Khazina e Rehmat | Part 2 | Rehmat e Sehr - 6 April 2024 - Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

  • 5 months ago
Khazina e Rehmat | Part 2 | Rehmat e Sehr - 6 April 2024 - Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

Host: Safdar Ali Mohsin - Tilawat e Quran By Qari Muhammad Awais Asghar Qadri

Topic: Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) ki Dua

Guest: Mufti Tahir Tabassum Qadri, Dr Syed Hamid Farooq Bukhari

Sana Khuwan: Tasaduq Rasool

#KhazinaeRehmat #RehmateSehr #ShaneRamzan #ARYQtv

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02:19 To the effect of this request, 'Wa tu'izzu man tashaa wa tu'zillu man tashaa', here it is also stated that no nation or individual should ever imagine that their honour will always be in their fate.
02:32 It is based on our actions. 'Wa antumul a'laun in kuntum mu'mineen'.
02:38 It means that it is not enough to just recite a word in a language, it is to prove it with your actions.
02:42 Until and unless you keep on guarding your faith, Allah will continue to grant you the highest honour.
02:48 Therefore, no nation or individual should ever imagine that their honour will always be in their fate and that they are also honoured.
02:55 As Abdullah bin Ubay said, 'Yaquluna la irraja'ana ilal madinati la yukhrijanna al-a'azdu min hal-azal'.
03:03 Allah the Lord of Honour has stated there, 'Wa lillahi al-izzatu wa li rasoolihi wa lil-mu'mineen'.
03:09 Allah the Lord of Honour has kept honour for Himself, for His most honoured Messenger, and for the true believers who follow the footsteps of the most honoured Messenger.
03:20 My Lord will grant them honour.
03:22 Here, the message is also for the Muslim Ummah.
03:25 Those whom my Lord has made the best of nations, they also receive this message that they should not consider themselves claimants or creditors.
03:32 Rather, as long as you follow the footsteps of the most honoured Messenger, my Lord will continue to grant you honour.
03:37 When the Messenger of Allah would get worried after hearing the words of the disbelievers and the polytheists,
03:42 my Lord said, 'Wa la yahzunka qauluhum' that their words should not worry you.
03:47 'Innal-izzata lillahi jamee'a'.
03:50 No doubt, all honour is for Allah.
03:52 The Messenger of Allah would come, the companions were all dressed in glory.
03:55 A person passed by, he was a wealthy man.
03:58 The Master asked the companions, 'What is your opinion?'
04:01 The companions replied, 'My Lord, he is a respected man. Allah has given him wealth and honour.
04:09 Wherever he passes, people will treat him with love.
04:12 When he does business, people will join him with happiness.
04:16 When he makes a request, people will accept it.
04:19 When he sends a message of marriage, people will accept it.
04:22 Now, the situation has changed a little.
04:24 Another companion passed by.
04:26 He was physically poor.
04:28 The Master said, 'Tell us about him.'
04:30 He said, 'He is physically poor.
04:34 If he sends a message of marriage, people may not accept it.
04:37 He is poor.
04:38 If he makes a request, people may not accept it.'
04:41 The Master said this historical sentence.
04:44 He said, 'If you fill the whole world with the person you consider to be wealthy,
04:53 people will not accept him. Allah has given him more honour.'
04:58 Allah has given him more honour.
05:00 Allah has revealed the verses of Surah Mujadila in 28th Parah for Hazrat Khawla bint Saliba.
05:06 It is a detailed incident.
05:08 Allah has given him so much honour that the Amirul Momineen,
05:11 Hazrat Umar's era, Satan used to run away from his path.
05:14 One day, you came on the road.
05:16 Why don't you say that we want to hear this incident in the next segment?
05:21 So that it is not incomplete in the middle.
05:24 Shah Sahib will narrate it again.
05:26 I was given a few minutes.
05:28 I said, 'It is fun to listen to it in the flow.'
05:30 It is a long incident.
05:32 When they stopped Hazrat Amirul Momineen,
05:35 he was old enough and there was no continuity in the discourse.
