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#para27 #quranfull #qurankareem
Juz 27 opens with Surat al-Dhariyat, a series of oaths about the wind. Wind is a fundamental element of life on Earth.The implied question is: since wind is life-giving and is created by Allah, why don’t you accept Allah’s power to bring back the dead to life? Juz 27 continues with Surat al-Tur, It provides evidence from nature and human history for the truth of Islamic beliefs. It opens with five powerful oaths as witnesses of the message of the Prophet ﷺ and threatens the disbelievers of Makkah: “Your Lord’s punishment will certainly come to pass” (7).The next Surat of Juz 27 is al-Najm. when the Prophet ﷺ recited this Surah to the Quraysh near the Kaaba, they were mesmerised by its message and tempo and fell in prostration. The Quraysh’s allegation that the Messenger ﷺ was misguided is rejected. It describes how the Angel Jibreel came to the Prophet ﷺ with Revelation.The Quran provides knowledge from the Divine and its arguments are rational that appeal to common sense. Juz 27 continues with Surat al-Qamar. One night on the plains of Mina outside Makkah, the Prophet ﷺ was with a group of Quraysh, and they demanded a miracle, “split the moon into two parts, and we will believe”. Abdullah ibn Masood reports that the Prophet ﷺ raised his hands and lo and behold, it split into two parts. The Makkans were stunned, and quipped, “This is a powerful magic” (2).The Makkans are warned about the dire consequences of their disbelief. The stories of four ancient people drive the point home, those who oppose God’s Prophets always lose. The next Surat is Al-Rahman. The Surah draws attention to the spiritual principles that underpin the existence of the universe. Just as the orbits of the moon and the sun are determined by Allah, so are the colours of flowers and the flavours of the fruits. The farthest stars and planets in space are firmly under His control. The Surah depicts a terrifying picture of Judgement Day. The harsh tenor of this passage reflects Divine Anger. A contrast with the luxuries, cool shades, delightful foods and flowing streams of Paradise.Juz 27 continues with Surat al-Waqia. It warns the Quraysh of the dire consequences of denial.The cataclysmic events of the Final Hour and the coming to pass of Judgement Day are described. That day people will be divided into three groups. Firstly, those blessed with an exquisite Paradise, who strived for the nearness of Allah. Next the group of the right hand who will live in a delightful Paradise, a rank below and the third group, the people of the left hand, living in Hell.The Juz ends with Surat al-Hadid. It encourages the giving of charity to achieve the nearness of Allah. Charity demonstrates a person’s faith in Allah and is an acknowledgment of His kindness. Charity is like giving a loan to Allah. In the Hereafter, it will be the light of the believers leading them to Paradise..#Sopara 27, #الجزسبعة وعشرون , # para 27 #quranfull #qurankareem #quranpak #qurantrans


