Gold rates surge to new historic high in Pakistan

  • 5 months ago
Gold rates surge to new historic high in Pakistan
00:00 Gold prices have reached the highest level in the country's history.
00:03 Gold prices have increased by Rs. 2400 and now Rs. 249,700.
00:08 Anjum, what are the reasons for the increase?
00:11 Yes, we are seeing a lot of trading in gold.
00:14 The price of Ruhtiya Lakh has increased by Rs. 2400 and now Rs. 247,700.
00:19 While the price of 10 grams of gold has increased by Rs. 2057 and now Rs. 214,777.
00:27 The reason for this is that the price of gold has increased by Rs. 20 in the international market.
00:31 And now it has increased by Rs. 2391.
00:36 This has also affected silver.
00:38 The price of silver is Rs. 2650.
00:42 But the price of gold has increased.
00:44 There is an increase in the international market and the local market.
00:48 Gold traders say that the price of gold has increased in the local market and the international market.
00:56 Anjum Shukriya Aapka.
