Shortland Street 7898 12th April 2024

  • 5 months ago
00:00 Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02 Oh no, not again!
00:03 Every time things calm down a bit, your father goes and has a blimmin' episode.
00:06 It's not an episode, Mum. He's had a cardiac arrest.
00:09 You deserve to know they hooked up.
00:11 We almost hooked up.
00:12 I can't do this.
00:13 Don't hit on my girlfriend.
00:14 I don't care about your girlfriend!
00:16 Madonna is the only woman I want. The only life I want is with her.
00:26 OK, I know the rules. No colleagues, but at the time of the crime,
00:31 Billy Armacost did not employ you at Shortland Street.
00:34 OK, what more do you need? Do you need a sorry?
00:36 Nope.
00:37 Really?
00:39 It's a stupid rule anyway, so...
00:41 OK, so you're going to be OK working with Billy?
00:43 Of course.
00:45 Oh, so much is going on at work, but I can't tell you, so don't ask me.
00:49 No, we'll just get you drunk, and then you'll go form an egg on us and tell us everything.
00:55 Another time.
00:57 Are you going to sulk for just tonight, or is this going to be a 24-hour thing?
01:01 I'm good. I might sleep in the encore room tonight.
01:04 Sure.
01:06 Are you OK?
01:13 Might need another drink.
01:16 Be higher.
01:17 I'm not going to hit on you. Just want to talk something through.
01:20 Yeah, but we can't drink together.
01:22 Why?
01:23 You know why. Rule number 10, or whatever.
01:26 Rules might be changing more.
01:28 No, no, no. Whatever is going on with you guys, just leave me out of it.
01:32 So, um, yeah, your blood tests are looking better.
01:40 We're managing your withdrawal symptoms successfully, so you can sleep in your own bed tonight.
01:44 Awesome. Thanks, Doc.
01:46 Hey, did you hear that, mate? Huh?
01:47 We're busting him out of here.
01:48 Wow, brilliant. His heart's all good.
01:50 Well, with the prescribed medication and good diet, sensible exercise, future looks very manageable.
01:56 Well, I'll make sure he sticks to the rules. Don't you worry about that.
01:59 And you should come over for a barbie one night, Boyd.
02:02 Oh, look, that's very kind of you, but...
02:04 No, no, no. I mean it. You're a hero. And we should make him an honorary Barnes.
02:08 Yeah, we've got a couple of Cuban cigars we can fire up to celebrate.
02:12 For God's sake, this doctor is not going to smoke a cigar after you had a bloody heart attack, you nong.
02:17 Whatever happened, do everything in moderation.
02:19 I am banning them. No buts.
02:22 Buts.
02:24 Um, is Emmett OK?
02:45 Yeah, yeah, he's fine. I did really get him, though. Was it on...?
02:50 It was a mistake, obviously. Um, what are you doing?
02:55 Just a quick vacuum, and then I'll organise a baby bottle area for Cassie.
03:00 OK. Hey, look, um, there's something you should know.
03:07 Um, Nick told Ihaia, you know, about Phil and Billy, and me getting it on.
03:14 Why?
03:15 Well, she wanted to stick up for him, protect him. She feels awful about it.
03:20 I told her that you wouldn't mind, you know, it's Phil's fault, really.
03:23 Billy is not divorcing me because of Dr Grayson.
03:27 No, Nick just wanted me to let you know so you didn't have to pretend to be polite about it to her.
03:32 It's OK if you're angry at her.
03:34 For telling the truth? No way.
03:37 Did Ihaia lose it?
03:41 Um, well, apparently I did get a bit awkward.
03:45 I bet.
03:47 You know Billy-Amy's finding this hard too, right?
03:50 He loves you so much. It is killing him.
03:54 And you. So I'm sorry, but this whole divorce situation, it just, it doesn't add up.
04:01 What can I do, though?
04:03 Well, you can't work like this.
04:05 I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do with myself.
04:08 (sniffles)
04:13 (sniffles)
04:17 Come on, are you done?
