As the Lok Sabha elections unfold, politicians are making bold moves and claims. From Tejashwi Yadav's orange video to Meesa Bharti's warning of jail time for PM Modi, the political drama is heating up. Rahul Gandhi vows to end poverty by promising to transfer ₹1 lakh annually to impoverished women. Stay tuned to Oneindia News for the latest election updates and global news.
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#SBI #ElectoralBonds #ElectoralBondData #RTI #RTIAct #CJIChandrachud #Indianews #LokSabhaelections #Politics #Oneindia #Oneindianews
00:00 Hello there, this is me Ansh Pandey and you are watching One India English.
00:07 It's election time and of course our dear politicians, our esteemed leaders are out there right now,
00:14 every day hustling to fulfil people's dreams and win that parliament seat which is like an anvil to them.
00:21 Welcome to this special episode of Election 2024 called as Poll Rap.
00:28 So what's this all about?
00:30 [Political commentator speaking in Hindi]
00:58 [Political commentator speaking in Hindi]
01:05 [Political commentator speaking in Hindi]
01:13 [Political commentator speaking in Hindi]
01:37 Well, until 4th June rolls around, we'll be curating the biggest election stories of the day
01:43 and giving you the lowdown on what's been going down in the wild world of Indian politics.
01:49 Today we have got some really interesting and unexpected stories for you.
01:54 From Tejasvi Yadav's viral orange video to Misa Bharti's big claim,
02:00 plus we have got Rahul Gupta's exit with his subtle dig at Jairam Ramesh
02:05 and let's not forget about Rahul Gandhi's new claim on how he plans to end poverty in India in just one step.
02:13 Hold on because there's more to this political drama heading your way.
02:17 Let's start with the biggest news of the day.
02:20 First we had Gaurav Vallabh joining the BJP and now get ready for another surprise.
02:25 Lohan Gupta, a name until recently you wouldn't have imagined praising Modi
02:30 is now proudly waving the Bhajpa aka BJP flag.
02:34 Last month, Rohan Gupta bid goodbye to the Congress party saying that he is tired of being treated poorly
02:41 by the senior Congress leader and the party's communication department.
02:45 If you remember, he also wrote a letter expressing his frustration saying that
02:49 "I have had enough of being belittled and demeaned and I will not take it anymore."
02:55 Today, when Gupta officially joined the BJP, he didn't hold back making some serious allegations
03:02 against Jairam Ramesh without even taking his name directly.
03:06 Gupta said that Ramesh allegedly told Congress leaders to stay quiet when disrespectful remarks
03:12 were made about the Sanatan Dharam that is Hinduism referring to DMK leader Uday Nadee Stallion's
03:19 controversial statement last September which was that he will eradicate the Sanatan Dharam.
03:24 What's more, Gupta also pointed out contradictions with the Congress
03:28 criticizing their support for Aravind Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab
03:32 despite previously accusing Kejriwal of having ties with Khalistani forces.
03:37 Take a look at what exactly Rohan Gupta stated.
03:41 [Rohan Gupta speaking in Punjabi]
04:11 [Rohan Gupta speaking in Punjabi]
04:38 [Rohan Gupta speaking in Punjabi]
04:44 Well, these are indeed confusing times as more and more Congressmen are now leaving the Grand Old Party
04:50 and joining the Saffron Party.
04:52 Oh, and speaking of the Saffron, Tejasvi Adav also dropped a new video munching on oranges
04:58 with his alliance partner VIP's Mukesh Sahni.
05:02 Taking a swipe at BJP during the Navratri, the former Bihar deputy,
05:06 Chief Minister and the RJD leader shared a clip of his orange party in a helicopter
05:11 during the hectic election campaign.
05:14 Posting on social media platform X, formerly Twitter, Tejasvi Adav quipped,
05:18 "Hey folks, we are having an orange party in the chopper today.
05:22 Wonder if anyone's bothered by the colour orange?"
