The Secret Heiress Part 1

  • 5 months ago
The Secret Heiress Part 1
00:00 GPS location shows Ms. Wilson is at this clothing store somewhere.
00:05 Good.
00:06 Are you guys with Ms. Wilson?
00:08 Yes.
00:09 She left me this letter and skipped you.
00:11 Oh, thank you.
00:13 Dad, please don't try to stop me. Let's talk about the rest when I get home. Love, Lily.
00:25 This kid, Mr. Lawrence. I mean, now that she's finally back in this country after being gone so long, she won't even give me the time of day.
00:32 Should I keep looking for her, sir?
00:36 No, we'll just... we'll see her when she gets back tonight.
00:41 She did say she loved me.
00:45 That's lovely, sir.
00:47 I love it.
00:48 Cindy?
01:02 She works here, too?
01:12 Oh, we're gonna be colleagues!
01:15 I wonder what department she's in.
01:17 Hey, everyone. This is our new intern, Lily.
01:26 This is Allison Cooper.
01:28 Call me Allie.
01:29 And this is Matt.
01:31 Oh, hi. Nice to meet you.
01:34 Hi, everyone. I'm so excited to be working with you all.
01:37 And this is Cindy Wilson.
01:41 We went to school together.
01:44 Cindy! Oh, it is so great that we're going to be working together and in the same department, too!
01:50 I need to shout.
01:51 I'm sorry, do I know you? You're coming on a bit strong.
01:55 Oh, we went to high school together.
01:58 Oh, right. You're that redneck from the countryside who couldn't even get into college.
02:04 I studied abroad. Oxford, in fact.
02:08 What a bumpkin.
02:10 Even my granny would think this outfit is out of fashion.
02:14 I mean, it's work. It's not Paris Fashion Week.
02:17 You didn't go to college?
02:18 Who hired her?
02:20 I didn't.
02:21 Look, we don't know how this company hired you, but as long as you're here, you might as well make yourself useful.
02:27 And go get us a little lunch. I'm gluten-free, by the way.
02:32 I'm not a servant.
02:34 That's not what your education says.
02:37 [laughter]
02:39 Hi, honey, you're finally home!
02:49 Dad, I missed you so much!
02:51 I missed you, too. Wow, nice to see you.
02:54 I gotta say, I did miss you, but you couldn't have missed me that much, otherwise you would have come straight here from the airport, right?
03:03 That's okay.
03:05 Never mind that. What I'm hearing is that you went into the office this morning to sign up as an intern?
03:10 What are you thinking? You're going to be CEO of this company one day. You're my daughter, honey. That doesn't make any sense.
03:17 I know, I know, but that's exactly it. If I'm going to take over, I have to learn the company from the ground up.
03:22 I'm telling you right now, there are going to be employees that are going to be mean to you.
03:25 Your boss is probably going to treat you like a slave.
03:28 You're going to witness a lot of abuse on the job.
03:32 It's fine. I went into work today and I met my co-workers. They were nice.
03:37 Okay, well, that's good.
03:40 Um, well, I guess if you're willing to learn, but what's with the outfit? I mean, it's kind of plain.
03:48 I've got something for you. I've got some designer clothes that I got.
03:54 But they're not only just designer clothes, they're custom designer clothes just for you.
04:00 No, Dad, my identity will definitely be exposed if I wore these.
04:04 I'm off to bed.
04:09 Early day tomorrow.
04:11 Hey, Dad?
04:15 Yeah?
04:16 Keep this between us, okay?
04:18 Okay.
04:22 [Music]
04:24 Listen, Corey, my daughter is going to be starting as an intern tomorrow.
04:41 I want you to do everything you can to protect her.
04:44 I don't want anybody to find out about this, okay?
04:48 No workplace abuse for my daughter under any circumstances. Got it?
04:52 Yes, Mr. Wilson.
04:53 Good.
04:55 Mr. Wilson is very serious about the zero bullying policy.
05:02 Every worker here, from you to the interns, has to be treated with respect.
05:07 This is about having good company culture.
05:09 Yes, of course. Please let Mr. Wilson know we will honor his policy and create a safe working environment for everyone.
05:17 Mr. Wilson will appreciate it.
05:19 Please.
05:20 What are you doing here?
05:29 Oh, hi.
05:31 You two know each other?
05:34 Uh, well, we met at a party a while ago.
05:38 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It was a Christmas party.
05:41 It's September. It was last year.
05:46 Anyway, let me walk you out.
05:48 Okay, okay, okay, okay. So I don't know how this never occurred to me, but do you know how Sydney's last name is also Wilson?
06:04 Are you saying...
06:06 Wilson. Sydney Wilson. Yeah. She might be related to James Wilson.
06:13 Not just related. She could be the chairman's daughter.
06:17 That would make sense. I mean, Sydney always wears really expensive clothes.
06:22 And she goes to fancy restaurants.
06:25 I can't believe the chairman's daughter has been working under me this whole time.
06:29 I thought Dad promised not to reveal my identity. What's going on?
06:35 You can't just show up here without telling me.
