Episod 495 My #QuranTime 2.0 Ahad 21 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 119-120) Halaman 143

  • 5 months ago
Episod 495 My #QuranTime 2.0 Ahad 21 April 2024 Surah Al-An'am (6: 119-120) Halaman 143

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-An'am ayat 119-120 halaman 143 ini adalah:
* Ancaman Allah kepada orang yang melampaui batas dan melanggar hukum-hakam (119)
* Perintah meninggalkan dosa yang zahir dan batin (120)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 119-120 halaman 143:
* Baca Bismillah ketika menyembelih binatang (119)
* Mengimbangi akal fikiran dan nafsu dengan panduan syariat (119)
* Bezakan dosa dan pahala sebelum bertindak sesuatu perkara (120)

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00:00 The struggle for faith is a big thing that was initiated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Mecca with the companions.
00:25 And one of the characteristics that needs to be maintained to prove faith is halal food.
00:34 Let's follow the discussion in this episode.
00:38 [Music]
00:58 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
01:06 And what is the matter with you that you do not eat of what has been mentioned in the name of Allah upon it, while He has made clear to you what is forbidden to you?
01:33 [Music]
01:40 [Prayer]
01:53 How are you ladies and gentlemen? We meet again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat Unfaq.
01:58 We would like to appreciate the words of Allah one line after another.
02:05 One page after another, which Allah hopes to give us truth and justice.
02:11 And this is the word of Allah that Allah has stated in Surah Al-An'am as a guidance to the companions.
02:22 So that they will hold on to it when they are in a state of full trial.
02:26 Continue the struggle until Allah gives perfection in a practical way to whatever has been initiated in Makkah.
02:36 And today we will read two verses with Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tanveer Abdul Rahman.
02:41 Alhamdulillah, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Faz, eating rice with kuihni fruit.
02:47 Ustaz Faz, how are you today?
02:49 MashaAllah, Alhamdulillah.
02:51 It's a long way.
02:52 Yes, it's close.
02:53 Kuihni fruit is delicious.
02:56 Usually kuihni chili is more delicious at this time.
03:02 Although it is like that, we will continue to be with the knowledge and wisdom today with the prayer.
03:09 Subhanakallah, al-ma'alana illa ma'allam tana, innaka antala 'alimul hakim, rabbi zidni 'ilma.
03:17 Amin Ya Rabbul A'lamin.
03:18 Let's start together before the kuihni.
03:21 The verses 119 and 120, we will see the synopsis today.
03:26 In the verse 119, Allah's threat to those who go beyond the limits and violate the law of Allah SWT.
03:34 According to the verse 120 of Surah Al-An'am, the commandment is to leave a manifest sin and a false sin.
03:42 Let's read together two verses today led by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tanveer.
03:47 Thank you, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Fazrul.
03:49 Alhamdulillah rabbil 'alamin, nubihi nast'ain, ala umurid dunya wa din, wa salatu wa salamu 'ala Rasulillah,
03:56 il-Amin, Sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in, wa ba'da.
03:59 How are you, ladies and gentlemen?
04:02 Dear viewers, thank Allah.
04:06 Today we can continue with the new page, which is page 143.
04:12 We are still at the beginning of the eighth juz'
04:16 We are going to read two verses, verses 119 and 120.
04:22 Ladies and gentlemen, our friends in the studio,
04:27 do you have any idea of the title of this episode?
04:31 Please.
04:32 Sikah.
04:34 Sikah.
04:35 Sikah.
04:36 You must be thinking of the times when you were in the heart of the mosque.
04:38 Subhanallah.
04:39 Do you have any idea of the title of this episode?
04:41 Dear viewers, let's read together.
04:43 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:47 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:56 And why should you not eat of that which Allah's Name has been mentioned?
05:17 He has not forbidden you anything except that to which you have been directed.
05:30 Indeed, many are misguided because of their desires without knowledge.
05:48 Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of the transgressors.
06:03 And leave aside the apparent sin and its inner secret.
06:12 Indeed, those who commit sin will be punished for what they used to commit.
06:34 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
06:40 We have read the verses 119-120 as a continuation of the previous verses or episodes.
06:47 We have talked about
06:49 "If you believe in the verses of Allah, then eat of that which is mentioned by Allah."
07:03 Not to be eaten of and not to be mentioned.
07:07 The Arabs already know that if Allah's Name is mentioned, it is for the livestock.
07:12 And it needs to be fed.
07:14 So, we don't need to feed the livestock.
07:17 Or when we plant, we don't need to mention the name of Allah.