05:39 The conversation started and ended from somewhere.
05:42 The Amirul Momineen said to Umar,
05:46 'Today, Umar says that you were Umair,
05:50 this is Umar's younger brother.
05:53 Umair, then Umar.
05:55 Now you are Amirul Momineen,
05:57 so fear death.
05:59 Fear Allah.
06:00 You have to go to his court and answer.
06:02 Now the companions said, 'Go to the court of the master,
06:05 the court of the Amirul Momineen,
06:07 and leave.
06:08 These old women's talks will not end.'
06:10 He said, 'I should not listen to his talks.
06:12 Umar should not listen to his talks.
06:14 The one sitting on the throne should listen to his talks.'
06:16 Allahu Akbar.
06:18 'Inna akramakum inna Allahi atqaakum.'
06:21 According to Allah, the one who is righteous,
06:24 the one who is the most tolerant,
06:26 is the greatest.
06:27 Let's see the atmosphere here.
06:30 Let's include the speech.
06:32 Sadduq Rasool is with us in today's session.
06:34 There is a recitation of a few verses.
06:36 Bismillah.
06:37 O' the one with the green dome,
06:46 pray for me when the time of trouble comes.
07:13 O' the one with the green dome,
07:24 pray for me when the time of trouble comes.
07:43 O' the one with the green dome,
07:54 come into my eyes, or call me to your door.
08:12 O' the one with the green dome,
08:28 come into my eyes, or call me to your door.
08:52 When I am in darkness,
09:06 I feel anxious.
09:13 Come to help me, O' my Master.
09:26 O' my Master, light up my darkness.
09:53 O' the one with the green dome,
10:00 come into my eyes.
10:09 Allah!
10:10 We have to go to Waqf while saying Ameen to Sadduq Rasool.
10:15 Allah!
10:16 Viewers, your Khair Baqdam.
10:19 We are doing a collection of blessings with the prayers of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
10:24 by all the Fakir.
10:26 May Allah grant us a large amount of Khair in this box of questions.
10:33 Before the prayer, we look at the different subjects of the prayer.
10:38 Allah has mentioned the different manifestations and scenes of the nature in a beautiful way.
10:44 In the form of the prayer of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
10:47 The removal of the night from the heart, the entering of the day into the night,
10:50 and the system of the earth and the sky.
10:52 Please comment on this.
10:55 In fact, the objection and suspicion of the hypocrites,
10:59 because the purpose was to answer it,
11:01 so Allah said, "Say, 'My Beloved'".
11:03 So Allah Almighty made His glory be described in the language of His Beloved.
11:08 What is to be said?
11:09 The manifestation of His greatness, power, and nature.
11:12 And in those natures, there is also one that,
11:14 "You are the One who enters the night into the day and the day into the night".
11:24 Now this is one interpretation of entering the day into the night and the night into the day.
11:29 This means that sometimes the night increases, sometimes the day increases.
11:33 That is, in the summers, the day is big, the night is small.
11:36 So when winter comes, the night increases.
11:39 The day is the same, 24 hours.
11:42 The hours are the same.
11:44 So this is the glory of Allah.
11:47 Who else can do this?
11:49 No one in the universe can do this for a minute, a second.
11:56 This is the glory of my God, the Chosen One.
11:59 And then the next thing is that,
12:01 "He removes the dead from the living and the living from the dead".
12:05 Now this glory is only of Allah, the One, the One.
12:08 Now there are many interpretations of this.
12:10 "He removes the dead from the living and the living from the dead".
12:14 "He creates man alive from the sperm".
12:17 Allahu Akbar.
12:19 "He removes the bird from the egg".
12:22 "He removes the dead from the living".
12:24 "And Allah creates the believer from the generation of the disbelievers".
12:28 What is it saying?
12:29 "He removes the dead from the living".
12:31 And then, "He removes the dead from the living" is the opposite of this.
12:33 That sperm is created from a human being and he is dead.
12:36 Similarly, an egg is created from a bird and it is dead.
12:40 Similarly, at times, a disbeliever is born in the house of a believer.