06:37 Come on. Nobody would ever find out that you're my sister. I never gave him my real last name.
06:42 So why are you here?
06:45 James Wilson brought me here. He said his daughter's working within the company.
06:49 What? Does anybody know that?
06:53 Of course not. It's a secret.
06:56 I'm not going to tell anyone.
06:58 I'm not going to tell anyone.
07:01 Does anybody know that?
07:02 Of course not. It's a secret.
07:04 But he brought me here to make sure his daughter doesn't get bullied in the office.
07:08 So I came to tell the manager to create a safe working environment.
07:12 Oh, so woke. Working environments are supposed to be unsafe.
07:18 Yep. I agree.
07:20 We have to be so respectful to Sydney moving forward.
07:24 Oh yeah. We have to suck up to her.
07:26 Absolutely. I'll grab her coffee in the morning. I'll massage your feet at night.
07:30 Ew.
07:31 Cindy. OMG. I did not know that you were Mr. Wilson's daughter. I'm so sorry.
07:39 Do they think that I'm James Wilson's daughter?
07:42 Maybe I could use this back to my advantage.
07:46 Well, now that you know the truth, there's no sense in hiding anymore.
07:51 Yes, I am Mr. Wilson's daughter.
07:56 What the hell is Cindy doing? I am James Wilson's daughter. Not her.
08:01 It's so obvious. Of course she's a Wilson.
08:04 Obviously, the truth of my identity needs to stay in this department.
08:08 I wanted to work my way up fairly in the company and I don't want anyone to treat me differently.
08:14 That is so inspiring and admirable. We should all be more like her.
08:18 These people are idiots.
08:21 What the hell are you looking at? Do you have a problem?
08:25 Show some respect, nigger.
08:27 Have some manners.
08:29 Sorry, I'm just really surprised to learn that Cindy is Mr. Wilson's daughter.
08:35 Do I need to remind you who my daughter is?
08:39 I can't believe you just said that, Lily.
08:42 She will literally have your ass fired.
08:44 You are being so ridiculous. When did you grow up in a trailer park?
08:48 Cindy, don't you worry. You do not have to sit in these cubicles. I'm going to give you your own office.
08:54 Great! Let's go.
08:56 I feel so bad for you.
09:01 Jealous? Because someone else is rich?
09:04 You're pathetic. Why don't you go to your little hometown? You can go serve tables or pick up trash.
09:11 Well, I guess this is actually working out for me. Let's just see how her lies unfold.
09:17 Come on, get him. He's on the left.
09:21 Come in.
09:26 Double kill.
09:28 This place is disgusting.
09:31 Yes! What a win.
09:37 Hey, hey, hey. Put that stuff down. It's very valuable.
09:48 Why do you waste your money on that crap? With your job, you could get the real thing.
09:55 You don't get it. This is food for the soul.
10:01 Oh, check it out. Got it from the Wilsons.
10:08 You're not afraid you'll get caught stealing?
10:13 Don't worry. They have so much stuff, they couldn't possibly keep track of everything.
10:18 If you say so.
10:21 Lily, I need these financial reports by morning.
10:31 Cindy, this is so much work. And it's not even my responsibility.
10:37 I'm training you. You should be grateful you have no degree and you know nothing about anything.
10:43 If you don't learn, what are you good for? Be careful or I'll fire you.
10:48 I'd like to see you try.
10:51 If you don't learn, what are you good for? Be careful or I'll fire you.
10:56 I'd like to see you try.
10:59 Alright, I've had enough. If you want to work here, you're going to have to listen and be a team player.
11:05 If you don't like anything, you might as well just quit. It's not like we're going to miss you.
11:08 You know what it is? I think she's jealous of Cindy. She wants to sabotage us and our workplace.
11:14 Oh, come on, Mac. Think I'll only interlock her conspiracy with us?
11:19 Cindy, do you think identity theft is a joke?
11:24 What? What identity theft?
11:30 You're out of line. Whatever. If you don't want to do the work, that's fine. But eventually your time here will be done.
11:36 She's just trying to help you, okay? You see that? Just do it.
11:40 If the tasks were mine, I would do them.
11:43 We all do the work.
11:45 Have you ever heard of teamwork?
11:48 Well, if you're such a team player, why don't you do the work?
11:51 What the hell?
11:53 Alright, this is enough arguing. This is not conducive for a work environment.
11:58 Cindy, I was trying to mentor you, but if you insist on staying an intern for the rest of your life,
12:04 then why don't you go make us coffee or mop a floor or something?
12:09 And why don't you clean the kitchen while you're at it? I think we're out of straws.
12:13 Oh, and milk. Oat milk.
12:15 Yeah, and we're fancy, so we don't kill germs.
12:18 The last intern who bought whole milk got fired, and rightfully so, because we don't drink whole milk.
12:26 [music]
12:28 You know what, Cindy? You're right. I will do the tasks.
12:31 I'll have the financial reports on your desk first thing in the morning.
12:34 Great.
12:36 Looks like someone will be staying up all night.
12:39 Don't ever mess with me again.