04:19 Josh!
04:21 God, how much longer?
04:23 A healthy voter turnout shows people care. It's a good sign for democracy.
04:26 You think?
04:27 You can never underestimate the power of the youth vote.
04:29 Mate, no offence, but it's only the social club.
04:32 Only? After you campaigned so intensely.
04:35 Yeah, competing and winning is my happy place.
04:37 Alright, done. Count it.
04:39 Eh?
04:41 Sorry, Thaddeus. Put up a good fight, but he won.
04:44 Yes!
04:45 Congratulations, bro.
04:47 (applause)
04:48 Hear that?
04:49 Yeah.
04:50 By how much? We're talking landslide?
04:52 There was a considerable margin.
04:53 Ha ha, I knew it!
04:54 Hey, but you had a lot of good ideas.
04:56 But hey, the people have spoken.
04:58 First order of business, social club drinks tonight. Who's keen?
05:01 Yes!
05:02 Yes!
05:03 Alright.
05:04 You free?
05:06 Um, I'll have to check.
05:09 Nothing happened?
05:16 Yeah, but she wanted something to happen. That's what I heard. Where is she?
05:19 She said you wanted to stay out of it. Might be a good idea.
05:21 Yeah, that's before I knew the juicy details.
05:23 Look, I know you and Phil do whoever, wherever, but Madonna and Billie, they are the real deal.
05:27 I don't know she was a homewrecker. Like...
05:29 Sorry.
05:32 Sorry.
05:33 Rain topa.
05:35 Are you okay?
05:37 Yeah.
05:38 Must've stung.
05:41 You don't know what I'm thinking. Because you didn't want to know.
05:45 I am listening now.
05:47 Suppose you've just seen it in action.
05:49 Seen what?
05:51 Open for business.
05:53 Ah, yes. The open relationship, which is so amazing and so easy.
06:00 You were kind of tricky, wasn't you?
06:02 Yeah, but Phil almost slept with another really, really hot guy.
06:07 Yeah, I've been there before.
06:08 So now what? Do you get like a hall pass or...
06:11 Who's asking?
06:13 Not me.
06:15 Sure.
06:17 Seriously, stop trying to change the subject. I'm talking about you and Phil.
06:21 You guys going to be okay?
06:23 Yeah.
06:24 Is this what you wanted to talk about last night?
06:27 Figured it out. All on my own.
06:30 Okay, well, next time I will listen.
06:33 And if I don't, you need to find someone who you can talk to.
06:37 And that someone should be your girlfriend.
06:41 Hmm?
06:43 Hey. So I've noted the date and the time and my unprofessional nosy Parker accusations.
06:56 Sorry?
06:58 I'm just plowing on about that kiss with Philly.
07:00 Right.
07:02 So I've done an incident form. All you have to do is sign it and submit.
07:06 Don't worry about it.
07:07 I'm DOE and I should be leading by example.
07:09 Accept a fame. File the complaint that I have to talk to Esther, Monique and Ihara about it.
07:13 Right, so I'm making it worse.
07:15 Delete the incident form.
07:16 Consider it done.
07:19 What can I do to make it up to you?
07:22 Tell me the truth.
07:24 Okay.
07:25 You really think I'm a hypocrite?
07:27 It's none of my business how you do life and things.
07:30 It's hard for normal people to get their head around.
07:32 You don't believe me? I'm not normal.
07:34 We have a non-disclosure rule.
07:36 When I'm not sticking my foot in that.
07:38 Except this time I kind of knew I had to say something, but I didn't.
07:43 Ask me why.
07:44 Why?
07:45 I don't know.
07:47 Well, maybe because you're an honest person.
07:49 Am I?
07:51 Or you want to change the non-disclosure rule.
07:54 No, I do not want to know what happens on the other side.
07:57 With Ihara.
07:59 Yeah.
08:00 You know, maybe I've been living my life wrong.
08:02 You want to swing a little?
08:03 No, I'm married now. It's a little late for this open business, but maybe if I was single and ten years younger.
