoff is given up her diamond
00:13 Reality star took to Instagram on Monday to announce that she will not be returning to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills next season
00:21 It's very bittersweet
00:24 Never did I think I would have been asked to do this show in a million years
00:30 Let alone
00:31 Film it for three seasons
00:33 Every single year. I was asked back. I
00:36 It was a blessing it was
00:40 an honor
00:43 Crystal joined the show back in 2021 and at the time she became the first Asian American on the hit Bravo show
00:49 What she noted was quote a lot of weight on my shoulders. I
00:54 have since just
00:57 have really understood the magnitude of what that meant for people and
01:01 I just wanted to thank you guys for being such an incredible support for me, and I hope that I have been for you
01:09 Sharing my story with my edie sharing stories about my father and his Alzheimer's
01:15 I've heard so many incredible stories from you guys
01:18 For crystal noted that this is not a goodbye. It's just a see you later
01:24 More to come but I just I'm so grateful for everyone's love and support you guys are an incredible
01:31 audience
01:35 with your own unique stories to tell and I hope that you guys all one day have your opportunity and
01:40 Rob Mac Zoe my brother Jev
01:45 My mom we're all so
01:47 Grateful to you guys. This has been such a fun
01:50 chapter Lark
01:54 So, thank you guys so much again ahead of the show season 13 reunion
01:58 Crystal made an appearance on access Hollywood's housewives make up and she looked back on the past couple of seasons and
02:04 Noted what she would have done differently in the future
02:07 Your third season, right? How did that I don't know I was like, oh, it's second season. I was like wait. No, no
02:14 No, this is three seasons. Yes looking back. Is there one thing that you wish you knew going in?
02:22 I wish I didn't take the first years actually so seriously
02:27 I wish I because now I watch it back. I used to like it was so painful and
02:31 Now I watch it back. I kind of laugh. I laugh at leather pants
02:35 I laugh at all those things which felt so like heavy to me. I don't know why so I've taken that
02:40 You know learning lesson into the season this year. I'm like whatever is happening. It feels so negative
02:46 You're gonna laugh about it later. So try not to take it too seriously
02:50 So that's and I actually have taken that approach in my real life
02:53 You know, it's like it at all
02:56 You know this to show pass right and you actually might look back on it and maybe enjoy it or learn something from it
03:02 So that's I think about it. No, I love that
03:05 Do you kind of wish though that maybe you were a little more outspoken this season?
03:10 In the beginning I saw myself thinking about things and not saying it
03:15 So yeah, I would say yeah
03:16 Like if I really if I had to check myself and what I what my growth of the season to be for sure
03:22 Okay. Yeah, but it's also like be careful. Also be kid. Yeah
03:26 It's kind of nice to like sit back and let everything else. Yeah
03:31 Yeah, and you're like, yeah, I don't want anything to do with right
03:34 I'll always sort of that will always my personality is right and watch
03:38 but I do know that my voice matters and my totally and I do think I
03:44 My opinion a lot of people share so I'm gonna be more vocal
03:49 *Outro Music*