07:23 Although we can mention the name of Allah, it is not a duty for the farmers.
07:30 Because we know that in the previous verses, the livestock is not mentioned.
07:36 But we are in the Surah Al-An'am, which means livestock.
07:40 Because it is certain that the livestock is a blessing from Allah.
07:46 It is our duty to mention the name of Allah when we are fed.
07:53 Allah said in the verse 119, "And you will not eat of that which is mentioned by Allah."
08:01 What is the problem?
08:03 The problem is that you are to eat, you are not to eat of what is mentioned by Allah.
08:10 So, this is a question to raise awareness of the human.
08:18 Why?
08:19 We think that this question is common.
08:21 But we have to remember that the majority of people in this world eat of the livestock.
08:25 The majority.
08:26 That is one.
08:27 The second is that the majority of people eat of livestock is not a sin.
08:31 And even if it is a sin, it is not mentioned by Allah.
08:33 So, Allah brought the best of all, which is to eat of the livestock.
08:37 It is not a sin.
08:38 And even if it is a sin, if someone is a sin because he wants to leave his land, etc.
08:43 That sin is not with the name of Allah.
08:46 And when we say it is with the name of Allah, it is because of the etiquette, the good conduct, the good manners.
08:51 There are some people who need to be cut off, not just to be cut off.
08:55 And here is a sign of faith in Allah.
09:00 And more than that, how much we are in a state of humility when we return to Allah's teaching.
09:06 And Allah said, "And if you are forbidden to pray, then do not pray."
09:13 That is, "We have made it clear to you what is forbidden to you, except what happens during the fasting period."
09:21 Fasting period, you can eat, etc.
09:23 Things that you are not full.
09:26 So, Allah said to make it clear.
09:28 Why?
09:29 Because if we do not refer to the clearness of Allah, of this Quran,
09:33 there are some polytheists in the time of the Prophet,
09:35 they made it clear to do things that are not right.
09:38 He said, "This goat, don't slaughter it.
09:40 This camel, don't slaughter it in the name of Allah."
09:42 You cannot do that.
09:43 Why?
09:44 Because it has already been offered to the slaughterer of Lata or Uzza.
09:49 So, he made it clear.
09:51 But that clearness is something that does not come from anyone,
09:55 but comes from Allah.
09:57 We should get it from Allah, then listen to the clearness from Allah.
10:01 If we work in an office, there is a boss, he makes it clear,
10:05 then listen to the boss.
10:07 Not from another boss.
10:09 So, when we see this,
10:11 when we see that we eat the food that is given,
10:14 this is a great blessing.
10:16 And it is a great sign of faith for us to fight together.
10:22 And the more we are sensitive to food,
10:24 it is a sign of sensitivity to faith.
10:27 And the more sensitive to faith,
10:29 then we will take care of the food chain.
10:32 It has a chain for food.
10:36 Because, from where the chicken is,
10:38 if it enters the shop,
10:40 we should not just play with the food.
10:43 Because this is certainly halal.
10:46 We have to check whether there is a halal logo,
10:48 or there are signs that it is in accordance with the name of Allah.
10:55 We will take a break for a while.
10:56 We will go deeper.
10:57 Why are there people who do not want to eat halal food,
11:01 but like to eat the food of the body?
11:04 In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
11:06 [Music]
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14:09 [Music]
14:38 May Allah bless us.
14:39 We are back to playing with the Quran.
14:40 Quran, Salat, and Infah.
14:41 We are going to go through verses 119 to 120 together.
14:44 From Surah Al-An'am.
14:46 As a guidance to us,
14:48 and we appreciate the circumcision in the name of Allah.
14:51 When we say in the name of Allah,
14:53 we must circumcise.
14:54 We cannot just take the goat and say,
14:56 "Bismillah" and eat it.
14:58 We cannot.
14:59 We know that if we do not say in the name of Allah,
15:00 there is a procedure that we have to circumcise.
15:02 The circumcision requires Ihsan.
15:04 We need to cut off a certain organ there.
15:07 There is benefit from health.
15:10 But Allah has brought it to the rules
15:14 to remember and appreciate Allah.
15:19 In this case,
15:20 we will meet with the saying,
15:22 "Wa inna kathira"
15:24 "And most of them are lost"
15:30 They are lost because of what?
15:32 Because their egos,
15:34 their desires,
15:36 their words,
15:37 they say,
15:38 "Let's eat the goat."
15:39 That is the majority of what is happening in the world now.
15:42 If we forget,
15:43 if there are people at home or in the studio,
15:45 forget it.
15:46 Actually,
15:47 whoever eats the most goat in the world,
15:49 there are many.