08:10 So you approve now?
08:12 I don't know, it sounds like it would save a lot of headaches and tears.
08:16 That's the aim of the game.
08:18 [Music]
08:24 Are you sure that's a good idea, Dad?
08:25 Nothing will be better for my health than lying around on a beach all day.
08:29 Yeah, I know, it's just a bit soon to be jumping on a plane, that's all.
08:31 I mean, how are you going to pay for it?
08:33 Chuck it on the credit card.
08:35 Huh? Are you sure?
08:36 Look, your mum's been through hell, okay?
08:38 She just needs to get away and have a good time.
08:40 And you know she never had a proper honeymoon before.
08:42 Yeah, because I okayed her along.
08:44 I know she'll never let me forget.
08:45 Look, I better get going. She's found us this incredible deal and we need to lock it in by tonight.
08:50 All right, I'll drop you off.
08:51 Logan, I'm an athlete, okay? A fighter. A little walk will do me good.
08:56 Dad, it's a bit soon to be out and about.
08:58 Look, son, your concern is appreciated but unnecessary, all right? I'm not a child.
09:03 Yeah, I know.
09:04 [Music]
09:18 Did you see that?
09:19 Yeah, excellent cap.
09:21 See you later.
09:24 Something's gone wrong with management.
09:29 So, I think we need to get Manique drunk and get all the girls.
09:32 What for?
09:33 Okay, I've had enough. Spit it out.
09:35 You want details about me and Viliami?
09:38 How many kisses were there? A lot.
09:40 Did any clothes come off? Not really.
09:43 What else?
09:45 Did you think of me?
09:46 Uh, not really.
09:48 It's what we do.
09:52 What if I don't want to do that anymore?
09:54 You're literally freaking out over nothing.
09:56 I'm not freaking out. It just feels different this time.
09:59 What?
10:00 Look, a normal guy would be jealous and want to take out the competition.
10:04 But I'm not like that.
10:06 Isn't that a good thing? The system works for us.
10:08 I don't like the system anymore.
10:10 Oh, okay. So you want to be like everyone else?
10:12 You want to get down on one knee, big diamond ring, fancy wedding, babies on the way?
10:17 No, no, don't look at me like that.
10:19 Whatever messed up ideas you have, get rid of them.
10:21 Messed up? Really?
10:23 The constitutional basis of these rules is freedom.
10:28 So just stick to the rules.
10:30 She's taking leave.
10:32 It's not Vili's fault.
10:33 I heard her crying in the night.
10:35 Hey, no guilt tripping my boy.
10:37 Well, we're just telling it like it is.
10:38 I'm already trying hard enough to keep him in this town. I don't need you scaring him away.
10:42 Leaving town?
10:43 Oh, thinking about going away for a bit. Making some good...
10:46 My parents are talking about Vegas and Dollywood. It's giving them ideas.
10:50 Okay, well the only trip you need to make is to my apartment.
10:52 What, is it that bad?
10:53 Yes.
10:54 You should go.
10:55 Nah, it's car maintenance there. I can't leave you on your own.
10:58 Hey, I got this. You should look after the lady.
11:01 Hey, I know you're team Vili all the way.
11:09 Yeah, 100%.
11:10 What do we do? Do we try and get them back together? Or just, what, let it implode?
11:15 I don't know.
11:17 Hey, you want to know something weird?
11:19 What?
11:20 Chris Warner came to my flat this morning.
11:22 Locked himself in Harry's room.
11:25 Okay, that is weird.
11:26 Yeah, didn't say anything. Offered him coffee, tea. Just radio silence.
11:30 Well, I mean, it sounds like he's depressed. Don't blame him.
11:34 Hello. That's my mum and dad's place.
11:37 What?
11:38 This is car five. I'll take code one.
11:40 Logan. Buddy, hey, you shouldn't drive like this. The other team take it.
11:43 Hey, my dad's having another heart attack.
11:45 Okay, well I'll come with you.
11:46 No, just get recess ready.
