The Mumbly Cartoon Show 03 - The Magical Madcap Caper Animated series

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:04 [Rire]
00:05 [Voix off] "A cinch mumbly, this job's a cinch."
00:08 "Playing watchdog at a high society charity show is like having an afternoon off."
00:14 "And I get to see the great Merlini for free."
00:18 [Voix off] "And now for Merlini's greatest feat."
00:23 "A jewel disappearing act."
00:25 "That's hard to beat."
00:27 "A ruby brooch."
00:28 "A pearl or two."
00:30 "A diamond ring of brilliant blue."
00:33 "A badge of gold, if I may be so bold."
00:37 "Heh heh, boy this guy is great."
00:39 "Hmm, a necklace, two rings for one badge."
00:43 "Relax lieutenant, it's just part of his act."
00:46 "Observe, the jewels are all in here."
00:49 "But I, Merlini, will disappear."
00:53 [Bruit de déchiquetage]
00:54 [Applaudissements]
00:58 "Heh heh, great act, huh?"
01:01 "My jewels, Merlini vanished with my jewels."
01:05 "My gold watch, he took my watch."
01:09 "Calm down folks, I'm chief snooker."
01:12 "And I'll get..."
01:13 [Voix off] "To the bottom of the list."
01:17 [Musique]
01:19 [Voix off] "Heh heh, hey no sir."
01:24 "I'm excited I'm on the bottom."
01:26 "Now you bust him humbly, or I'll bust you."
01:30 [Musique]
01:36 "That mutt's got no respect, going over my head."
01:40 [Musique]
01:42 "A clean getaway is really tragic."
01:45 "Force no cop can cope with Merlini's magic."
01:49 [Bruits de déchiquetage]
01:52 [Musique]
01:56 "That sassy snicker, those real cool looks."
02:00 "It's got to be Bumbley, the nemesis of crooks."
02:03 "Yep, taking you in."
02:06 "Taking me in?"
02:08 "Sorry mutt, hate to offend ya."
02:10 "But you can't arrest me when you're in India."
02:14 [Musique]
02:18 "Shh, fussy, fussy, fussy."
02:22 [Musique]
02:23 "A car is alright for any old thug."
02:26 "But a crook like me prefers a rug."
02:29 [Musique]
02:35 "That's it."
02:36 [Rires]
02:38 "Wipe that snicker off your face."
02:42 "It's time for you to take my place."
02:47 "C'est la nouvelle réserve, fussy, on va pas agréer."
02:51 [Musique]
02:52 "Now I shall exit with a smile and fly like a bird to my enchanted isle."
02:57 "Now here in my castle I can take a rest after I add the loot to my treasure chest."
03:04 [Musique]
03:13 "Taking you in."
03:15 [Rires]
03:17 [Musique]
03:21 "Now that will hold the little creep while I get some needed sleep."
03:25 [Clappements]
03:27 "Ah, applause, but it sounds like paws."
03:31 [Clappements]
03:33 [Rires]
03:35 "So far you're lucky you pesky pest."
03:39 "But now you will suffer my magical best."
03:42 "Resto trico."
03:45 [Musique]
03:49 "Your chase is over you nit of a gnat."
03:52 "Oops, he's gone, so I guess that's that."
03:56 [Musique]
03:58 "Speak magical crystal, give me a hint."
04:01 "Shall I empty Fort Knox or the treasury mint?"
04:05 "I said one."
04:07 "You sound like Mumbly."
04:09 [Rires]
04:11 "Look like him too."
04:13 "I know it's impossible but is it really you?"
04:16 "Yup."
04:18 [Rires]
04:21 "You meddling bothersome furry mishap."
04:24 "You'll change to a frog with my magical zap."
04:28 [Musique]
04:34 "Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit."
04:38 [Rires]
04:43 "Enjoy your joke you canine ham."
04:46 [Musique]
04:49 "But as for me, I'm gonna scram."
04:51 [Musique]
05:02 "At last I lost him, no sign of the mutt."
05:06 "Which means I beat him, he finally gave up."
05:10 [Musique]
05:16 "As a super detective he's full of baloney."
05:19 "To think he got out with the great Maloney."
05:23 [Rires]
05:25 "It can't be."
05:27 [Musique]
05:28 [Rires]
05:30 "It looks like he's got me."
05:32 "If I don't beat it soon."
05:34 "Gadzooks, I've got it."
05:36 "I'll escape to the moon."
05:38 [Musique]
05:42 "At last no more Mumbly."
05:45 "And there's no ifs and buts."
05:47 "If I saw him up here, I'd surely go."
05:50 [Rires]
05:52 "Mumbly, how did you get here?"
05:55 [Rires]
05:57 "Shortcut, dig."
05:58 "There's one place on earth where I'll be safe from your snicker."
06:02 "And I'll be there before your eyelids can flicker."
06:05 [Musique]
06:09 "Magic."
06:11 [Musique]
06:14 "Safe at last, the end of the trail."
06:17 "Cause Mumbly can't get me while I'm in jail."
06:20 [Musique]
06:23 "Chief, will you tell our television audience how you captured Merlini without leaving your office?"
06:28 "Oh, call it that old schnucker magic."
06:32 "Is it true that famous dog detective was on the case?"
06:36 "Are you kidding?"
06:38 "Mumbly hasn't been seen since the robbery."
06:40 "So I'll just have to take all the credit."
06:43 "You're a fake fake magic schnucker."
06:47 "Mumbly, I'll be a monkey's uncle."
06:51 "Yes sir."
06:53 [Musique]
06:55 "Where have you been Mumbly?"
06:58 "Disappearing in the middle of an important case."
07:02 "I got a good mind to put you on suspension for a month."
07:07 [Musique]