12:45 "He removes the dead from the living and the living from the dead".
12:49 Because this verse has been mentioned in many places in the Holy Quran.
12:54 One interpretation of this is that,
12:56 "He removes the dead from the living and the living from the dead".
12:59 And another interpretation is that,
13:01 "Good people are born with bad people and bad people are born with good people".
13:07 "Believers are born with disbelievers".
13:10 "Believers are born with disbelievers".
13:13 "This glory is also from my Lord".
13:15 Allahu Akbar. Kabir Allahu Akbar.
13:17 Shah Sahib Qibla.
13:18 This is a mention of the glory of Allah.
13:20 "He provides infinite sustenance to man".
13:22 "Beyond his imagination and imagination, beyond limits, Allah provides sustenance".
13:27 This is also the glory of Allah.
13:29 Please comment on this.
13:31 Safdar Bhai, "Wa Tarzuq Man Tashaw Bighayri Hisab".
13:34 The philosophy that has been given in this is that,
13:37 Allah is the Lord of Glory and has His own wisdom.
13:40 How much He grants to whom.
13:42 If we look at it in the light of our knowledge, intellect and wisdom,
13:46 it seems that those who are called the Master of the Universe,
13:49 they had nothing in their house.
13:51 Apparently.
13:52 The Prophet (pbuh) is tied to a stone.
13:55 The incident that we have mentioned earlier.
13:57 And, Namrud and Pharaoh have been given this much.
14:02 Then the question arises in the mind,
14:04 what is the wisdom of Allah? What is the philosophy?
14:06 Why does He do this?
14:07 So, I will ask this question to a person from the Ummah of Prophet Moses (pbuh)
14:11 who is a bad person, Qarun.
14:13 The whole incident of which was mentioned in Surah Qasas.
14:16 We would like to understand from that,
14:18 that Allah the Lord of Glory, with His wisdom, makes all these decisions.
14:21 "Indeed, Qarun was of the people of Moses,
14:24 and he rebelled against them.
14:27 And We gave him of the treasures of what is a victory,
14:30 that you may be satisfied with that which is of power."
14:33 Now, these are the words of the Quran.
14:35 This is the text of the Quran.
14:37 That Allah had given him so much,
14:39 that to pick up the keys of his treasure,
14:42 there was a group that was strong and powerful.
14:45 A group of camels.
14:47 That is, to pick up the keys, not to pick up the treasure.
14:50 How big the treasure would be.
14:52 "And he rebelled against them."
14:54 But he did not get satisfied with that which Allah had given him.
14:57 He became rebellious.
14:58 Arrogance and arrogance were born in him.
15:00 And when he was asked, "Where did you get this?"
15:03 He said, "I have earned it with my knowledge,
15:06 my wisdom, my wisdom and my hard work."
15:11 So my Lord said, "Do you not know that Allah destroyed before him
15:16 from the generations those who were strong and powerful among them,
15:19 and destroyed them?"
15:22 He thinks that Allah did not give him.
15:24 Moses did not get his charity in the middle.
15:26 I have earned it with my knowledge.
15:28 If he thinks this, he will see his end.
15:31 Now, there were two groups among his people.
15:34 When some people saw his wealth and wealth,
15:37 they also asked Allah, "My Lord, give us too."
15:40 And one group was not greedy for wealth and wealth.
15:43 "So he gave it to us."
15:45 And one group was not greedy for wealth and wealth.
15:49 "So he gave it to his people in adornment."
15:51 "Those who desire the life of the world say,
15:54 'O Allah, give us the like of what you gave to Qarun.'"
15:57 "My Lord, you can give as much as he has given,
16:00 so give us too."
16:02 Now those people used to see him.
16:04 Envy was also born.
16:05 Some people also had desires.
16:07 "And those who were given knowledge say,
16:10 'Woe to you! Allah's reward is better for those who believe and do good.'
16:14 But those who were given true knowledge,
16:17 they were not greedy."
16:19 They used to say, "Allah is pleased.
16:21 His Messenger, Moses, is pleased.
16:23 So we are not greedy for the wealth and wealth of the world."