11:52 So that's Mrs. Gianther's hip replacement and Mr. Dodson's bowel resection.
11:58 On it.
12:00 Oh, my God, have you seen this?
12:02 Seen what?
12:03 The State of the Social Club coffers.
12:05 That's right. You're our new prize. Congrats.
12:08 The cupboard's bare.
12:10 Well, fundraising's always been part of the gig.
12:12 We've fallen off a bloody fiscal cliff.
12:14 We can't even celebrate tonight unless I pay for it myself.
12:16 Oh, so generous. I'll be there.
12:18 You wanted to be in charge, mate.
12:20 Having fun ideas, inspiring participation, not rescuing us from bankruptcy.
12:25 Sorry, couldn't help overhearing, mostly because you're shouting,
12:28 but it seems like you're in a bit of a social club pickle.
12:31 I'm busy. I don't have time for bake sales and sausage sizzles.
12:34 Just a bit of essential admin, surely? You're really not up to it.
12:37 I didn't say that. I said I'm a busy man.
12:40 You need help.
12:41 Are you offering?
12:42 No. He is.
12:44 Am I?
12:45 You're gagging for it.
12:46 You're chock full of fundraising ideas, aren't you?
12:48 Well, even a simple quiz night can be entertaining and profitable.
12:51 See there?
12:52 But alas, the people spoke and I missed out. Maybe next time.
12:56 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast.
12:58 How about Social Club Secretary? Would you consider it?
13:02 I did have my heart set on President.
13:04 There'll be an abdication's in order.
13:06 No. How about Social Club Director?
13:10 Ooh, now that does have a certain ring.
13:12 Welcome to the President collaborating on projects.
13:15 I'm in.
13:16 Great. Sort this, would you?
13:18 Heaps of admin.
13:20 What seems like menial admin to some is quite soothing for my brain, surprisingly.
13:23 It's right in my wheelhouse.
13:25 You're a gem. Good luck.
13:28 OK, Holden. We just have to wait for the ECG to be reviewed.
13:36 Thanks heaps.
13:37 How are you feeling now?
13:38 Yeah, a bit dizzy.
13:39 You have any pain?
13:41 Yeah.
13:42 Don't keep us in suspense. Is it a heart attack or just indigestion or what?
13:46 Mum, he collapsed.
13:47 Hey, you're such an idiot for letting him walk home.
13:50 Question related case, he said.
13:51 Patient was on it. Have a read.
13:54 Says there we discharged him last night.
13:57 Boyd, what the hell's going on?
13:59 Holden.
14:00 Hey, Doc. Been in a bit of a bad way. I couldn't breathe.
14:03 Let's have a look at that ECG.
14:04 Your shorts is hot.
14:06 Well?
14:08 Oh, Holden, you've had a heart attack.
14:10 What? You said he was good to go. We were booking flights.
14:13 Yeah, I'm really sorry. This was unexpected.
14:15 Eh? You need to be monitored.
14:17 We'll get you to theatre as soon as we can, OK?
14:20 Better get it right this time, yeah?
14:21 Absolutely.
14:22 I'll organise a transfer.
14:23 Yeah, try not to stab anyone.
14:25 I'll help lift him out.
14:26 Yeah, great.
14:28 Hey, don't worry, Dad. I'll look after you. You'll be good as gold.
14:33 Yeah.
14:37 (SIGHS)
14:39 Madonna?
14:46 Billy.
14:48 And the lover?
14:52 No, no, we're not together anymore, so you can't stop me.
14:56 What are you doing here?
15:00 I heard you'd taken leave.
15:01 I just didn't want to cry in front of the patients.
15:03 Have a big cry. Then you'll feel better. It worked for me.
15:06 Did it?
15:07 Yeah. Things kind of got clearer.
15:10 OK.
15:12 It's just old love.
15:14 All gone now?
15:16 No, no, no. It's... still there.
15:19 Your ring, it's off.
15:22 Madonna, I want to do this thing without hurting each other.
15:27 This thing?