15:50 If there is a business,
15:52 let's do business,
15:53 sell the goat.
15:54 But no one wants to say that.
15:56 "We bless the goat meat."
15:58 No.
15:59 Or,
16:00 "Meat that is not slaughtered."
16:01 No.
16:02 Or, "Meat that is not called in the name of Allah."
16:04 No.
16:05 Actually,
16:06 that is what happens when Allah uses the saying,
16:08 "Wa inna kathira"
16:11 which is in the verse 119.
16:13 And it is a repetition of what we have seen in the verse 116.
16:19 "Wa inna kathira"
16:22 "And most of them are lost"
16:25 So,
16:26 if we depend on the people who are the majority in the world,
16:31 their opinion is lost
16:33 because they eat the goat meat.
16:35 So,
16:36 if we feel like we are reading the Quran,
16:38 there are not many people who read the Quran.
16:40 There are not many, sir.
16:41 5-6 billion people who read.
16:42 The Muslims are 1.5 billion.
16:44 Those who read,
16:45 even less.
16:46 Those who try to understand,
16:47 even less.
16:48 So,
16:49 we have to continue to be strong
16:51 because we do not want to be with the majority
16:54 who do their daily activities,
16:56 what do they do, sir?
16:57 Eat the goat meat.
16:58 Let's read the verse 119 together
17:01 to appreciate how we do not want to be
17:05 an over-the-top person in life.
17:07 With you, Ustaz Tar.
17:08 Thank you, Ustaz Fazlul.
17:10 I agree with Ustaz Fazlul.
17:11 Sometimes,
17:12 we say,
17:13 "It is not enough."
17:15 This is okay,
17:16 because it is written,
17:18 "No pork, no alcohol."
17:21 But, there is no halal.
17:23 There are some who wear a veil,
17:25 look like a pervert,
17:27 but inside,
17:28 they eat.
17:29 I am the same.
17:30 The kids see that,
17:32 the symbolic.
17:33 Right?
17:34 There are some who are Muslims.
17:36 So, we have to be careful, Ustaz Fazlul.
17:38 We have to look for what?
17:41 What is halal is fardu, right?
17:43 Halal is good.
17:45 Even though it is halal,
17:47 but there must be a good element.
17:49 Good.
17:50 So,
17:51 let's take care of it together,
17:53 God willing.
17:54 But, God willing,
17:55 this sambal,
17:56 God willing,
17:57 it is not necessary to be spilt.
17:59 Okay, let's try verse 116.
18:01 We read it again,
18:02 using Taranun Sohbah, God willing.
18:04 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
18:08 And what is the matter with you
18:10 that you do not eat
18:12 of that which Allah has mentioned
18:17 concerning it,
18:19 when He has made clear to you
18:22 what is forbidden to you,
18:32 except that you are forced to it?
18:40 And indeed, many are misguided
18:47 by their own desires,
18:53 without knowledge.
18:56 Indeed, his Lord knows best what is right.
19:11 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
19:18 May Allah Almighty bless us.
19:19 Allah has told us in verse 116,
19:21 what is the reason why
19:23 some people do not eat of that which Allah has mentioned.
19:27 It means that when Allah's name is not mentioned,
19:29 it is not spilt.
19:30 Certainly.
19:31 And even if it is spilt,
19:32 it is still a stool.
19:34 It is still not halal.
19:36 So, why do they not want to do so?
19:39 Allah Almighty says,
19:40 وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا لِيُدِلُوا نَبِيَهْوَ هِيْهِمْ بِغَيْرِ عَلْمٍ
19:46 It is because they follow their own desires,
19:50 without knowledge.
19:51 Knowledge is very important.
19:53 Why?
19:54 To spilt it,
19:55 you need knowledge,
19:57 to mention Allah's name,
19:58 and also the effect of this activity,
20:01 spilt with Allah's name,
20:03 is a form of appreciation to Allah.
20:04 The second is,
20:05 from the science,
20:07 from the point of blood,
20:08 and other contaminants,
20:10 there are health elements in it.
20:12 But we know that all the acts of worship that we do,
20:15 the most important is 'ubudiyah'.
20:18 Because we worship Allah,
20:21 a sign that we truly believe in our Creator.
20:25 So, in this regard,
20:26 when it comes to knowledge,
20:28 as an important thing,
20:30 why do we need to make sure that we take care of our food?
20:34 Because the majority of people who eat unhealthy food,
20:38 they are not based on knowledge.
