The Secret Heiress Part 2

  • 5 months ago
The Secret Heiress Part 2
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:10 Hi, I'm the new accountant at the Wilson Corporation.
00:21 Oh, my name is Sally.
00:24 Sally Cheeseman.
00:26 Sally Cheeseman.
00:27 So, it seems that we've lost some of the invoices from your vendor from last month,
00:31 and I was just wondering if you could send them over?
00:34 We're trying to close the books before our quarterly report deadline.
00:38 Great. Thanks.
00:41 [MUSIC]
00:51 I knew it, Cindy.
00:53 You're stealing from the company.
00:56 [MUSIC]
00:58 [KNOCKING]
01:00 Come in.
01:05 Here are those reports.
01:07 Wow, that was fast. Did you cheat with AI's help?
01:15 I'm just smart.
01:17 Why are you smiling? Get out of my office.
01:21 Um, well, Cindy, there's just a couple of numbers missing in the reports.
01:26 What numbers? What are you talking about?
01:29 It was such a simple task, and you can't even do it.
01:33 Well, I didn't say which numbers are missing yet.
01:36 If you look here, you can clearly see that our profit margins are missing about 30K.
01:42 I mean, where did all that money go?
01:44 Damn it. How could I have forgotten about this?
01:47 This is just a mistake. I'll take care of it.
01:50 This stays between us, okay?
01:52 What are you talking about? No, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
01:55 I mean, there's payments missing, invoices missing, and all of these mistakes happened within our department.
02:01 I mean, I think someone's been cooking the books, and we need to figure out who it is.
02:06 Listen! This isn't for you to investigate.
02:11 Cindy, you're acting kind of suspicious.
02:14 Did you have something to do with the missing payments?
02:17 This is my family's company. Why would I steal from myself?
02:21 Drop it.
02:23 Cindy, you're acting kind of suspicious.
02:27 Did you have something to do with the missing payments?
02:30 This is my family's company. Why would I steal from myself?
02:34 Drop it.
02:36 Look, Cindy, if you're stealing from the company, you need to admit it.
02:43 Where's your evidence?
02:45 Do you think anybody's going to believe a nobody like you?
02:49 Look, I was just embarrassed. This happened in my department.
02:56 The truth is, Lily, we've been looking into this for a long time now.
03:01 We already have an investigation underway.
03:04 What's Cindy thinking now?
03:06 Perhaps she has others helping her with the embezzlement.
03:09 Really?
03:11 In order for someone to commit this kind of high-level fraud,
03:15 I think it must be from someone high up in the company.
03:19 Wow.
03:22 Shh. Keep it to yourself now.
03:24 We don't want to mess up the ongoing investigation.
03:27 Once we get enough evidence, I'll take it to my dad.
03:31 Right. Right, that makes sense.
03:35 Well, you should get back to work now.
03:39 Remember, keep this to yourself.
03:42 I will. Thank you.
03:46 Is Cindy really this naive to think that I would believe her?
03:57 I'm going to expose her.
04:08 Damn you, Lily.
04:10 You want to mess with me? We'll see how long you last.
04:13 Hello, everyone.
04:23 This Saturday is my birthday, and you're all invited to the celebration.
04:29 Oh my god! I can't wait. It must be a big event.
04:33 Oh, no, no, it's not a big event. I don't really host big events.
04:36 It's just a gathering for the department. You know, casual dinner somewhere.
04:41 But, Cindy, I thought the Wilson Mansion was one of the most luxurious properties in all of L.A.
04:47 What do you know about luxury?
04:49 What, like you do?
04:51 Cindy, maybe you could show us your place for your birthday?
04:55 Yeah, I'd love to see it. We'd love to see it.
04:59 Fine. We'll have the celebration at my place.
05:04 You guys seem very curious, so I don't want to disappoint.
05:08 Hey!
05:15 Hey!
05:17 Stop it.
05:19 Pause it.
05:20 Can you get me the keys to the Wilson Mansion?
