00:00 [crowd noise]
00:04 Miami! It's fight time! Give it up one more time for Daniel Bailey!
00:08 [crowd noise]
00:11 Beautiful night in Miami, Florida. Great boxing action, but very hot inside the ring.
00:17 No doubt about it. Mundo Promotions, Rumble Rodeo.
00:20 [crowd noise]
00:22 Another Miami youngster who has a big following.
00:25 He is Daniel Bailey Jr., 12 and 1, with 5 knockouts.
00:30 Harrison Ortiz is the opponent.
00:33 Yep. Daniel came out aggressive.
00:36 Nice, going to the body.
00:38 We've seen that a lot so far tonight.
00:41 A lot of fighters following the same pattern.
00:44 Good body shots, and then go to the head.
00:48 Daniel looks to be very well polished right now.
00:52 Looks very anxious to get a knockout.
00:55 [crowd noise]
01:00 And the opponent, Jerson Ortiz, doesn't look exactly real confident right now.
01:06 No. I think that Bailey is doing exactly what he's supposed to do,
01:11 jabbing the body and trying to find these openings.
01:14 What I do like is that Bailey is not rushing in recklessly.
01:19 He's keeping a great right hand.
01:22 Great right hand after three straight body shots.
01:25 Bailey took a quick shot. He was off balance, I think, more than hurt.
01:30 Bailey has to be careful with those big looping shots.
01:33 That's what Jerson seems to be looking for.
01:36 Trying to counter right there.
01:38 He's trying to counter that right hand with a left hook, which is deadly.
01:42 He needs to be very careful.
01:47 And there goes with a quick warning to Bailey.
01:51 Bailey has a long amateur background, so he knows.
01:57 He needs to be careful of that catch and shoot.
02:00 Keep working that body shots.
02:02 You can tell Jerson does not like those body shots.
02:05 He complains every time.
02:07 Good left hook up top from Bailey.
02:11 Great body shot.
02:13 Another great shot to the body.
02:14 Great right hand and a nice left hook.
02:16 Missed by an inch with that right hand.
02:18 Yep.
02:22 Jerson Ortiz continuing to complain, but that's not going to get him anywhere.
02:26 No, it's not.
02:28 Good body shot again by Bailey.
02:30 One minute to go in the first round.
02:32 I feel like Jerson is trying to play possum on the ropes.
02:34 He's trying to land one of these big looping shots.
02:37 I do like Bailey is not rushing in too much.
02:40 Keeping his distance, shooting his shots from the right distance,
02:44 not letting his punches get smothered.
02:49 You can see kind of a frustrated look on the face of Jerson Ortiz.
02:52 Absolutely.
02:54 Because he's not able to do anything in this first round really,
02:57 except for that one sneak punch.
03:03 Bailey needs to keep touching the body.
03:05 Everything else will fall right after.
03:07 Big right hand.
03:08 Yep, good shot.
03:10 15 seconds to go here in this first round.
03:13 Bailey is looking good.
03:15 Again, he's following his game plan, obviously.
03:23 Bailey with the jab.
03:24 Good jab.
03:28 Body shot right at the end of the bell.
03:31 Good combination to finish that first round.
03:33 Yep.
03:34 Daniel Bailey looked real nice.
03:36 He looked poised.
03:38 Great skills.
03:40 He didn't look like he's been off for any amount of time either.
03:42 He looks very sharp early on.
03:44 Yes, he does.
03:48 I'm happy with what I saw.
03:52 Daniel Bailey was mixing it up well.
03:55 Going up top, going to the body.
04:00 He just needs to be careful for those loopy shots.
04:02 Right.
04:10 Good straight jab right there.
04:11 Caught it right on the butt.
04:13 Yep, keeping perfect distance.
04:19 Jerson keeps giving his back.
04:22 Well, he's hoping to get some points taken away for a foul.
04:26 Sam Burgos is not going to fall for that.
04:31 Round number two.
04:35 Good job by Jerson.
04:37 Yeah, one of his best of the Valdol fight so far.