20:40 And it has been stated before,
20:42 in verse 116,
20:43 in relation to 'wa intutiaqtharaman fil ar'yu dillu ka'an sabi illillah',
20:48 the majority of people who eat unhealthy food,
20:50 their knowledge does not come from Allah.
20:52 They have knowledge,
20:53 they are good at studying engineering,
20:54 studying medical,
20:55 and so on.
20:56 Okay.
20:57 But the knowledge that can bring it back to Allah,
21:00 they do not have.
21:02 They do not have.
21:03 And more than that,
21:04 why do these people choose to eat unhealthy food?
21:09 Because of business opportunities.
21:11 Because if you want to buy,
21:13 there is a label, right?
21:14 It is halal or it has been read in the name of Allah.
21:17 Only Muslims can do that.
21:19 So, why do I only do it for Muslims?
21:23 And those things are what cause some people to choose to do business
21:28 with food that is not mentioned in the name of Allah,
21:31 for more profit.
21:33 But if it is for Muslims,
21:35 Muslims can buy it,
21:37 Muslims can also buy it.
21:39 Actually, it is more.
21:40 If people think with knowledge,
21:42 but if not,
21:43 they say,
21:44 "It is difficult for us to give it to non-Muslims."
21:47 Actually, it is not a problem for non-Muslims.
21:49 It is actually for Muslims that need to be taken care of
21:52 because we want to enjoy this not only here.
21:55 Enjoy eating goat rice, for example,
21:59 or chicken,
22:00 we do not want to eat it in the world only.
22:02 If it is in heaven,
22:04 we can eat it there.
22:05 We can take it,
22:06 and that is why we appreciate it in the name of Allah.
22:10 And hopefully Allah will bless us
22:12 and until we reach the hereafter,
22:14 we will be people who get more and more good blessings.
22:19 At the end, Allah says,
22:20 "Allah knows all things.
22:23 Your Lord knows better who goes beyond the limits."
22:27 Sometimes, there are people who do not eat what is given to them,
22:33 but there are people who are forced to.
22:35 For example, Qatel.
22:36 Qatel is someone who wants to do business.
22:38 He is the one who struggles,
22:40 do not mention the name of Allah,
22:42 because he can sell all kinds of things.
22:44 He says, "This is a package for Lata."
22:47 This is from the old times.
22:48 "This is an animal for Uzza."
22:50 So, he can give a high price.
22:52 He can make various packages.
22:54 And these people are people who go beyond the limits.
22:58 And Allah knows better who goes beyond the limits.
23:02 And this is a threat,
23:05 because they follow their egos,
23:07 and they expose the greatness of their faith to Allah.
23:12 So, we will bring to the word of choice this time.
23:15 We will see.
23:16 The word is,
23:18 "Sayyujazzawna bimakanu yawqatarifun."
23:22 The word "sayyujazzawna" is from the word "jazak".
23:25 We will read it in the next verse after this.
23:28 It is a punishment or a punishment.
23:31 It is mentioned 118 times in the Quran.
23:34 It is mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf, Surah Yunus,
23:37 and also Surah Al-Furqan.
23:39 It is a reminder to us
23:41 that we need to judge Allah's punishment
23:45 externally and internally.
23:48 People do not even know that we eat chicken rice,
23:52 or goat's meat rice.
23:55 We do not know if it is halal or haram,
23:57 but it is us who need to prove internally
24:01 that it is halal on the side of Allah.
24:04 We will take a break now.
24:06 Baikur.
24:07 Quran Time.
24:08 Quran Salatul Infaq.
24:09 Quran Salatul Infaq.
24:18 Quran Salatul Infaq.
24:38 Quran Salatul Infaq.
24:56 Quran Salatul Infaq.
25:14 Quran Salatul Infaq.
25:27 Quran Salatul Infaq.
25:40 Is there another hadith?
25:44 The second one is...
25:46 ...the mentality of some of our society...
25:51 ...believes that on the night of the 27th of Ramadan,
25:56 the night of the 27th of Likur,
25:58 the soul will return.
26:01 Or on the month of Ramadan,
26:03 the souls that have passed away,
26:05 will return to their homes to see their children.
26:09 This is not true.
26:12 Sometimes, some of our society provides a way.
26:16 Why?
26:19 To explain the way.
26:21 But if we believe in it,
26:26 that the angels will come easily,
26:29 or the souls of our ancestors will return to their homes,
26:34 then this is not true.
26:37 This is contrary to a hadith.
26:41 Quran Salatul Infaq.
26:51 Quran Salatul Infaq.
27:01 Quran Salatul Infaq.
27:16 Quran Salatul Infaq.
27:36 Quran Salatul Infaq.