05:23 You want me to get you the keys to my employer's home?
05:26 All my co-workers think I'm James Wilson's daughter.
05:30 Great. So, you're like the method actor?
05:34 I'm having my birthday party at the Wilson Mansion this weekend.
05:38 I have to keep this fake identity going.
05:40 You are crazy.
05:42 I'll buy you more of these stupid porno DVDs.
05:49 God, you are evil, Cindy.
05:52 I cannot believe Cindy lives in this mansion.
05:58 Does she have like seven bedrooms?
06:01 I wonder if you're sleeping with guys in all seven of the bedrooms.
06:04 You're disgusting.
06:06 But also, very good question.
06:09 You guys are stupid. This is my dad's mansion.
06:12 I grew up here. And no, I don't have seven bedrooms.
06:15 I have eight.
06:16 Hey, guys!
06:17 Hi!
06:19 I am so late. The traffic was just held.
06:24 Did you guys see the price on the 405?
06:26 Actually, we're going to start coming along.
06:28 There is no way Cindy has the key to open the door.
06:33 Well, come on in, guys.
06:35 How did she get the key?
06:38 Cindy, I cannot believe you live in this neighborhood.
06:42 Are you like neighbors with celebrities?
06:45 Do you like running into someone to shout at me on the street?
06:47 Oh, no. Not Timothy, but Reese.
06:50 Reese Witherspoon.
06:54 Unbelievable.
06:56 I love that.
06:58 Normally, I would fire you for being a degenerate loser, but we're off the clock.
07:03 How much do you think I'd have to work to get this?
07:08 Well, I think that's enough touring, guys.
07:12 Let's head outside to the backyard to start the celebration.
07:16 Don't forget, we're here for my birthday.
07:19 I actually need to pee.
07:21 Where's the restroom?
07:23 Oh, um...
07:25 Down there somewhere.
07:27 It's down the hall, make a right, and then it's on the right-hand side.
07:31 Great.
07:32 Lily, why are you so familiar with the house?
07:34 It's darker.
07:36 Oh, I just remember from walking in.
07:38 So, what do you guys think of the house?
07:45 I mean, this is a selling sunset level kind of mansion, Cindy.
07:49 This is one of our smaller residences.
07:51 Sometimes we should go check out our overseas castle.
07:54 Well, this certainly did not disappoint.
07:57 Cindy, I look forward to our future together in the company.
08:00 Stop, you stole my bag.
08:02 What are you doing over there?
08:07 You're at my place. Stop acting like a weirdo.
08:10 Is this really your house?
08:12 What the hell? Of course it is.
08:15 How did you get a key to get in here?
08:17 It's my house. Why wouldn't I have the keys?
08:20 How are you lying like this, and who decorated all this for you?
08:24 Alright, that's enough. I invite you to my place, and this is how you treat me?
08:28 Get out!
08:29 Fine. If this is really your place, call the butler.
08:32 Go for it. You could call him. You won't even know who to call.
08:38 Mr. Lawrence, it's an emergency. Can you come to the house in the hills?
08:49 Mr. Lawrence is not only their butler, but Mr. Wilson's most trusted employee,
08:55 therefore making him a powerful figure himself.
08:58 Yeah, how do you have his number?
09:01 It's not hard to pick a call.
09:03 Really? You are delusional.
09:05 She's just jealous that I live in a mansion.
09:08 You know they say that if you flip burgers for 20 years,
09:11 you can eventually afford a small condo by Skid Row.
09:14 Maybe you should...
09:15 look into a career change.
09:18 Alright, the circus is over. Let's cut the cake.
09:21 I guess we'll find out soon enough.
09:23 What are you doing?
09:30 Look at this. She has no signal.
09:32 She didn't even make a call.
09:34 Stop with this craziness, Lily.
09:36 Cindy invited you here, and this is how you're going to repay her?
09:39 I think you should leave.
09:40 Guys, she's making this up!
09:42 I think you should leave.
09:43 Guys, she's making this up!
09:46 (electronic music)