• l’année dernière


00:00What's up? Oh, here go the Queen praise God. It's group Sunday. We're so hype man. We're signing up for groups today
00:05We feel like some more persons who get involved and doing what they love in ministry. So this is gonna be crazy
00:10Plus I'm ministering to singles today. I'm talking about single
00:14saved and
00:15Successful if you don't need it your child do your grandchild need it your sister your mama still like people you better
00:20You better get this. My new book is out. It's crazy. I'm in a relationship teaching called real love and
00:28Just don't be crazy tell everybody, you know log in today. I'm teaching single save and successful. I
00:37Want to talk about today? You'll love this and I want you to get into your heart when a teaching called real love
00:43I want to talk about
00:46saved and successful
00:50Single saved and successful you may take your seats in the Lord's house
00:54House be
00:56Grabbing your Bibles and getting to 1st Corinthians 7 will be walking through 1st Corinthians 7
01:02So those of you with Bible apps or phones, let's get the 1st Corinthians
01:067 I started last week dealing with singles. What is it? Watch this to be grown and alone
01:12What comes with the beauty of being grown and alone? What are the benefits of being grown and alone?
01:20What are some of the downturns of being grown and alone? What are some of the struggles of being grown and alone?
01:26So here's what I want to do
01:27I need you to take your phones out
01:28Put them on silence and take a lot of notes particularly those of you that are single those of you that are married
01:33You got some son some some daughters some granddaughter that could benefit from this teaching. So I want you to
01:39Just really jump on it with me. Let's do this. So I want to talk about this. You'll love this spiritually watch this
01:46practically and then community
01:50Practically and then I want to deal with community spiritually practically and then I want to deal with community
01:55What does it mean? So grab your Bible?
01:57Let's get ready because we're gonna walk in this 1st Corinthians 7 verse 32 says I want you to live as free of
02:03Complications as possible when you're unmarried you're free to concentrate on simply praising the master
02:09I want to pause right here and tell you that whether you're a single or married
02:13Every say person ought to want to please the master unmarried person can concentrate on simply pleasing the master
02:20Can I say this to all of you when you are married? You got other stuff you got to think about
02:25When you are single you got one thing in your mind watch this money and ministry
02:32Mm-hmm. Let me try that one more time when you were single
02:35All you have to do is concentrate on getting your money right and getting your ministry, right?
02:40So notice what he says he says in verse 33 34
02:44But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife
02:48His interests are divided in the same way a woman who is no longer married was never been married can be devoted to the Lord
02:54Holy and body and in spirit, but a married man has to think about her earthly responsibilities
02:59A married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband. I don't care how
03:05Unneedy your spouse is sometime. They're gonna want something and all the married people said
03:12And married people get excited because I'm so hyped on
03:16April 28th and Sunday night April 28th 6 p.m. We have been something for married people only we're gonna do
03:23teaching dinner and dancing clap married people everybody and
03:27so get all excited about that and
03:31Everybody come we're gonna do teaching dinner and dancing at 6 p.m. No singles and no kids. Amen
03:38We're gonna go there for real, but I want you to look at me right now
03:42Everybody who's single and can I tell you something? That's a trip the Bible assumes that if you are single you have no children
03:50The Bible also assumes that if you are a single young lady, you're a virgin
04:02Okay, bless it quietness. Amen. Praise God, but the Bible assumes that if you're a single this is good everybody that you have no children
04:10This is not fantasy Island Church
04:12This real church average single young lady any time past her mid-twenties
04:18Most have at least one child most brothers may not have a wife
04:23But if they're 25 30 very few people have no children those who have been nerve to have no children
04:30And be single do you think I just want to clap for y'all right quick. Praise God. Amen
04:38Do you do you realize the possibilities of no children and no spouse
04:45Do you realize how much you can get done for the master?
04:48Do you realize how much money you can make I said at the one-night stand?
04:52I'm gonna say it again how you single no kids and broke
04:59Somebody where is your money praise God? Do you?
05:03Do you know how much money us married people would have if that other person didn't live with us and them children?