27:41 Quran Salatul Infaq.
27:51 Quran Salatul Infaq.
28:01 Quran Salatul Infaq.
28:11 Quran Salatul Infaq.
28:21 Quran Salatul Infaq.
28:31 Quran Salatul Infaq.
28:41 Quran Salatul Infaq.
28:51 Quran Salatul Infaq.
29:01 Quran Salatul Infaq.
29:05 May Allah SWT
29:07 cleans our hearts.
29:11 And among the medicine of the heart,
29:14 the heart's medicine,
29:16 is to read the Quran a lot and its meaning.
29:19 My parents, you know,
29:21 they read the Quran a lot
29:23 and its meaning.
29:24 We learn what is contained,
29:27 what is behind the verses that Allah SWT has not conveyed.
29:30 So hopefully,
29:31 we will always be with the Quran,
29:33 and we will try to restore our hearts,
29:38 to cleanse our hearts.
29:40 And the way to cleanse the heart is to take care of our food.
29:45 What did the villagers say?
29:47 You what you eat.
29:49 I forgot.
29:51 That's right.
29:52 We have to take care of our food.
29:54 That's a saying from the villagers.
29:57 But if we say from the verses here,
30:00 it is indeed telling about food and faith.
30:04 It is very close.
30:05 That's why if we notice,
30:06 the verse 117 still talks about
30:09 the misguidance,
30:10 about guidance.
30:11 Suddenly, it looks like suddenly,
30:13 but Allah connects it with the letter "fa" in verse 108.
30:17 "So eat."
30:19 When there is "eat" and "fa",
30:23 faith and food are very close.
30:27 Even the parents are very sensitive
30:30 to their children's faith,
30:32 they will take care of their food.
30:33 If they are hungry,
30:34 they will go to the shop
30:36 and buy food.
30:38 Especially now,
30:39 when it is online,
30:41 when they order from the app,
30:43 they don't know who the person is.
30:45 They just play with the food.
30:47 For example, chicken rice.
30:49 It turns out that when they go to the shop,
30:51 the chicken rice is already next to them.
30:53 One is lying there.
30:55 Sometimes, when the advice is shared,
30:57 the rider, the person who sent it,
30:59 he told them,
31:00 "You ordered it,
31:02 why is it not an Islamic shop?"
31:05 "It smells."
31:06 Luckily, he was sensitive to tell them.
31:08 So we have to be careful.
31:11 People want to sell, right?
31:13 They just play with food.
31:14 But we know that
31:15 the sign of faith,
31:16 we throw it back.
31:18 If the shop is not known,
31:19 we don't choose it.
31:20 Because it looks like chicken,
31:22 chicken, whatever,
31:23 it will be thrown in front of Allah.
31:26 Thank you, Mr. Zafar.
31:29 May Allah reward you and your family,
31:31 the audience,
31:32 and may Allah reward you.
31:33 Let's take a moment
31:35 to discuss the Tajweed.
31:37 We want to see
31:38 some of the words
31:40 we chose for this time.
31:41 That is,
31:42 one of them is,
31:43 focus on verse 120.
31:46 In verse 120,
31:47 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
31:58 Please start.
32:00 MashaAllah,
32:09 in the verse we just read,
32:11 it contains three letters
32:13 that we said
32:14 at the end of our tongue.
32:15 One is,
32:17 try it.
32:18 The first one is,
32:21 then,
32:22 the second one is,
32:27 the second letter is,
32:29 and the third one,
32:30 try it.
32:35 The third one is,
32:39 Alhamdulillah,
32:40 we got to practice
32:41 three letters in a row,
32:42 which are,
32:43 the letter "Th",
32:44 the letter "L",
32:45 and the letter "Th".
32:47 Alhamdulillah,
32:48 three letters in a row.
32:49 Try it.
32:55 MashaAllah,
33:02 praise be to Allah.
33:03 You did it in one go,
33:04 I hope you can do it.
33:05 Then, the word,
33:12 we want to keep the letter "Ba"
33:14 so that it is not affected by the "Th".
33:16 It has a thick sound.
33:18 "Nuh" is also a good one.
33:25 So, we have to be careful.
33:26 "Ba", try it.
33:27 When we make the letter "Ba" thinner,
33:31 the letter "Th"
33:32 should not be the same.
33:33 It should be "Th".
33:34 It should be "Th".
33:37 Try it.
33:39 "Nuh"
33:40 Try it again.
33:46 "Nuh"
33:49 Try it with the letter "Th".
33:50 "Nuh"
33:51 Alhamdulillah,
33:58 I like to hear
33:59 the difference in sound.
