• last year
The Green Veil, from executive producers John Leguizamo and Aram Rappaport is an 8 episode drama series that follows a government agent in the 1950s tasked with an unraveling secret mission that threatens to expose deeper secrets. In his first ever leading role in a television series, John Leguizamo stars as Gordon Rogers, an immigrant who came into the US as a child and dedicated his life to achieving the American Dream. He experiences both an insidious obsession with that dream, and the societal limitations to it placed upon certain groups. Additional cast includes Hani Furstenberg, John Ortiz, Irene Bedard, and Isabel Poloner. Co-Executive Producers Irene Bedard and Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel (of the Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut) serve as creative and Native American consultants on the series.
00:00 Did you have a good day?
00:02 Is it him?
00:04 [Screaming]
00:06 Yeah, I did.
00:08 And you?
00:20 I feel happy.
00:22 I wonder why.
00:24 I'm grateful for family.
00:26 [Laughing]
00:28 Don't you dare! That's enough.
00:30 For profession.
00:32 Where's my daughter?
00:34 Where's my daughter?
00:36 And for purpose.
00:40 Tell me where you were.
00:42 These impatiens are real.
00:50 What's your job in all this?
00:52 My work is top secret.
00:54 [Music]
00:56 Hey, hey, hey. Elbows off the table.
01:22 You always have your elbows on the table.
01:24 [Music]
01:26 (dramatic music)