16:26 Now there were two groups.
16:27 "So he gave it to us and we gave it to him."
16:30 The Quran says, "One day he came out,
16:32 full with his adornment, with the army of Jarrar,
16:35 Allah's command came.
16:36 Now he was given a place in the land with all the treasures.
16:39 He was given a place in the living land.
16:42 After seeing this example,
16:44 the Quran concludes here,
16:46 I understood what you said,
16:48 the Quran concludes here that after seeing this whole scene,
16:53 those people who were wishing until yesterday
16:56 that we should also get wealth like this,
16:58 "And those who wished for his house in the evening
17:01 said, 'If Allah is the source of sustenance for me,
17:05 I am a believer and a worshipper.'"
17:07 One day he said, "Mawla, you have wisdom.
17:09 You know better.
17:10 Whoever wants, give more.
17:12 Whoever wants, give less."
17:14 Now this was said by the scholars.
17:16 The scholars said, "Mawla, we do not want wealth and wealth.
17:19 You are content."
17:20 So those who got so much knowledge of the Torah,
17:23 they said, "So what is the glory of Mawla Ali's knowledge?"
17:26 That is why the Master said,
17:28 Mawla Ali said, "He has given wealth and wealth to the ignorant.
17:31 He has given us knowledge.
17:32 We are content with your will."
17:34 Allahu Akbar.
17:35 Let's include the words.
17:36 The mention is also of the Ahle Bait-e-Rasul,
17:38 of Bibi Pak, of Mawla Pak, of Huzoor (as),
17:41 of Aal-e-Itrat.
17:42 So is it appropriate to present a few words of Manqubat?
17:45 Sadduq Bhai, you present.
17:46 Bismillah.
17:47 Very good.
17:48 It is even better.
17:49 Bismillah.
17:50 [Music]
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20:58 Subhanallah, Subhanallah.
21:00 "He has a high flight above the dreams and thoughts,
21:03 who has a forehead on the dust of repentance,
21:06 the rest of the purity is illuminated by the dome,
21:10 he takes care of Huzoor Sayyeda Zahra."
21:14 In a short time.
21:16 Welcome viewers,
21:17 this is the final moments of the program.
21:19 Let's wrap up today's topic.
21:21 Mufti Sahib, please present a few sentences of today's topic.
21:25 There are two sentences which are very technical.
21:28 One is "Bijadikal Khair".
21:30 It means that our ancestors used to say
21:35 that the whole of goodness,
21:39 this can only be applied to a non-Muslim.
21:44 Wow, where the word "Khair" comes in.
21:47 They used to say that,
21:49 if we say about a non-Muslim,
21:51 our people say that
21:53 that non-Muslim is better than this.
21:57 They used to say that
21:58 don't say this,
21:59 say that he is less bad than this.
22:01 Because goodness is only for the Prophet.
22:04 Wow, wow.
22:05 Very good, Mufti Sahib.
22:06 And the second one is "Wa tu'izzu man tasha, wa tu'zzilu man tasha".
22:11 Shah Sahib Qibla just quoted that verse.
22:14 "Wa lillahi al-izzatu wa li-rasoolihi wa li-l-mu'mineen".
22:18 This also has "hasr".
22:19 Yes, absolutely.
22:20 According to our grammar,
22:21 "Al-izzah mubtada'i muakhkhar"
22:23 and "Lillah khabr-e-muqaddam"
22:25 which gives rise to "hasr".
22:27 Now this means that
22:29 the non-believers,
22:31 even if they bring milk and honey to your door,
22:37 still, it is not for him.
22:40 It is for the Prophet standing on the roof of Ka'bah.
22:43 For Bilal.
22:44 For the doctors of the Prophet.
22:46 Doctor Sahib Qibla,
22:47 how do you draw the conclusion of today's session?
22:50 "Kulli manil ardu wa man feeha in kuntum ta'lamoon".
22:54 It is said that
22:55 you ask,
22:56 who is the owner of this land?
22:58 If you know, then tell.
23:00 "Jante wo bhi hain".
