00:00 I'm definitely getting revenge on someone, but before I do I need to make some sort of
00:04 warehouse.
00:05 For the actual building blocks I'm going to use bricks, and the entrance will look something
00:08 like that.
00:09 The roof itself needs to look kind of abandoned, like it's been broken, because this is supposed
00:13 to be an abandoned school that's just been cursed and haunted by whatever creatures are
00:18 inside.
00:19 Inside we'll just have some random barrels to showcase this is an actual scary unit,
00:22 along with skeletons in the corners like this.
00:25 Beautiful, alright.
00:26 Now time to give them little desks.
00:28 And maybe using the camera what I can do is add a zombie.
00:31 So using the camera, I'll take a nice little close up of you my friend, because you'll
00:36 now turn into...
00:37 Okay, that's frankly...