34:00 The one is thinner,
34:01 the one is thicker.
34:02 Alhamdulillah.
34:03 That was the first one.
34:04 Let's look at the second one.
34:05 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
34:17 Try it.
34:18 MashaAllah,
34:29 praise Allah.
34:30 That was good.
34:31 This one is "Qolqolah".
34:33 There are two words
34:34 that are related to "Qolqolah".
34:35 What are the names of "Qolqolah"?
34:37 One is "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun".
34:41 What is "Qolqolah"?
34:42 "Sugurah".
34:43 Why?
34:44 Because the letter "Qolqolah"
34:45 is in the middle of the word.
34:46 And it is the original "Qolqolah".
34:47 We did not erase the line.
34:49 It is the original.
34:50 It is dead.
34:51 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
34:54 Try it.
34:55 Okay, that means
34:58 our voice is not broken
34:59 when we say "Qolqolah".
35:00 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:02 Do you want it?
35:03 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:09 That is the broken voice.
35:10 So it is not "Fasih".
35:12 The voice is not broken.
35:14 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:16 Try it again.
35:17 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:26 There is a "Vurda" there.
35:28 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:38 It is a bit too much.
35:40 Don't do that.
35:41 Is it difficult to sing with the spirit?
35:42 Okay, good.
35:43 Alhamdulillah.
35:44 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:45 Try it.
35:46 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:48 Don't close it with "Kaf"
35:49 but make it thin.
35:50 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:55 Make it "Kaf".
35:56 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
35:57 Try it again.
35:58 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
36:06 Alhamdulillah.
36:07 Let's try the 120th verse
36:09 to memorize it.
36:11 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
36:13 "Wa dharu dhahir al-ismi wa ba'tina"
36:41 Try it again. Don't pay attention.
36:43 Try to memorize it.
36:44 One, two.
36:45 "Wa dharu dhahir al-ismi wa ba'tina"
36:51 Alhamdulillah.
36:53 "Inna allatheena yakseboona al-ithn"
37:22 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
37:31 Try it again.
37:32 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
37:52 Try it again.
37:53 "Sayyujazzawunabimakanuyaquattarifun"
38:04 MashaAllah.
38:05 Alhamdulillah.
38:07 Alhamdulillah.
38:08 We are happy.
38:09 We are excited with Al-Quran.
38:11 Hopefully Allah SWT will make it easier for us to improve our lives with Al-Quran.
38:17 And guide our lives, inshaAllah.
38:19 Don't go anywhere.
38:20 You too.
38:21 We want to take a break.
38:22 We will be back after this with the next verse.
38:24 In My Quran Time, Quran Salat.
38:26 Ifaqa.
38:27 InshaAllah.
38:28 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
38:31 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'
38:38 And I have not done any wrong."
38:42 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
38:46 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
38:50 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
38:54 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
38:58 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
39:03 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
39:08 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
39:13 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
39:18 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
39:23 "Say, 'I have not done any wrong.'"
39:34 [Music]
40:01 The Jews had many tombs.
40:04 The Muslims couldn't enter.
40:07 So, Rafa said, "I will give this flag to a man...
40:15 ...who will pass through the tombs of Khaybar.
40:19 He is a man who is loved by Allah and His Messenger."
40:22 All the companions were asking, "Who is the man that Rafa praised?"
40:26 He was loved by Allah and His Messenger.
40:28 If I'm not mistaken, in the story,
40:30 Umar came to praise him.
40:33 He wanted to see him first.
40:38 But when all the companions were gathered, Rafa said, "Aina Ali."
40:42 "Where is Saidina Ali?"
40:44 If I'm not mistaken, at that time, it was Ishtakar bin Aynah.
40:47 Saidina Ali was suffering from an eye disease.
40:49 Rafa rubbed his eyes.
40:51 Saidina Ali held the flag and went to Khaybar's tomb...
40:56 ...to open the tombs that were closed.
40:59 It was a difficult task for the Muslim army.
41:01 (Music)
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42:03 Welcome to My Quran Time. Quran Salaat Imfaq.
42:06 We are together reading together the verses 119 and 120.
42:10 And just now, we have read the verses 119...
42:13 ...relating to the prohibition or Allah's banning of those who do not eat.
42:18 Meaning, from what is called Allah's name, it has been taken away.
42:22 And also, it is not...
42:24 Although there are some that have been taken away, but Allah's name has not been mentioned...
42:27 ...because it has been taken away in the name of God.
42:30 It is the name of God, other than Allah, or the name of God, which is from the 1400 years ago.
