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Refuge Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: After a mysterious attack from a malevolent demon during his tour of duty in Afghanistan, Sergeant Rick Pedroni returns home a changed man, and more dangerous than ever.

Starring: Sophie Simnet, Raza Jaffrey, Aston McAuley
Directed by: Renny Harlin
Release Date: 4/19/24
00:00 Over here!
00:02 They're in the tunnel! Hold your fire!
00:05 Says there's no way any of them would go in there.
00:07 Well, boys, we're gonna need a volunteer.
00:09 I got you, sir.
00:11 (radio chatter)
00:15 (radio chatter)
00:17 (radio chatter)
00:19 (radio chatter)
00:21 (radio chatter)
00:23 (radio chatter)
00:25 (explosion)
00:27 (screaming)
00:30 (dramatic music)
00:32 The doctors in Afghanistan stabilized him.
00:38 We don't have the details of the combat incident.
00:41 Son, I know it's been tough.
00:49 Instincts are different there, but it was war.
00:51 (explosion)
00:53 Get off him, Rick!
00:58 I am terrified that I'm losing my husband.
01:00 Please help us.
01:01 Tell me about Afghanistan.
01:03 I was there. Khair Khan.
01:05 The home of horror.
01:07 (screaming)
01:10 I know you think you found something out there.
01:15 Or something found him.
01:17 There are still things in this world that science has yet to explain.
01:25 The djinn is an elemental demon, and it feeds on trauma.
01:28 It can be very strong.
01:30 How do we kill it?
01:41 An exorcism?
01:43 In theory.
01:44 What kind of effect does he have on the others?
01:47 It's like he's controlling them.
01:49 I'm not afraid of you.
01:52 Yes, you are.
01:55 This isn't right.
01:58 None of it is.
01:59 Leave this place.
02:04 (explosion)
02:06 (whooshing)