• last year
Shardlake Trailer HD - Plot Synopsis: Set in 16th century England during the dissolution of the monasteries, Shardlake is a four-part drama based on the first novel in C.J. Sansom's internationally popular Tudor murder mystery series. The eerie whodunnit adventure follows lawyer Matthew Shardlake (Arthur Hughes) and Jack Barack (Anthony Boyle) as they work to uncover the truth behind a horrific murder. The two men are sent out on a mission by the dangerous and all-powerful right-hand man to Henry VIII: Thomas Cromwell (Sean Bean) -- and failure is not an option. As they race to uncover the mystery, Shardlake and Barack are met with hostility, suspicion and paranoia by the monks who fear for their future and will seemingly stop at nothing to preserve their order.

directed by Justin Chadwick

starring Arthur Hughes, Anthony Boyle, Sean Bean, Babou Ceesay, Paul Kaye, David Pearse, Charlotte Christof, Hilary Tones, Matthew Steer

release date May 1, 2024 (on Hulu)


00:00Why, in this house of God, do I smell secrets and fear?
00:12We have no secrets, and with respect, Master Shardlake, it is of you and Lord Cromwell
00:19we are afraid.
00:20Master Shardlake, there's news of a death awaits you, a murder, who is he?
00:30The guilty man must be identified and evidence listed.
00:33I am not above the laws of England, Matthew.
00:36No, no, my lord, as no man should be.
00:38You will not fail me, neither of you.
00:43The house must fall.
00:44Robin Singleton was killed by someone here.
00:46Someone within Saint Denartus.
00:47You're hiding.
00:48You're all hiding.
00:49Cromwell is your strength as he is mine.
00:50Without him you're crook back and forth.
00:51We are close, believe me.
00:52By the way, if the woman you accept, you must find out the truth.
00:53The axe will serve your names!
00:57I will find you.
01:03I will discover the truth.
01:14and this house will close.
01:21He is not the first to be killed.
01:26Hoorah, hooray, Master Shardling.
