What is Intellectual Property?

  • 5 months ago
In this video, we have discussed What is Intellectual Property, the concept of Intellectual Property, and IP Rights in great depth and detail. We have covered all the types of Intellectual Properties like Trademarks, copyright, Patent, and Design and explained why protecting intellectual property rights is essential for businesses and creators. Whether you're a business owner or a creative professional, this video will provide you with valuable insights into protecting your work as Intellectual Property in India and creating a successful brand out of it. Watch the complete video to learn more about intellectual property rights in India!

What is Intellectual Property?

Intellectual property (IP) refers to original and unique creations of the human mind which have commercial value. For instance, a unique word coined by someone to represent a global business brand, an original work of art sold for millions of dollars, an original script for a blockbuster movie, and so on.

Similar to physical properties which are considered as tangible assets of their owners, intellectual properties can be considered intangible assets of their creators, implying that the creators have an exclusive right of ownership over them. It is this exclusive right of ownership which is termed the “Intellectual Property Right” of the creator, and is protected against infringement by specific laws in India.

Types of IPR- Intellectual Property Rights in India

Intellectual Property Rights can come in different forms based on the types of intellectual properties they are meant to protect. In India, however, there are 4 basic types of Intellectual Property Rights.

1. Trademarks

2. Copyrights

3. Patent

4. Design

#copyright #patent #design #setindiabiz #IPR #TypesofIPR

If you are a Trademark owner and looking forward to registering your Trademark, you can click on this link & avail our quality and affordable services for Trademark Registration: https://www.setindiabiz.com/trademark-registration