15:28 Divorce stuff.
15:30 Sure.
15:31 I don't want you hiding out, not going to work.
15:34 OK.
15:36 Do you want coffee?
15:41 Nah, nah. I'd better get back to work.
15:44 I don't know how to be around you yet.
15:51 Neither do I.
15:52 But this is a good start, yeah?
15:54 Yeah.
15:56 And, yeah, it doesn't matter what's going on.
15:58 Don't beat yourself up.
16:01 You're kind to the rest of the world.
16:04 Now do you.
16:06 Golden bars?
16:16 Yeah.
16:17 Seems it was mainly there's a class gene that was supporting his heart function
16:20 and now he's off that.
16:22 Damn.
16:23 You're not meant to talk about that drug, are you?
16:25 Now that your research is over?
16:26 Oh, not publicly, but in the context of treating this patient, it's inevitable.
16:30 Logan's dead.
16:32 Oh, no, is it serious?
16:33 I'm afraid it might be.
16:35 I need to open him up again and see what's going on.
16:38 Hey, theatre four is booked and ready to go,
16:40 but that means Mrs. Jane has been bumped to tomorrow.
16:42 Great, thanks, babe.
16:44 And, yes, we got your memo and we would love to register a team.
16:49 Team for what?
16:50 Quiz night, keep up.
16:51 That's great news. There's three teams already.
16:53 Names, please.
16:55 It's me and Nick and Sage.
16:58 We don't have a team name yet, but it'll probably be something queer related.
17:01 Did you know the term "queer" dates back to the 16th century?
17:04 I knew that.
17:05 Yeah, the exact origins are unknown,
17:07 but it's said to speak to the mild derangement of those
17:10 who exhibit socially inappropriate behaviours.
17:13 Fascinating.
17:15 Not that I think you're deranged.
17:17 I'll handle this.
17:19 As social club president, Maeve, I can assure you
17:21 that all of our events will be fully LG... A to Z friendly.
17:26 Exactly. Come one, come all.
17:28 Why don't you do the organising and I'll do the promotion?
17:30 Well, you're doing a pretty good job of promoting so far, don't you?
17:33 You've got three teams already.
17:34 OK, well, I might just leave you boys to it.
17:36 You seem a bit unwilling to share power.
17:41 Let's be clear. I'm delegating, OK?
17:44 Somebody here has to be the decisive one.
17:48 Lateral malleolus, distal radius fractures, obviously.
17:52 What do you mean, "obviously"?
17:55 I mean, I checked the wrist and ankle, and they're fractured.
18:00 She's a professional mountain biker and that was an easy track.
18:03 So?
18:04 So a simple injury like that just doesn't make sense.
18:06 I bet something else is at play.
18:08 OK, what is your problem now?
18:11 You just can't take a simple solution, can you?
18:13 Everything has to be complicated for you, Phil.
18:16 Are we talking about the patient or are we talking about us?
18:19 I'm talking about my patient, who you seem to think is just another rousing medical case to add to your collection.
18:24 So we're talking about us.
18:25 Can I be of assistance?
18:27 Dammit.
18:28 How's the old stab wound?
18:30 Yeah, you OK?
18:31 I had better days at work.
18:33 I bet.
18:34 Ehai, can we continue this outside?
18:36 I'd love to.
18:37 What have you done, Dr Phil?
18:38 What have I done? Nothing outside of the rules.
18:41 Actually, he's the one up for disqualification.
18:44 What did you kiss, Philly? I thought it was you.
18:47 Well, you heard about that.
18:49 Oh, I think even Kearney's heard about that.
18:51 Oh.
18:54 Well, theatre two's free.
18:56 Send her up.
18:58 Copy.
18:59 What did you mean, disqualified?
19:02 One of our rules. Don't get jealous over random.
19:05 Oh, I thought your arrangement was watertight.
19:08 So did I.
19:09 Uh-oh.
19:12 [Music fades]
19:14 Hey, how are you, Holden? A bit woozy?
19:18 Yeah, good way.
