Golf's Future: Building a More Inclusive PGA Tour Today!

  • 5 months ago
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Seeing, you know, the PGA players in the live
00:06 and how it plays out to the casual sport fan
00:08 and to the casual person,
00:10 it's a lot like seeing Elon Musk
00:12 and Zuckerberg talk about fighting.
00:15 You know what I mean?
00:15 It's like, listen, you're both tool bags, nobody cares.
00:18 Like just, you know what I mean?
00:20 And people just sort of get turned off by that.
00:24 And, you know, I understand, listen,
00:25 it's not the fault of some of the players on the PGA tour.
00:28 And let's just be real.
00:29 I'm just talking about like movement moving forward.
00:31 'Cause as you stated, people love golf,
00:33 will always watch golf and it's not gonna go anywhere.
00:35 I'm not saying that, you know, the PGA is about,
00:37 and the sport of golf is about to disappear.
00:40 But let's be real, Tiger Woods was golf.
00:43 Tiger Woods did, really did.
00:45 I saw Wilbon the other day talking about it, Michael Wilbon.
00:48 And Michael Wilbon said, you know,
00:49 I've been covering sports 50 years.
00:51 He goes, I never cared about golf.
00:53 He goes, I started to care about golf 'cause Tiger Woods.
00:55 He goes, why?
00:55 'Cause he looked like me.
00:57 And he goes, I have friends that he goes,
00:59 we never took golf trips and vacations together before.
01:03 He goes, now we play golf now together.
01:05 Never did that on vacations.
01:07 He goes, 'cause of Tiger.
01:08 And he said, other African-Americans because of Tiger.
01:11 And not just the African-Americans,
01:12 but thing is I think about the PGA tour cover
01:16 and the players are amazing, right?
01:18 You can't, it's like, wow.
01:19 I mean, like the Scottish Shuffle,
01:20 like from a talent standpoint, the Wills Alatorces,
01:24 you know, all the Hovlands, all these kids just show up.
01:27 You're like, wow.
01:29 Like they are so good,
01:31 but that doesn't move the needle carver.
01:33 It doesn't matter.
01:34 You know what I'm saying?
01:35 Like, where's the, how many African-Americans
01:38 are on the PGA tour?
01:39 How many African-Americans right now?
01:41 How many Hispanic-Americans?
01:42 Bro, I don't know, I'd like to let people know.
01:44 There's a lot of Hispanic-Americans.
01:46 Like people identify when somebody looks like you.
01:49 When somebody, you know, I can do that.
01:51 I was wrong, you know what I mean?
01:52 How many kids right now in East LA are thinking, man,
01:55 I'd like to be on a PGA tour, but how do I do that?
01:58 I don't see anyone.
01:59 There ain't no one from my hood there.
02:01 You know what I'm saying?
02:02 You need to do that.
02:03 Like they need to spend money
02:05 and not these token commercials and stuff.
02:07 I know they give a ton of money to charity,
02:09 a ton of money, but more than I do,
02:11 but they need to spend real money.
02:14 Like they need to go into high schools, into LA,
02:17 go into high schools, into Miami,
02:19 for like really, literally, and tell them golf is cool.
02:22 But how do these kids play golf?
02:24 They can't go to golf courses.
02:25 So like the future of the sport carver,
02:27 I put it this way, from a business standpoint,
02:31 it's 2024 right now, you look at the demographic of America,
02:34 North America, the world, so to speak,
02:35 the way that the global market is now,
02:38 you are selling a sport right now
02:41 to upper class, rich, white people.
02:45 That's it.
02:47 That's your market.
02:48 That's your market.
02:49 You don't, like, you don't,
02:51 you don't have any other market.
02:53 It's not a market you're gonna thrive in
02:54 to today's day and age.