04:40 Oh, big right hand from Jerson.
04:44 All of a sudden, Ortiz coming to life here in this second round.
04:47 Yeah.
04:49 You see a little wrestling action.
04:51 That right hand might have buzzed Bailey,
04:53 but he's doing well and taking the shot, recuperating pretty quickly.
05:00 Now keeping his hands up nice and high.
05:10 Ortiz attempting to maybe take the lead here.
05:18 Those two quick jabs by Bailey.
05:21 Good counter right hand from Bailey.
05:27 These punches aren't huge, but they are scoring points.
05:30 Yeah, Bailey has to keep that chin a little lower.
05:37 Big looping left hook.
05:39 Yeah, big looping shots.
05:40 He's looking for that knockout shot.
05:42 Yeah, he's trying to get lucky here.
05:44 He knows he's not going to win a decision over Bailey.
05:46 Not in his hometown, especially.
05:49 There's a nice jab by Bailey.
05:51 Aside from that, Bailey has the better skills.
05:53 Without a doubt.
05:54 So, for sure he needs to land something big to change the course of his fight,
05:58 which he seems to be doing right now.
06:00 Landed a big left hook on Bailey.
06:03 Another left hook landed on Bailey.
06:07 He's landing shots.
06:08 I just don't know that he's getting any hurt out of them.
06:12 I don't think Bailey sees those left hooks coming
06:15 because he's gotten hit by three of them in a row.
06:21 They're so wide and looping that I think that--
06:24 Oh, that was a big right hand.
06:25 Oh, yeah.
06:27 Missed.
06:30 Bailey tying up.
06:32 Bailey needs to stay focused and listen to his corner right now.
06:36 He needs to go back to that jab and he needs to go back to the body.
06:39 Yep.
06:40 Right there.
06:41 Nice body shot.
06:42 Oh.
06:43 Oh, he got caught.
06:44 He got caught by a left hook and a right hand from Gerson.
06:50 Gerson Ortiz has 17 wins, 8 by knockout.
06:53 Gerson just landed some rabbit punches on the forehead.
07:00 Nice jab.
07:01 Good, good jab.
07:02 That's the way to do it.
07:03 Bailey needs to maintain his distance, not get in a firefight with this guy.
07:06 This guy is obviously looking for a big shot.
07:08 Oh, yeah.
07:09 This is his only chance to get lucky and get into a slug fest.
07:14 Bailey needs to stay disciplined.
07:17 Ten seconds now in this second round.
07:20 Yeah, he's definitely looking for that shot.
07:24 A couple of good body shots by Bailey there.
07:27 That ends round number two.
07:29 I want to see Bailey move his head a little bit more.
07:34 Bailey taking some unnecessary shots this round.
07:38 This round arguably was won by Gerson Ortiz.
07:41 He landed the better shots.
07:44 Yeah, you can see that.
07:45 You're getting this round.
07:47 Might be one-one, one apiece.
07:50 I would say so.
07:52 Bailey just kind of--
07:53 He landed.
07:54 Yeah, he let him land a couple of shots.
07:55 This is where he--
07:57 Shots at the top of the head.
08:03 Swing and a miss there.
08:04 That was a good head movement from Bailey.
08:07 I need to see more of that from Bailey, though.
08:12 I would love to see Bailey's chin a little lower,
08:15 tuck it a little bit more.
08:20 You see there, Bailey's trainer, Herman Casado,
08:25 giving the instructions.
08:26 Very good coach.
08:27 Yes, he is.
08:29 All right, round number three.
08:32 Bob Alexander along with Daniel Garcia.
08:35 We are happy to be with you from Miami this evening.
08:38 Daniel Bailey, local favorite, going into this third round.
08:42 The crowd is cheering for Daniel Bailey right now.
08:46 We want to see him do something big.
08:49 Daniel and I both had an even fight at this point, really.
08:52 Yep, it seems to be one apiece.
08:55 I want to see Bailey Boggs move his head.