19:19 Oh, great.
19:20 Just take you through. The anaesthetist is ready for you.
19:23 Any questions before that?
19:25 Any last words, you mean?
19:27 Don't be silly.
19:28 Dad, don't. You'll be sweet.
19:30 Well, if you've got any questions for the surgeon,
19:33 I can go and grab Boyd before he scrubs in.
19:36 He's going to fix my heart, and that's all I care about.
19:38 You'll be good as new.
19:39 And after this, you've got to go easy. Seriously.
19:42 No jumping on planes to Cuba or whatever.
19:44 A beach and a bach. That's all I want.
19:46 Good call.
19:47 Uh, hello? Who am I?
19:49 You're my girl.
19:50 And if I don't come through this, I don't get...
19:53 No, no, no, no, no. We're not doing this.
19:55 You're going to sail through. Right?
19:57 Yeah, they got this. It'll be good.
19:59 All right. Go on, then. Take him through.
20:02 See you on the other side, mate.
20:08 You all right, love?
20:09 Yep. My heel bounced back. Always does.
20:11 Great.
20:12 E.D.
20:17 I know. I'm sorry.
20:18 Work is work. Patients come first. You know that.
20:22 It won't happen again.
20:23 Are we changing the rules?
20:25 Because if they are, I need to sign off on it.
20:27 Things are good the way they are.
20:30 Why mess it up now?
20:32 Viliami toa.
20:33 I told you, that kiss, it meant...
20:35 It's not the kiss.
20:37 I got jealous.
20:38 Of Vili?
20:40 Of his love for Madonna.
20:42 I love you like that, too. And I want to commit to it. Like them.
20:47 They're getting a divorce.
20:49 And I saw their pain. I've never seen it before, but it's the real thing.
20:53 What we've got is real.
20:54 Can it be real when there's other people in the way?
20:56 When we're taking a free pass whenever we want?
20:58 No one gets hurt. That's the number one rule.
21:00 But I'm getting hurt. Because I love you. And I only want to love you.
21:04 Can't we just give it a chance?
21:06 V, I don't know how to do that.
21:08 Because open relationship means exactly that. Open.
21:11 Let's shut the doors then.
21:13 What?
21:14 No one else. Close it down.
21:17 I want to love you. Just you.
21:20 But you have to give me a chance.
21:23 No randoms. No one-night stands. No one.
21:27 Just us?
21:29 Just us.
21:30 Okay.
21:34 Okay?
21:38 And artery forceps, please.
21:44 And gauze, thanks.
21:47 Thanks, Selena. How are those vitals looking?
21:50 Yeah, all in range. Are you getting a decent look at the heart yet?
21:54 Almost there.
21:56 Suction, please.
21:59 Hey, man. Yeah, he's under the knife now. I'm watching.
22:03 No, no, no. I sent her to the care for you. Some chamomile tea.
22:07 She reckons she can handle it, but she can't.
22:10 Hey, look, Mon's here. I'd better go. Thanks for calling.
22:14 Cheers, Lily.
22:16 Should you be here?
22:18 Only to block the door if Mon tries to get in.
22:20 It's actually pretty chill. More than I would be if I was here.
22:24 How are you feeling?
22:26 Oh, everybody rates Boyd highly. He knows what he's doing.
22:31 Dad's pretty fit, apart from this.
22:33 Mm. And at least he's not on scletion anymore.
22:36 Yeah. Jury's out on that one.
22:38 He would have got a diagnose.
22:40 Can we change the subject, please?
22:42 Sure. All right, let's see what's going on here.
22:45 Um, need some more light, please.
22:47 Uh, that does not look good.
22:49 (SIGHS) He's not pumping enough blood. His heart's too weak.
22:53 Something's wrong.
22:55 Hey, Boyd, what's going on? What's wrong?
22:57 Congestive heart failure.
22:59 What? Since when?
23:01 It's historic. We had no idea.
23:03 He's arresting him. Can we get the definite police?
23:21 (upbeat music)