05:08And for some reason kids like to eat three times a day
05:11I'm like why y'all got to keep on eating three times a day watch this. Let's jump in and let's go marriage is
05:19Singleness is selfishness everybody look at me marriage is self lessness
05:26Singleness is selfishness all of you that are married. Look at your pastor right quick
05:30You cannot be married if you don't want to be self less
05:34I don't care if you've been married longer than I've been born
05:37I want you to sit up right here newlyweds persons been married a few years if you're gonna be successful
05:42Don't marry somebody selfish
05:44No marriage is selflessness that girl says to me baby get up and grab me some water
05:50You know, I get up and grab her some water
05:51Have you ever been married people raise your hand and you'd be thinking Satan get behind me praise God, but you
05:57But you just get up anyway, because that's what marriage is. Look at me. It is self
06:04Lessness. She said baby grab me something. I say yes, ma'am. She's sitting right there and you know, we're trying to do right now
06:10We're trying to out serve each other
06:13Yeah, not out talk each other not out smart each other out serve each other
06:19She asked me to do anything go grab something from the store. I can be in a dead sleep
06:24She'll tell you I'll get up not when I first got married. I've trained myself that way that marriage is
06:31Selflessness, but marriage is selflessness, but singleness is selfishness
06:38Just by definition that's not negative. That's just true
06:41If it's you particularly and no children, which is why even though it's not most people's reality
06:47I'm trying to get young ladies and young girls to give up on the one-night stands
06:51Literally to give up on just kicking it with somebody giving them your body. Can I tell you something?
06:56I need somebody married and unmarried that has lived a little while to help me say this sex is so overrated. Oh
07:06Come on we got
07:08Children's Church, and I hope you take your kids to Children's Church during this series because I really do want to talk to grown
07:14People and even teenagers, but I want you to hear me
07:17I'm not I'm not minimizing the feeling God gave us the feeling of sexuality to enjoy but how many of us are
07:25Jacked up because our parents had sex and didn't like each other
07:29Yeah, how many of our children don't have a father to play basketball with them because of a night of sex?
07:35Yeah, how many of our daughters are hurting for daddy love because of one night of sex?
07:40I'm not minimizing the beauty of sexuality particularly in marriage, but I think I want you to hear me just because your body call in
07:48Calling they know somebody say hang up on it. Praise God. Amen. Yeah, hang up change your number on your body
07:54Say no, don't call me no more
07:56Because I'm not about to mess up my whole life marriage is
08:02selflessness family requires
08:05Selflessness, don't y'all laugh at me, but yesterday
08:08You guys know pastor Lisa from remedy she's having a baby and they had another baby shower for their third baby
08:15they call that the remedy baby and
08:18So Ray and a nausea wanted to go and Jason and Sinead wanted to go my wife has something to handle
08:25So that left me with two grandkids
08:28Now I don't mind watching one of them
08:31at a time
08:32But two is Satan
08:37My little daughter had one of them use the bathrooms
08:40The other one the real one. I mean I say Lord
08:44So what I'm supposed to do with all this stuff just just happening right now
08:46And I'm washing her up in the sink while he over there crying. I said Lord Jesus
08:52Made me think about young ladies. They got to do this every day
08:56With no help got to do this every day
08:58Not just a weekend warrior, but every day made me want to tell young people in my daughter and all the teenagers
09:04Don't you get into that until you ready for that because that takes time that that takes energy
09:10Right, right, right and the Bible says I'm not saying this to put restrictions on you
09:16I'm trying to make things I like the word as less complicated as possible
09:21Yeah marriage with no spouse is complicated
09:23I mean, I mean babies with no spouse can be complicated children with no spouse can be very complicated
09:30So I want you guys to catch this
09:31The first thing I want you to get is that successful singles write it down
09:36Successful singles get this for your children if you're married coming to marry couples next week, but everybody catch this
09:41successful singles make Christ their priority
09:45Successful singles make Christ their priority you guys look at me because we're gonna have some fun today, but I'm not a comedian
09:52I'm a pastor. You got to get the centrality of Christ the centrality of the cross everybody. Look at me
09:59Jesus is my priority. I don't know many men that are more in love with their girl than I am
10:05But that said he's my priority. I show love raising my children. I love the word church
10:11I love all that comes with who I am
10:12But Christ is my priority and I wish that had some people here that have lived long enough to know that our spouses
10:20Leave or they die
10:21Yet kids may call they may not and I decided a long time ago
10:26I'm not gonna play Jesus for nobody cuz can't nobody do me. I
10:31Wish I had seven real people on a Sunday morning
10:35That would thank God for Jesus so that I got one question
10:41Brother or sister before we go out. Are you gonna push me closer to the master?