42:38 And there are still some that are still being taken away...
42:41 ...because the names are being read, other names that are not being allowed.
42:44 And here, of course, knowledge plays a major role in preventing us from...
42:50 ...performing Muqtadid, which is to break the boundaries of Allah.
42:56 Without knowledge, someone can make their own opinions according to their own assumptions.
43:02 Like this Muslim, he said that a camel cannot be circumcised because it has been...
43:08 ...not even mentioned Allah's name.
43:10 Because it has been designated to be circumcised.
43:12 So, he is the one who is the best at doing it himself.
43:14 Whereas, it is not even attributed, or not explained, or given importance...
43:19 ...the "fasala" that Allah used in the verses 119.
43:23 So, in the verse 120, Allah brings to us the effect of faith in general.
43:28 What is the effect of the verse 120, together with Sastr Mizi?
43:32 Thank you, Fatiha Sa'ad Fazlur. Ladies and gentlemen, may Allah reward you.
43:36 We will proceed to the verse 120. We will read it together.
43:41 We have repeated the verse 120 many times.
43:44 Hopefully, it will strengthen our memorization, inshaAllah.
43:47 We will read it using the Torah and Hijaz, inshaAllah.
43:51 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
43:55 And leave behind sin and its inner self.
44:03 Those who do wrong will be punished for what they have done.
44:26 Those who do wrong will be punished for what they have done.
44:40 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
44:48 May Allah reward us with the verse 120. Allah brings to us a commandment.
44:52 Allah commands us to leave behind sin and its inner self.
45:03 There are many opinions of scholars about this verse.
45:06 It is brief, but it is very comprehensive.
45:08 One is that "zahir" is the physical sin.
45:13 And the inner self is a sin from the heart.
45:17 It means that the physical sin is stealing, hitting, or committing a sin of evil, like adultery.
45:27 But the inner sin is a sin like "sum'ah" or "ujub" or arrogant.
45:32 What does "ujub" mean? It means that one feels good.
45:35 "Takjub" means that after reading the Quran, one feels great.
45:39 We cannot feel that way because we know that the first verse of Surah Al-An'am,
45:44 all things need to be praised and credited to Allah.
45:49 Or the sin of "ba'utin" is related to "sum'ah".
45:53 If one wants to hear praise, one should mention his name in every place.
45:59 And the sign of "sum'ah" is when the name is not mentioned.
46:06 When there is a gathering, it is supposed to be "Datuk" or "Datuk Seri Tang Seri".
46:13 It indicates that there is a disease, "sum'ah" next to it,
46:16 which is related to a good deed.
46:21 This is a discipline which is mentioned in many books.
46:25 It is related to the inner sin, and at the same time there is a physical sin.
46:32 According to Ibn Abbas, the physical sin is to marry a former wife or mother or child.
46:42 That is a great sin.
46:44 It means that his mother or father has passed away.
46:46 This happened in the Jahiliyyah period.
46:48 He married his mother or his child.
46:51 And the inner sin is related to the sin of adultery.
46:55 And more than that, it is mentioned in "Wa Zaru Zahiral Ithmi Wa Baltina".
47:02 We have already met "Wa Zaru" at this time.
47:04 Before this, we have met it in which verse?
47:07 When we talk about Mushrik, verse 112.
47:12 Usually, the Al-Quran is close to it.
47:15 We don't have to go far in another surah.
47:17 It is possible, but we go to the closest one.
47:19 "Fa Zarhum Wa Ma Yaftarun"
47:23 "And leave them, leave them for what they have committed".
47:27 So, when we talk about faith,
47:29 people who speak dirty, who insult, or who do not appreciate goodness,
47:36 without knowledge or on the basis of ignorance,
47:38 then leave them.
47:40 And when we talk about sin, it should be left.
47:44 That is the proof of faith.
47:45 We don't say that other people have committed sin,
47:47 they speak badly, and they are left.
47:49 We continue our sin.
47:51 No.
47:52 Or we improve ourselves, leave the sin,
47:54 but people who speak in the community level,
47:58 or on Facebook,
47:59 groups who speak dirty things, or insult the religion,
48:03 we don't leave them.
48:05 So, we have to understand,
48:08 both of these, Allah uses the word "Wa Zaru"
48:11 or in the 111st or 112th verse, "Fa Zarhum".
48:17 So, Allah uses the same word
48:20 so that we do the same thing in the previous verse
48:24 and also in the 120th verse.
48:28 "Innal-lari na yaksibu nal-ithmaw sayujizaw nabimaka nu yaktarifun"
48:34 "Indeed, for those who strive for sin only".
