面对经济转型压力 一半大马人害怕失去工作?

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 大马任仕达工作监控(Randstad Workmonito)今日公布最新调查显示,在经济转型的大环境变化下,马来西亚每2人中就有1人担心工作不保,当中以Z世代和千禧世代的人占多数。另外,每5名大马人当中,有2人无论是否有发展空间都安于现状。在经济局势越来越严峻,转型不可逆转的情况下,马来西亚的打工一族有没有能力面对经济形势的变化?还是只能被动地选择躺平?(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 The latest survey released today by the Renstat Work Monitor,
00:11 shows that in Malaysia, one in two people is worried about the unsafe work environment
00:16 due to the economic transformation and the change of the environment.
00:18 The majority of them are people in the Z-period and the Qianxi period.
00:21 In addition, two out of five Malaysians are in a state of "safety"
00:26 regardless of whether they have any space to develop.
00:28 In the face of the increasingly severe economic situation and the irreversible transformation,
00:32 are the Malaysian workers able to face the changes in the economic situation
00:36 or choose to lie flat?
00:39 The survey interviewed 517 Malaysian workers and employees
00:43 and discussed their expectations in terms of motivation and retaliation, flexibility, fairness and understanding,
00:48 and artificial intelligence and skills.
00:54 The Renstat Director, Fahad Naimu said,
00:58 "Although the Malaysians desire to get a higher salary and a more prominent position,
01:02 they also hope to find employers who can provide a good work experience.
01:06 The Malaysians also believe that having a stable job and a balanced life,
01:11 a healthy body and mind, the care of the employer, and the opportunity to improve their skills
01:15 are sometimes more important than working with a higher salary."
01:20 According to the survey, the Renstat Director, Cai Zhaoyuan,
01:24 the Tax and Financial Consultation Director, and the CEO of China Central Bank, Kong Linglong,
01:28 said that the workers in China should not be complacent.
01:33 China is currently facing a low productivity problem.
01:37 Low productivity will not increase wages,
01:40 and this will not allow the workers to pay the living expenses.
01:45 Therefore, everyone should have the ability to learn to improve competitiveness.
01:49 This is how the country can improve.
01:52 According to the survey report of the Renstat Director,
01:56 half of the workers in China are afraid of losing their jobs due to the economic transition,
01:59 including the coming of the AI era.
02:02 According to the survey of the Tax and Financial Consultation Director, Cai Zhaoyuan,
02:05 and the CEO of China Central Bank, Kong Linglong,
02:08 the workers can understand the anxiety,
02:10 but they think that AI can only replace some jobs.
02:14 As long as you can change your thinking and master certain skills,
02:17 you don't have to worry about being eliminated.
02:20 Basically, many employees are worried that they will lose their jobs.
02:24 But at the same time, I think AI cannot replace all jobs.
02:31 There are many jobs that are related to emotions or need to take care of people,
02:37 including medical, art, business, or work that needs to be judged.
02:45 Basically, AI cannot replace all of them.
02:48 So I think everyone doesn't have to worry too much about
02:51 AI replacing all jobs.
02:55 Of course, we have to accept this.
02:57 But I think we have to change two things.
03:00 One is thinking, and the other is skills.
03:04 If we change our skills,
03:06 because AI cannot replace the so-called human brain intelligence.
03:12 If something has data analysis,
03:16 of course AI can do it.
03:18 But if it analyzes it,
03:20 it is a more historical thing,
03:23 it can analyze it.
03:25 If it is a multi-dimensional human brain analysis,
03:28 I don't think AI can replace it.
03:32 Cai Zhaoyuan thinks that rather than being afraid of losing their jobs,
03:35 employees should reflect on their attitude at work.
03:38 Don't just finish your job,
03:40 but become a person who does a good job.
03:43 He thinks that no matter which position the employee is in,
03:45 the most important thing is to be able to learn by yourself.
03:47 So that whether it is an automated or intelligent era,
03:50 it can be easily dealt with.
03:51 So in this regard, if your attitude is good,
03:55 the AI era or automated era,
03:59 basically the employer still needs employees.
04:02 It's just how you improve yourself.
04:06 It is very important for you to improve your skills.
04:09 So in the face of the future world,
04:12 I think everyone, including you and me,
04:15 basically, whether it is an employee or the boss,
04:17 in the field of self-learning,
04:19 how to learn this aspect,
04:21 is basically very important.
04:23 Self-learning is a very important skill.
04:27 So if you can self-learn,
04:29 whether it is the AI era, the automated era,
04:32 or any era,
04:34 basically you have the ability to learn new skills and technologies.
04:38 To deal with the arrival of new technology.
04:42 And the report also shows that
04:43 two out of five people in the Dalmatians are in a stable state.
04:46 They don't mind whether they have a career advancement or development space.
04:50 Two interviewees believe that
04:51 for a group of workers,
04:52 this attitude is worrisome.
04:54 Because many people just want to live in their own comfort zone,
04:57 they think that as long as they can keep their job, they can.
04:59 But because of this,
05:00 their productivity will be low,
05:02 and the actual salary will be low.
05:04 And once there are so many people like this,
05:05 the country's economy will be unstable.
05:08 I think this kind of person is really passive.
05:12 He is waiting for some situations or even automation to replace him.
05:17 I think this kind of person is not going forward and retreating.
05:20 He doesn't have the skills to be used by the so-called companies or the community.
05:27 If it's a country,
05:29 many people in this vote,
05:30 I think the economy will not move forward.
05:34 If people don't improve,
05:35 I think his company will not improve.
05:38 The entire economy will not stop.
05:40 How to make the Malaysian people get out of this comfort zone?
05:44 I think everyone wants to improve their competitiveness.
05:49 His competitiveness is not only in Malaysia,
05:51 he is able to face international competition.
05:55 From a so-called employee to a talent,
05:59 how do you improve your competitiveness?
06:02 So in this respect,
06:04 of course, your skills and skills are very important.
06:06 But before you talk about skills and skills,
06:09 your attitude itself is very important.
06:12 If your attitude does not change,
06:14 it will be difficult for you to learn new things.
06:18 The Malaysian Economy
06:23 Malaysia's Economic Development and Development Programme