10:46Yeah, the master's my priority not going to bed with you the master's my priority not you going half on the house
10:53No, the master's my priority not somebody to go to Dubai with those are byproducts of relationships
10:59I love to have it but Christ is my priority
11:02I'm not just jumping in the bed with anybody because I'm not the person that I used to be
11:06I've been changed. I wish I had somebody that would say a wonderful change. I don't know
11:12Who I'm talking to that would thank God that you have been changed and so first and foremost first and foremost
11:19The successful single look at me the successful single look at me makes Christ their priority
11:27No, we don't get to go to bed, bro. You're not my husband. Christ is my priority
11:31Oh my goodness. You got a wicked body girl, and I like pretty women
11:35I'm a human straight up bro, but now Christ is my priority
11:39No, you can't you can't be my husband because you won't accept my Christ
11:43And at some point the bed is going to get old
11:46I'm gonna say this one more time and somebody please remember this if you don't remember nothing else if you don't remember nothing else
11:52From this series singles, you're gonna hate you married somebody that can't pray. Oh
11:59I wish I had some people. Oh
12:01He doesn't have to be a preacher to know how to pray
12:04She doesn't have to be an evangelist to know how to pray life is going to happen
12:08Life is going to happen. Did I tell y'all I haven't been married two minutes or 10 years or 15 years or 20 years or 25?
12:14Years, I've been married longer than that and I'm telling you we spend more time out the bed than we do in the bed
12:19We got kids we got life her heart been broke mine been broke. My mama died. Her mama has been sick
12:25We've had to pray and intercede in the name of Jesus
12:28All of our kids have broken our heart at one time or another and gonna break it again
12:32And then grandkids gonna come and break our heart again life is full of messy stuff, but thank God
12:37Let's have church for Jesus
12:39Because can I tell you what my girl and I got there's some people don't got we got an Avenger mentality
12:46When the devil try to come up in our house, we put our backs together and say in the name of Jesus
12:51Satan whatever you kind of put whatever you trying to pull the blood of Jesus be over my daughter the blood of Jesus
12:57Be over my son don't hook up with a brother
13:02They can't pray for you
13:06Can be crazy sexy and one day you're gonna think but she can't pray
13:14She can't
13:16She can't pray. So that's
13:18first of all a
13:20Spirituality, but secondly, I'm gonna spend a lot of time right here got a plane to catch but I'm gonna do my work
13:25Practicality say practicality
13:28Practicality so so it comes down to one question. Everybody hear me. Let's get this when I get to married couples
13:34I'm a sit in it. I'm a sit in it next week
13:36So everybody who's been married married now want to be married don't miss this series. I can't do this all year
13:42So when I'm doing it, don't miss tell everybody online virtually every place. This is what I do is what I'm called to do
13:50I want to help singles. I've written three books on it, and I want you to hear me singles
13:55Practicality it comes down to really one thing that begs asking. Are you single and satisfied or?
14:03Are you single and seeking if you cool in the gang sex is not a priority
14:09That would be some widows persons who've been married for a long time. The spouse died. I'm satisfied
14:15Maybe people who have been through a ravishing divorce. I'm cool
14:19I'm in a season of singleness sex is not driving me crazy
14:22God has me on assignment to just love all my grandkids help with my nieces and nephews right now
14:28My kids need a mama more than I need a man
14:31I'm talking to somebody. Come on. Talk to me somebody
14:35But to those of you who are serious, maybe about dating rule number one in my book
14:41I really didn't attack this during the one-night stand is
14:47Self-awareness everybody thinks dating is about the other person dating starts with me knowing me
14:55You've never heard that dating is not just about you finding the perfect person
14:59How you gonna find the perfect person and you don't know you
15:04It's the one downside I'm talking to people that got married in the early 20s, it's the one downside
15:10It's the reason for many divorces because I love Jesus. So I ain't want to just be bed-to-bed
15:15So I got married early in retrospect. Dr. Vernon. I realized I got married in my 20s, but I ain't even know me. I
15:24Ain't even know me and she ain't even know her and so we really
15:29Turned 30 before we realized what we both kind of like and then looked at each other and thought you ain't it
15:38So now either I get what I like and break God's heart or I stay in struggle and pray
15:46People want to know why I wrote this book and I'm gonna say some stuff you haven't heard
15:49No preacher say in your life. God put me on assignment to come righteous, but come wrong. I
15:56Don't care if 10 to 15 people get an attitude with me
16:00I'm risking myself to give it to you straight because I don't want to walk you through no divorce
16:06I don't want you being the average cat with a chick on the side and a girl creeping on her husband because you're not
16:13Mentally satisfied at home. The devil is alive
16:16If you are single, you should be clapping you should be thanking God because this word is gonna save you 40 years
16:32So I'm teaching my children. I tried to teach them in their 20s
16:36What type of woman you like what body shape you like you like a girl who talk or be quiet?