48:38 It means that sin is also "yaksibun".
48:40 So, when people work, they strive to earn money.
48:44 So, they want to earn money.
48:45 So, Allah says, "For those who strive for sin only".
48:49 They have to plan to make sure that their sins happen.
48:53 For example, they want to slander people.
48:55 It's not just playing at a coffee shop.
48:57 They have to go to a hotel,
48:58 they have to gather people,
48:59 and then they take steps to slander people.
49:03 So, Allah uses the word "ithm"
49:05 and it's not about being done.
49:07 But it's being done on purpose.
49:10 So, what is the effect?
49:12 "Sayujizaw nabimaka nu yaktarifun"
49:16 "Indeed, they will be punished for the sins they have committed".
49:22 And what does this show?
49:24 If we ask Allah to forgive us,
49:26 we always go to Iskifar,
49:28 if we commit a sin, Allah will punish us,
49:30 whether in this world or in the hereafter.
49:32 In this world, Allah gives punishment for various things
49:34 because He wants to lighten our burden when we reach the hereafter.
49:38 So, don't look at sin lightly.
49:41 And if we don't like the polytheists,
49:43 we don't like the food they eat,
49:45 we also don't like the food that is in our bodies,
49:48 which we ask Allah to forgive us at all times.
49:51 And we hope Allah helps us to leave it.
49:55 This leads to our solution today.
49:57 Let's watch.
49:58 The first one is to read "Bismillah" when slaughtering animals.
50:02 It seems simple,
50:04 but it is one of the proofs of the highest faith that Allah has brought in the verse 119.
50:10 The second one is to balance the mind and the soul
50:14 with the guidance of Allah's Shari'ah,
50:17 with revelation only.
50:19 Then, our mind and our soul can be maintained.
50:23 If not, it will easily be followed by the majority of human opinions.
50:28 And the third one is to distinguish between sin and reward before doing something.
50:32 Either the sin is manifest or it is hidden.
50:36 Because this is the way for us to receive the mercy from Allah.
50:43 Let's pray.
50:44 (Reciting)
50:47 (Reciting)
50:50 (Reciting)
50:53 (Reciting)
50:57 (Reciting)
51:00 Allah, ya rahman, ya rahim. Ampunilah dosa-dosa kami, ya Allah. Maafkan kesalahan-kesilapan kami, ya rahman. Terimalah permohanan-permintaan tawbat kami, ya Allah.
51:13 Moga-moga, ya Allah, diampuni segala dosa-dosa kami sebelum kami dijemput mengadapmu, ya ar-Rahman rahimin.
51:20 Ya Allah, ya Tuhan, kami ampunilah dosa Ibu dan Ayah kami, Ibu Ayah Mertua kami, Muslimin, Muslimat, Muminin dan Muminat.
51:28 Mirahmetika, ya ar-Rahman rahimin.
51:30 Ya Allah, ya Tuhan, kami. Jauhkanlah kami, ya Allah, daripada memakan makanan-makanan yang haram dan syubahah, ya Allah.
51:39 Hakan tetapi, ya Allah, bersihkan senantasa hati kami dengan panduan Al-Quran, petunjuk hidayah daripadamu, ya ar-Rahman rahimin.
51:47 Wa sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barakahu. Sallamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
51:53 Taubahillallah.
51:54 Innahum minhum taqawwalillahi wa barakah.
51:56 Moga-moga Allah mengampunkan dosa kita, mengkabulkan doa kita agar jaga makan, maksudnya.
52:00 Bila ayat pasal makan, kemudian ayat pasal dosa.
52:04 Makan yang salah, makan yang tak tepat, makan melampau-lampau boleh menyebabkan orang itu senang berbuat dosa.
52:11 Ini yang perlu kita war-warkan, beritahu dan Tuhan dijemput untuk bersama dalam tabung gerakan Al-Quran, menyokong, menyumbang dan juga mengadakan kempen.
52:21 Agar makanan di Dewan Makan di sekolah asrama, dalam hidup kita berjalan, bawa anak kita, jaga makanan.
52:28 Karena makanan itu akan memberi kesan pada iman.
52:31 Dan kalau iman itu turun, karena makanan yang tidak dijaga, khawatir dosa mudah dilakukan.
52:38 Dan kita khawatir Allah mengazap kepada diri keluarga kita.
52:42 Kita mohon Allah ampunkan, pandu kereta.
52:44 Dan kita bertemu lagi dalam episode akan datang.
52:46 Iqra'an Time, Quran. Salat, infah. InsyaAllah.
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