23:02 Qibla, "Jante wo bhi hain".
23:03 "Sayaquluna lillah, kul afala tadhakkaroon".
23:07 Then the Prophet will say,
23:08 "Why do you not get advice?"
23:10 "Why do you not think about it?"
23:12 "Jante hain, maante nahin".
23:14 Yes, "Jante hain".
23:15 "Maante nahin".
23:16 And without giving,
23:17 to believe is to believe.
23:18 "Kul marrabbu samawati sabbi wa rabbul arshi al-azim".
23:22 In the second verse of the Holy Quran,
23:23 the Prophet will say,
23:24 "Ask them,
23:25 who is the owner of this land?
23:27 Who is the Lord of the Great Throne?"
23:29 Then again,
23:30 "Sayaquluna lillah, kul afala tadhakkaroon".
23:33 When you know everything,
23:34 then you should believe.
23:35 Why do not you become righteous?
23:36 Why do not you become a pious?
23:38 Why do not you fear Allah?
23:40 When the Lord of the Great Throne is He,
23:42 He is the Lord of the Earth and the Heavens.
23:44 And in the next verse of the Holy Quran,
23:46 it is said,
23:47 "Kul mam bi yadihi malakootu kulli shayi,
23:49 wahwa yujeeru wa la yujaaru alaih
23:52 in kuntum ta'alamoon".
23:53 You ask them,
23:54 ask them,
23:55 who is the Lord of everything?
23:58 The prayer that started this program,
24:00 "Kul mam bi yadihi malakootu kulli shayi,
24:03 wahwa yujeeru".
24:04 And whoever wants to take refuge,
24:06 he goes to the same barga
24:07 and He gives that refuge.
24:09 "Wa la yujaaru alaih".
24:11 You will not find any other refuge other than this.
24:13 "Ya ma sharal jinni wal insin istata'tum
24:16 an tanfudhu min aqtari samawati wa la
24:19 fanfudhu la tanfudhuna illa bi sultan".
24:24 So wherever you run,
24:25 East, West, North, South,
24:27 wherever you go,
24:28 wherever you get tired and stop,
24:30 the king of that place is the same.
24:32 Allahu Akbar Kabira.
24:33 Allahu Akbar Kabira.
24:34 Subhan Allah.
24:35 You have thanked your respected guests
24:37 and now we go to the final words and speech.
24:40 Qari Sahib, your Qibla.
24:41 Mufti Sahib, your Qibla.
24:42 Thank you very much.
24:43 Shah ji, thank you very much.
24:44 Tasduk bhai, your, Farhad's and Adil's.
24:45 Thank you very much.
24:46 A few final words.
24:47 In the form of the Naat of Huzoor (aba)
24:49 we will hear a beautiful speech
24:51 of Syed-e-Ala-Hazrat from Tasduk bhai
24:53 and then from Lahore to Karachi Studios.
24:55 "Rak ke labb isme-e-Muhammad pe hatata bhi na tha"
25:00 Wow.
25:01 "Jinnah pe wajid-e-meed ke chand visre"
25:03 and a very beautiful speech by Shah ji.
25:05 Tasduk bhai.
25:06 "Rak ke labb isme-e-Muhammad pe uthata bhi na tha
25:10 jab mujhe naam-e-Nabi theek se ata bhi na tha"
25:13 Wow.
25:14 "Yeh har naat padne wale ke hasbehaal misra hai"
25:17 "Jab mujhe naam-e-Nabi theek se ata bhi na tha"
25:20 Mufti Sahib, look at the couplet.
25:21 "Aap pehle hi muafi usse de de the the
25:24 minnat-e-karke manana jisse ata bhi na tha"
25:27 Wow.
25:28 "Allahu Akbar minnat-e-karke"
25:30 "Aap pehle hi muafi usse de de the"
25:33 "Aap pehle hi muafi usse de de the
25:36 minnat-e-karke manana jisse ata bhi na tha"
25:39 Shah ji, Qibla.
25:40 When you hold hands with Muhammad during a meeting,
25:42 look at the scene.