16:41You like a brother who speaks you like an aggressive brother kind of like your daddy goes and get it or more of a pastor
16:46Brother who don't get in your way cuz you want to run stuff
16:51See some of y'all like a pastor girl, shut up, you know, you want to run everything so get you quiet Joe quiet Joe
16:59With some money in Jesus just stood up and be quiet. I'm gonna do all the talking Joe
17:03Just make love to me and pay all the bills
17:06Okay, y'all didn't say nothing. Amen. I
17:11Want you to catch this
17:13Successful singles number two don't play date
17:18Successful singles don't play date. That's rule number three in my book. You better get the book today
17:22I'm not just trying to sell books. I'm trying to change your life
17:24Yes, it'll help my family but get it for your children your grandchildren your nieces and nephews
17:29They don't play date bros in the street play date
17:34Yeah girls who not Kingdom even business girls. They play date. I'm not talking about hood girls
17:39I'm talking about girls who make six figures and got three degrees, but they still play date
17:44All right, whether it's st. Clair or Hudson they play date
17:49Right, whether it's Brexfield or Superior they play date
17:52Why because when Christ is not the centrality you just trying to get yours
18:00Yeah, that's not leading a marriage. All I know you sexy. I got knees you got knees this Friday. I'm bored
18:06Let's do something let's kick it. Okay, whatever you got another woman. I don't care. You're gonna do with me tonight
18:11Let's do what we do
18:15But not Saints
18:18Saints don't play date
18:20Don't you sit on to me young ladies?
18:22Don't you sit under me young brothers seasoned brothers older brothers forties fifties whoever and play date
18:29Why because before you knew Christ it wasn't about him. I'm no longer looking for a man
18:35I'm looking for my husband
18:38I'm no longer looking for a woman. I'm looking for my wife
18:42I need some bras to hear your pastor. You were different my brother
18:46Maybe your uncle didn't tell you this your dad
18:49Didn't tell you the bros in the streets definitely didn't tell you but your pastor comes to use his bully
18:54Pulpit to tell you that you're gonna be so glad that you listen to me
18:59Tell your children as soon as they say mom
19:01I'm going out ask yourself before you go on a date. Do I think they have the potentiality to be my baby's father?
19:09Do I think this woman could be the mother of my children?
19:12You know that soon as you meet somebody for the most part
19:16Can I tell you what happened the Holy Spirit is important so you can ask God to give you a beep beep
19:26When you at the mall and a brother walking up to you
19:31Oh, no, you're the devil. You're the devil. No with your chocolate fine self
19:35You got three women I can tell and you married and gay and not telling me you like a lot of things
19:41It's a lot you you go both ways. You got a lot going on and you front you just playing
19:50Get somebody say Holy Spirit give me a beep go ahead. I need a beep. I need a beep. I need a beep
20:00Know it's watching me online
20:01I need you to share this with 50 people said girl this the realest teacher
20:05Ever heard of my life at church on being single. I wrote this in my book
20:09I want you to take it down write a picture take a picture. It's gonna flash here. It is your search
20:14For a soulmate should be sacred
20:18selective and strategic
20:21Leave it up for a minute your search for a soulmate should be selective
20:26Sacred, let me say it in order should be sacred
20:29Selective and strategic listen to me your search for a soulmate hear me
20:34Should be sacred. I'm talking to save singles if you in the streets, by the way, let me pause and parenthetically
20:41Digress and tell you I think it's stupid to get married if you don't love Jesus
20:45Yeah, there's no way I'm getting married and going to hell anyway if I'm going to hell
20:50I'm going with 30 strippers and some 40 ounces and some weed and seven women that go with the strippers
20:56Are y'all crazy if I'm gonna do it God's way
20:59I'm gonna do it God's way the right way if I'm gonna be married. I'm gonna do it God's way. I
21:05Believe in Jesus. I believe heaven is real
21:09If not, why are you here?