08:59 Just keep his foot and fight on the outside,
09:01 not engage in a firefight with the fighter throwing big,
09:04 loopy shots.
09:05 He throws a nice hook off the jab when he chooses to do it.
09:08 He does.
09:13 Bailey just ate a right hand but gave one back.
09:15 Answered back, exactly.
09:22 That's what we need to see.
09:23 We need to see head movement.
09:25 I want to double jab right hand.
09:28 There's a left uppercut.
09:31 There you go.
09:32 That's what we need to see from the outside.
09:35 That was a good counter right hand from Bailey.
09:37 It was.
09:39 Under two minutes to go here in the third round.
09:43 I want to see Bailey tighten up that defense a little bit.
09:46 You see some rabbit punches going on by Ortiz.
09:50 Yeah, the referee noticed.
10:00 Bailey being very patient this round, using the jab.
10:09 That was a beautiful right hand from Bailey.
10:11 Classic.
10:12 Right down the pipe.
10:13 Classic.
10:14 Another great jab.
10:15 That's what we need to see him do.
10:16 Yep.
10:17 Jab's working.
10:18 Yep.
10:19 Then you can come with the right hand.
10:22 That's exactly what Bailey was supposed to do.
10:24 That was not a low blow.
10:25 That was not a low.
10:26 That was right on the belt line.
10:27 Yep.
10:33 Under a minute to go in this third round.
10:35 That was a great body shot.
10:39 I think Bailey has found his groove right now.
10:41 I think so.
10:42 He's boxing really well.
10:45 Still needs to keep that defense tight because Jerson is still looking for
10:48 those big looping shots.
10:50 Beautiful uppercut.
10:51 He needs to stay off the ropes, too.
10:53 Yep.
10:56 Some good defense from Bailey right now.
10:58 Yeah, you see some good head movement.
11:07 Fainted with the left, tried the right, and he fell a little bit short.
11:16 Ten seconds to go here in this third round.
11:19 Bailey has had a great third round, controlled the majority of the round.
11:28 One punch landed after the bell from the Jerson Ortiz.
11:32 Right.
11:38 This was a much better round for Bailey.
11:40 Oh, by far.
11:42 Very good round.
11:44 I think you and I both agree that he won it.
11:46 We both, I think, have this fight two to one for Bailey.
11:49 Absolutely.
11:57 I want to see Bailey focused on his defense and keeping that distance.
12:03 He has a great coach in this corner, so I'm sure they're giving him the
12:06 instructions that he needs in order to win this fight.
12:10 Again, he looks pretty sharp for being off of him for any time.
12:15 He looks good.
12:17 I didn't like that second round, but he came back and he corrected some of
12:21 those mistakes.
12:22 In a big way.
12:24 That was a great round for Bailey in round three.
12:26 He seems to be in shape.
12:27 Yep.
12:28 Doesn't seem tired a bit.
12:29 Round number four.
12:33 From Miami, Florida, it's Mundo Boxing.
12:37 Jerson's looking for that big one shot.
12:41 That's the only chance he has, I think, Andrew.
12:44 He's got to land something spectacular.
12:46 I would agree.
12:47 And I don't think Bailey's going to do everything he can to not let that
12:51 happen.
12:52 Using the jab.
12:55 Jerson Ortiz is a vet.
12:57 He's had about 27 professional fights.
13:00 So Bailey needs to be very careful.
13:04 I'm sure he has some tricks up his sleeve, Ortiz does.
13:07 Each fighter's showing a bit of gamesmanship, trying to one-up the other.
13:11 But that doesn't win you rounds.
13:14 Beautiful body shot.
13:15 Nice body shot.
13:16 Good head of those, man.
13:23 Very good defense by Bailey.
13:26 Comes back with the jab.
13:28 Another jab.
13:33 Right back to the body.
13:34 Right back.
13:35 Right back to the body.
13:36 That was a good right hand from Bailey.
13:38 And it may not be hurting, but they are scoring points.
13:41 Absolutely.
13:43 He's definitely winning these rounds.