05:26 [Tejasvi Adav speaking in Punjabi]
05:51 This comes after Tejasvi Adav faced flak for supposedly offending religious sentiments
05:58 by indulging in fish during Navratri.
06:01 However, the RJD leader later clarified that the video was from 8th April,
06:05 a day before Navratri began on 9th April.
06:08 Interestingly, Adav himself shared the video a day prior and sparked controversy
06:13 and later he claimed that the video was one day before
06:17 and so he also stated that the BJP supporters have a very low IQ.
06:21 For the full scoop of the story, you can head to our page for the full analysis and about the report.
06:28 Now, if we are talking about Bihar and Lalu's son, we can't skip Lalu's daughter today,
06:33 Meesa Bharti, who made quite a bold claim too.
06:37 In her own words, "If our government comes, then Modi ji and BJP leaders will be in jail."
06:45 Lalu Prasad Adav's daughter, Meesa Bharti, stirred up a storm with this statement
06:50 that Narendra Modi and the BJP leaders will be behind bars when India block takes power.
06:56 "He accuses our family of corruption, but do you know how much corruption is involved in electoral bonds?
07:02 Who will answer for that? If the public gives us a chance, PM Modi will be in jail,
07:07 along with the other BJP leaders," Meesa Bharti stated today.
07:11 Have a look at what she stated.
07:14 "The India Ghat Bandhan is giving 30 lakhs of jobs, and they see corruption in that.
07:21 We are talking about doubling the farmers' income, we are talking about implementing MSP,
07:26 and they see corruption.
07:28 Today, we went to ask for votes for our son, why didn't the family speak up?
07:32 PM Modi's mouth is shut. Who will answer for electoral bonds?
07:36 Whenever he comes, he accuses our family of corruption.
07:39 Do you know how much corruption is involved?
07:42 If the public gives us a chance, PM Modi will be in jail, along with the other BJP leaders,"
07:50 These comments sparked a strong reaction from the BJP and other party leaders,
07:55 cautioning her to think before she speaks.
07:58 BJP Deputy CM of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis, critiqued her,
08:02 and some even pondered her to realise why her name was given Meesa before making such statements.
08:09 And at last, we go to Rahul Gandhi, who has come up with a new statement
08:14 that he will end poverty in just one step.
08:17 In a recent public rally in Rajasthan, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi unveiled a significant election promise today.
08:24 He announced that if the Congress Party secures victory in the elections,
08:28 he will transfer Rs 1 lakh annually into the bank account of one woman
08:33 from every impoverished household across the nation.
08:36 This initiative aims to elevate financial burden and empower women economically,
08:41 with each household receiving Rs 8,500 per month.
08:46 During his address, Rahul Gandhi emphasised the commitment outlined in the party's election manifesto too.
08:52 He stressed the importance of the financial aid,
08:55 stating that it would be recurring to uplift the families from poverty.
08:59 Rahul Gandhi retariated that Congress government's goal is to eradicate poverty in India,
09:06 and this will serve as a crucial step towards achieving that objective.
09:12 In his own words, "Paisa khata khat khata khat aata rahega aur jhatke se hum Hindustan ko gareebi se mita denge."
09:19 "Your family will be able to transfer Rs 8,500 per month, Rs 1 lakh annually into the bank account of one woman,
09:35 and that will be till the day you leave the poverty line."
09:51 "If you are below the poverty line, your bank account will be filled with Rs 1 lakh annually, Rs 8,500 per month."
10:13 "And with one snap, we will eradicate poverty from India."
10:22 Well, now as the Lok Sabha elections reach their peak,
10:26 the fate of poverty, PM Modi's Char So Par claim and the outcome of India Alliance getting a victory still remains uncertain.
10:33 But with each passing day, the political landscape is just becoming increasingly captivating.
10:39 So what you have to do, you have to stay updated at One India News for the comprehensive election coverage and global news like never before.
10:48 Subscribe to One India Channel and never miss an update.