21:15Why are you here because the world thinks I'm stupid
21:20Instagram gonna tell you I'm crazy y'all listen to that bamboozle crazy stuff from that preacher girl live your life
21:27The person telling you that has no peace
21:32Jesus way is the right way
21:34All right, take it down. Here. It is sacred say sacred
21:38Sacred number one. My selection is sacred. I'm praying before I go out
21:43Yeah, I'm praying does that sound crazy Lord do me a favor in the first seven minutes let me know if this is it
21:49I'm human God. She's cute. Come on. Now. The brother has a good look to himself. I have a couple children
21:54I do want a husband. It ain't like it's a bunch of bros coming at me all the time
21:58He came at me seems nice and right now I'm lonely and it would be great to have some company
22:04So God order my steps tonight
22:07Wished I had some people
22:09See I can get happy even teaching on being single cuz I love Jesus and Jesus would talk to you draw not a God
22:16He'll draw not a you. That's why prayer is important God order my steps tonight
22:20I'm getting cute and all that but order my steps tonight Lord show me if this is not for me
22:25Yeah, it should be sacred and then it should be selective
22:29It should be selective bros. Come here women. Don't get mad. It's more
22:35Available black women than there are available black men with Jesus and a job
22:41Please do me a favor get mad at me, but say pastor. That's okay teach truth to all the single bros here
22:47You crazy not to get a good one
22:52You crazy not to get a good one
22:56Because there are hundreds here. There are hundreds that are saying
23:01Sexy serious, why get a dumb one?
23:12Look how many choices you got
23:16Sometime bros walk up to me and I'm wrong. I need prayer
23:20And lady Vernon told me everybody don't like what you like, baby. They walk up to pastor. This is my girl. I'll be like Lord Jesus
23:28What's wrong with that one over there why'd you get twiddling me
23:39And then lady Vernon says everybody don't like what you like and that reminded me of something
23:44Bros get what you like women to become here man. Let me talk to everybody bros. Get what you like
23:50You've never heard a preacher say this. It seems raw. I'm gonna get some hate but but I'm right and they wrong
23:56I've been doing this all my life
23:58Nobody's walked with as many people as I have single bishops pastors preachers athletes. Look at me
24:04You are man. You are turned on first by what you see if you are saved you only get
24:13one I
24:17Want to jump up and down
24:19Bros in the streets get two four eight
24:25So so what if this one is not that because I get that over here and then she do that and then she got that
24:31And then she got that not when you're saved
24:34All that I am and have is in my wife
24:38I'm not going to dishonor her
24:41Which means everything I need
24:48Mentally spiritually I get one
24:54Until I die, that's a long time
25:01Every morning she's still there
25:06Every afternoon she won't leave and then she's there at night
25:13Sometimes me and lady birdie be like I'm tired of your face
25:16We'd be cracking up with each other
25:18Lock me up in a room with her for eight weeks. I'll be fine
25:22after we make love
25:24Can you say that?