25:44 What was Karim Nana's?
25:46 "Thaam leta tha koi waqt-e-mulakat jo haath"
25:50 "Thaam leta tha koi waqt-e-mulakat jo haath"
25:55 What a master he was!
25:56 He never let go of his hand.
25:58 Wow.
25:59 What a master he was!
26:00 He never let go of his hand.
26:02 And there was an incident
26:04 in the life of Hazrat Umar-e-Farooq.
26:06 Now listen to his master.
26:07 "Aap uski bhi suna karte the pehron baatein"
26:12 "Aap uski bhi suna karte the pehron baatein"
26:15 "Woh jise paas koi apne bithata bhi na"
26:18 "Woh jise paas koi apne bithata bhi na"
26:21 And the first line of the last couplet,
26:22 "Aap hi aap utarte the malaik ke hujum"
26:26 "Aap hi aap utarte the malaik ke hujum"
26:29 "Woh ajab shah tha darbaar sajata bhi na tha"
26:33 "Aap hi aap utarte the malaik ke hujum"
26:36 "Woh ajab shah tha darbaar sajata bhi na tha"
26:39 And Mukhtar Shah ji, listen to Mufti Sahib's Qibla.
26:42 "Aap kandhon pe nawase liye chal padte the"
26:46 "Aap kandhon pe nawase liye chal padte the"
26:51 "Godh mein jab koi bachon ko uthata bhi na tha"
26:54 "Godh mein jab koi bachon ko uthata bhi na tha"
26:58 "Rak ke lab isme muhammad pe uthata bhi na tha"
27:01 "Jab mujhe theek se naam-e-nabi aata bhi na tha"
27:05 Janab-e-Tasadduk Rasool,
27:06 please present the words of Syed-e-Ala-Hazrat.
27:08 MashaAllah.
27:09 It is the order of Mufti Sahib,
27:10 so I will present a few lines of the same.
27:12 "Aa... Zameen-o-Zamaan Tumhare liye"
27:25 "Makeen-o-Makaan Tumhare liye"
27:33 "Zameen-o-Zamaan Tumhare liye"
27:48 "Chunee-no-Chunaan Tumhare liye"
27:54 "Wane-do Jahaan Tumhare liye"
28:02 "Dahan mein Zubaan Tumhare liye"
28:18 "Badan mein Haijaan Tumhare liye"
28:26 "Hum aaye yahaan Tumhare liye"
28:33 "Uththe bhi wahaan Tumhare liye"
28:40 "Hum aaye yahaan Tumhare liye"
28:46 "Uththe bhi wahaan Tumhare liye"
28:55 "Khalil-o-Najeeb"
29:05 "Maseeh-o-Safee"
29:09 "Sabhi se kahi"
29:12 "Par kahi na bani"
29:16 "Yeh bekhabari"
29:18 "Keh khalq pheri"
29:21 "Kahaan se kahaan Tumhare liye"
29:28 "Yeh bekhabari"
29:31 "Keh khalq pheri"
29:34 "Kahaan se kahaan Tumhare liye"
29:42 "Tumhari chamak"
29:45 "Tumhari damak"
29:48 "Tumhari jalak"
29:51 "Tumhari mehak"
29:56 "Zameen-o-falak"
29:58 "Samak-o-samak"
30:01 "Miska nishaan"
30:04 "Tumhare liye"
30:08 "Hum aaye yahaan Tumhare liye"
30:14 "Uthe bhi wahaan Tumhare liye"
30:22 After saying so much, what does Allah say?
30:26 "Sabha wo chale"
30:39 "Keh baag phale"
30:44 "Woh phool khile"
30:47 "Keh din ho bhale"
30:51 "Sabha wo chale"
30:55 "Keh baag phale"
30:58 "Woh phool khile"
31:01 "Keh din ho bhale"
31:05 "Liwa ke tale sana mein khule"
31:11 "Raza ki zubaan Tumhare liye"
31:18 "Liwa ke tale sana mein khule"
31:24 "Shaan-e-Ramzaan"
31:34 Oh, you're the light of the believers' hearts.