25:26Don't you want to say that bras and young ladies? It can't just be but you got to be attracted now
25:32Let me be clear so I don't get in trouble. I'm talking about beauty being in the eye of the beholder
25:39I'm not talking about a certain hue color a certain height
25:44a certain weight
25:46But get what you like if you like
25:48Athletically built if a girl is not athletically built don't look at it twice if you like
25:55Burger King big
26:01So no eat girl eat eat eat eat
26:04You're like
26:08Eat eat eat
26:15You like a girl with no teeth that girl your gums are so sexy
26:35Young ladies if you need to be mentally stimulated don't marry a brother who don't talk
26:40If you like money don't marry a brother who's broke
26:45never marry
26:47Potential merry reality if the Holy Spirit tells you that he got a kind of grind young people
26:53He doesn't have to be rich, but you got to see his grind at the beginning
26:57Yeah, grind don't change if there's no grind don't do it
27:01Don't do it and tell them I'm so tired here about your little vision when I'm gonna see some paper. I
27:08Got a vision. I can't see the vision. I can't see the vision. I see the gas bill
27:13I see the light bill my daughter needs shoes. All you got is vision girl wonder. I'm gonna play for the Bulls
27:19No, you're not you 37
27:33When I met Lady Vernon, I didn't have a house
27:36Plus I was taking on a blended family. I took a year and killed it
27:39I said when I marry you we're going home not to your mama's house
27:43Yeah, I said by the time we get married. I'll have a home
27:46Took six months and clinked up my credit so I can qualify for a house and then work 12 hours a day
27:50So I could buy the house
27:55That's before
27:57Anybody knew my name she could see my potential
28:01Yeah, brother not showing you nothing don't believe the hype tell you singer brothers I got something for you
28:07The Lord gave me this week. I'm gonna get in trouble, but I mean it
28:10Either be like Paul or pick one
28:17Pick pick one who you think you are pick one
28:20All these beautiful women. Nobody's smart enough. Nobody cute enough who you think you are. I
28:26Don't want you to rush brother to my single man. Of course
28:28I want you to get a woman here God here Holy Spirit, but be open to looking and picking
28:33Yeah, don't don't walk around sinning and fornicating and watching stuff and stuff
28:38That's not biblical when there's so many women that could be your wife
28:41Yeah, most men here with Jesus and a job could be married in six months if you want to
28:46What right right? That's not true for every woman. There are women here who've never been proposed to in your life
28:50It's not because you're not beautiful. It's not because you're not sexy
28:53It's not because you're not spiritual. It's not even theology. It's math
28:58Teach all right, it's math
29:00It's just not as many available men
29:02And so to bros who have all the choices in the world don't walk around our church playing with women telling 10 of them be your
29:10No women in church. Don't come to church to play they played already
29:15And you know why I get mad at bras
29:18Who play with our women because there's too many women in the streets who want to play?
29:23If you want to play go on the streets
29:25They want to play go play with the women in the streets women here may have two kids three kids been married ex-strippers
29:30Whatever when God got a hold to their heart
29:32Can I talk to some real women that may not be what you want to be?
29:36But thank God you not what you used to be you a kingdom women and kingdom women don't play
29:46And so I'm asking all the single men in our church to really be aggressive the Bible says in Proverbs 18 22
29:53I got a hurry. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and
29:57Obtains favor from the Lord. Let me try this again. He who finds a wife finds a good thing
30:04Almost 27 years ago. God gave me a good thing. Oh, you think it's good to have 30 women
30:10No, I just want to make one woman smile for 30 years in the name of Jesus. I speak a good thing over you
30:15Do you understand a woman that will raise and have your children and speak life over you and have your back?
30:22And never play you and love you. It's better than silver and gold
30:27The Bible says she's a good thing and you obtain favor from the Lord. You missed it
30:32You obtain favor from the Lord. Let me try one more time
30:35You obtain favor from the Lord do me a favor all the single women throw your hand up and say if I marry you I'm doing
30:41You a favor. Yep
30:42Y'all just missed that say favor favor favor favor favor be like Paul
30:48Or pick one if God has called you my brother to abstinence and to kingdom
30:54Maybe you're a single dad right now was just about your children do that
30:58but if you like making love to a woman if you're a human brother with
31:02Anthropological attractions if you are straight-up brought like me that needs and wants to touch of a woman then believe God for a wife
31:09There is no perfect girls, but I'm tired of hearing all these girls crazy. No, they're not
31:15Yeah, you're not mr
31:17Perfect find somebody who has a good spirit a good heart that you're attracted to and be committed to finding your wife
31:24Treated like a job find your wife so you can come out of lust and sins. I don't worry about all that. I have a wife
31:31Where about all that? I'm not catching this. Is that good everybody and be
31:36Strategic now, I want you to catch this because now in my last few moments. I'm coming to single women
31:43All the single ladies all the single ladies
31:47All the single ladies. Yeah, because I want to talk about if you are serious about being somebody's wife
31:53your appearance and your attitude
32:10Pastor can a woman
32:12flirt with a man is that unbiblical the Bible says he that
32:17Finds a wife does not mean that she that finds a husband is sinning
32:23That's antiquated teaching there are people who walked up to their husband they've been married 30 years so it happens at times
32:29I just tell women be careful how you approach
32:32Because it can come across like you approach a lot of broads like that and that can be turned on so ask God to lead you
32:39But if you want to be a wife
32:42Carry yourself like one
32:44Why you're not a wife. I got to give you some Bible. So pastor. Do you have Bible for that that it's okay for a woman?
32:52To avail herself or to show a man that she's interested
32:57I gave you this about a month ago a couple months ago. Remember we were teaching from the book of Ruth and
33:04Her mom-in-law Naomi Ruth and Naomi are together Ruth is helping with her mom-in-law Naomi Boaz
33:11show some interest in Ruth and
33:15Naomi says girl
33:18This might be it and
33:20And she says something that's gonna blow you away is powerful. I'm gonna give it to you in the Hebrew and Greek
33:26She says girl tonight before you meet him take a bath
33:41Any woman that struggles with bathing don't marry her in Jesus name. Amen
33:50Put on your red dress. That's what it says
33:53I don't
33:53Get all dressed up and go to the threshing floor when you see him slipping off the sleeve watch where he lies down and then go
34:01There lie at his feet to let him know that you are available
34:04That you are available for him not to sleep with uh-uh, but for marriage
34:09Then wait and see what he says. He'll tell you what to do
34:12I'm Russian my time is gone, but verse 9 says who are you Boaz asked she answered. I am Ruth
34:19Spread the corner of your garment over me because you are close relative
34:24I want to make sure I give this to you one commentary says one commentary says Ruth's
34:29Responded Ruth responded to humility. I am your servant Ruth
34:32She had put herself under the wings of Yahweh
34:35And now she has to be put under the wings of Boaz in the phrase corner of your garment
34:39The word corner is canape, which is translated wing. So she's saying I don't just want company. I won't cover him
34:48Mean spread out your garment. She's saying cover me
34:53Already got a job. I don't need you for your money. I need you for your ministry
34:57Cover me. Do you just want company or do you want covering y'all not talking to me covering?
35:02I speak over your life a man that will cover you so what you got more degree than him. You ain't him
35:07He is the intercessor of that house. And if you meet the right man, he'll cover you
35:12I wish I had some married and single women that would snap your fingers. They cover me. Go ahead
35:23So in other words, I'm finished
35:25Ruth get cute tonight
35:30Carry yourself like you wife material
35:33Let me go in and start some stuff and go catch my plane all of you that are single
35:38You can't get a man at the mall with pajamas and a bonnet on
35:54You can't
35:56Get a man
35:58All of you walking around with these pajamas on that's not sexy
36:03Comb your hair
36:05Put some on yourself
36:07There are two women that need to look cute every day those who got a man and those who want one
36:18You can't walk around not caring
36:20Walk in church like you want a husband like you're available for a husband. That doesn't mean fast or flirtation
36:27That just means there's something about me that looks like I'm a wife
36:31If you ugly single, you're gonna be ugly married. I want to talk to ten people
36:35That will help me
36:41You mothers need to snatch your daughters
36:45Leaving out the house with pajama pants on and stuff on their head grandma never would have left like that
36:51She had no hair, but she put a wig on can I get ten people at least put your wig on I go with a wig
36:56Maybe you're having a bad hair day, but a wig or weave
37:00or something
37:08Tell people practice on submitting to your pastor and your mama before you get a man
37:14Your practice submission. I don't care how meek he is every man want a woman that will submit sometime
37:21The Bible says submitting one to another if you hard as me why I need you. I
37:29Don't care how smart you are every woman want a woman sometime every man want a woman sometime not no
37:35No, no, no, no, no, no
37:37That's another church
37:40Fraudy and slip Satan. I rebuke you
37:46Please edit that feel fix that don't even send that out. They'll snip that one part and put it on a website
37:57Another church not this one praise God. Amen
38:00Are y'all listening to me?
38:02And then finally, please hear me so I do want to say this seriously
38:06I want to make sure I kind of grabbed you cognitively with a little levity
38:10But here's something real all of you that are single women ask God. Let me carry myself like a wife
38:16Yeah, you have no idea when you went to Walmart with the pajamas on
38:19Your husband was in line behind you
38:22But the Spongebob pajamas disqualified you had you had on your stuff
38:27He would ask you for your number you'd have been married in 2017, but Spongebob spoiled it
38:39Look at a woman say he preaching to you. I don't wear bonnets or pajamas in public. He talking to you not in the airport
38:55I'm done. Look at me. Thank you for your attention
38:59spirituality, right
39:01Practicality practicality means most preachers don't talk to people about the practical stuff. It's not just being filled with the Holy Spirit
39:09It's carrying yourself like a man. It is getting a job
39:11It is acting like you a straight-up brother that can provide it is as a woman embracing your femininity looking like a wife
39:18Do you know what a quiet spirit is a quiet spirit does not mean you don't talk a quiet spirit means
39:23You know when to talk
39:27There are times when the best thing Lady Verna can do for me is go off on me and
39:32She's done it. So what you over everybody else. You're not over me. I'm not your member. I'm your wife
39:37And somebody got to say this to you
39:39She'll say with a kind of strength that I need I go to bed
39:42Angry mad and wake up and say you was right
39:45Right because you need a woman strong enough to hurt you
39:49But then you need a woman who knows the best thing I can do right here is shut up
39:54I'm not gonna be my mom. I'm not about to cuss and go off. He needs softness right here
39:59He needs me to be quiet right here, even though my mouth want to talk many women lost their husband cuz of a mouth
40:05Yeah, cuz he he could go someplace else and get softness the devil is alive
40:10I want the women of this church to be strength, but yet meekness
40:13I want the men of this church to carry yourself like a kingdom husband. So there is there is spirituality
40:19There's practicality and y'all know what today is thirdly what a transition say community
40:25Can I tell you the best thing you can do if you're a single male or female the best thing you can do as a
40:30Single male or female is stay busy
40:32These groups are off the chain, it's not just something we're doing
40:36Marry people better join a group today, but single people. I'm not even letting you out the door until you do it
40:42Be in five groups. Why because the busier you are the less time you have to think
40:48Some of you think too much just laying in the bed thinking I should have somebody
40:54I'm tired of going to weddings girl. Shut up. I speak over your life
40:58All the babies I have about that woman sitting right over there not because I'm some perfect guy, but I was too busy
41:05I asked her one day. I said girl, do you know I don't even have a body count
41:10Because at 15 listen teenagers, I'm teaching men that are 20 in Sunday school class at 18
41:16I'm the youngest deacon in our church. I'm a minister. I'm over Christian education. I'm singing
41:21I even counted the money some Sundays. I was so busy. I think when it those 20s go I was killing it for the kingdom
41:27And I'm so glad
41:30Because if not, there'd be some babies mama top up. I'm gonna get all that word church money
41:36word church
41:38No, you not Christian not this
41:45So today
41:47Sign up for groups all these people with green t-shirts gonna be waiting on you and go sign up
41:52They got all kind of groups one brother. He wanted to cut hair
41:54Some people are going fishing some people hit monopoly
41:57Some people are reading some people are just doing all kind of stuff sign up for a group today. It's not corny
42:02It's gonna change the life of this ministry
42:04Maybe you didn't sign up to teach a group
42:06But next quarter you lead a group think about something you good at and six or ten people can meet you someplace and y'all do
42:12It together
42:14Single people hear me. This is a blessed time in your life. Oh
42:18This is a blessed time. Don't trip on company trip on Christ
42:23Do I have any single people that would thank God that you got your health and strength that's your daughter healthy
42:29Sex is not gonna kill you. Jesus. Love you. You got money to make mental health to fix
42:36You gotta be a mama. You got a business to open. You got a degree to finish and you got a church to serve
42:43Come on clap your hands everybody. Come on. I need you to tell everybody, you know, check out single saved and successful
42:51Maybe it's not for you, but it's for your children. It's for your teenagers. It's for your grandchild
42:55It's for your brother who's been divorced. It's for your sister. Everybody needs to get a hold of this. Don't be selfish
43:00I need you to share this next week
43:02We're gonna jump into married couples, but I think everybody needs to take a listen to single saved and successful our group started today
43:09We're hyped a lot going on at the word church pray for us
43:12Support us. We'll see you next week