13:44 Yep.
13:46 Ortiz launching that big overhand right, came up short again.
13:52 Ortiz keeps giving his back.
13:55 It's like you said, I think he's trying to look for that point.
13:57 Yeah.
13:59 Hoping for something crazy to happen.
14:02 Like right there on the ropes.
14:05 I want to see Bailey get out of those ropes right now.
14:07 He did what he had to do.
14:11 Bailey kind of laughing as Ortiz turns his back.
14:15 I think he fooled all of us.
14:16 Yeah.
14:20 One minute to go here in this fourth round.
14:23 We're scheduled for six.
14:25 We got the crowd chanting "Bailey" once again.
14:28 They love their guy, no doubt about it.
14:32 Bailey's winning this round comfortably.
14:34 I would agree.
14:37 Good left hook to the body by Bailey.
14:45 Ortiz has landed some shots, but nothing significant.
14:48 Nothing has landed cleanly because they're all looping shots.
14:56 30 seconds to go here in the fourth round.
15:03 Now you got to start thinking about the math.
15:06 Ortiz may be down three rounds to one,
15:09 which means he's got to win the last two rounds in order to salvage a draw.
15:13 Absolutely.
15:17 Anything can happen in this crazy sport.
15:19 Oh, it can, no doubt.
15:22 Bailey needs to stay focused throughout all rounds.
15:25 He's looping shots.
15:27 This is a six-rounder, so we're only halfway in.
15:31 Yep, two more rounds to go.
15:45 There you see Bailey.
15:50 Doing some neat boxing here in this fourth round.
16:01 Bailey has looked much better after that bad second round he had.
16:10 He's definitely found his groove.
16:13 And he found his defense, too.
16:15 Absolutely.
16:17 He frustrated Ortiz in that round.
16:20 He wasn't able to land any of those big, looping shots.
16:25 Bailey has displayed some great boxing.
16:27 I would like to see him try to get this guy out of there now.
16:31 We'll see.
16:34 Round five at Tropical Park Equestrian Center.
16:41 Orlando Boxing presenting a great night of local boxing here in the Miami area.
16:47 Daniel Bailey, a Miami product.
16:50 A lot of fans out there cheering for him.
16:55 Back to the jab.
16:57 I like that I see him boxing very responsibly now.
17:04 There are some guys it's really hard to get them out, and I think Ortiz probably qualifies.
17:09 Absolutely.
17:10 Out of his ten losses, he's only gotten it stopped three times.
17:13 So it's no easy task to get him out of there.
17:15 He definitely knows how to survive having 27 professional fights.
17:22 Bailey pursuing his man now.
17:24 Going a little bit more head to head.
17:27 Got to be careful for the headbutts.
17:30 Ortiz just got a warning from Sam Burgos.
17:34 Watch the head.
17:35 He was lunging in with his head.
17:37 Nice jab by Bailey.
17:46 Good body shot.
17:48 Nice right hand.
17:53 You got to say Ortiz's game.
17:55 He's hanging in there.
17:56 He is.
17:59 Good body shots again.
18:00 I do believe he's still looking for that knockout shot.
18:02 Yep.
18:06 They're throwing some low blows.
18:08 Yeah.
18:09 Ortiz has already thrown two low blows that I see on this side.
18:12 And that's the experience factor.
18:13 He's throwing it on the opposite side of the referee where he can't see it.
18:19 Good left hook to the body a moment ago by Bailey.
18:22 One minute to go here in this fifth round.
18:26 Bailey's controlling this round as well.
18:30 Oh, great knockout with a left hook.
18:37 Still a minute to go in this fifth round.
18:39 Daniel Bailey has stopped Jarson Ortiz in the fifth round.
18:45 What a shot.
18:46 What a beautiful shot from Daniel Bailey.
18:49 I cannot wait to see that replay.
18:52 It was too quick to see.
18:54 We need to see the replay.
18:55 Slow down.
18:57 You can see Bailey celebrating the win.
19:00 His fans going crazy.
19:03 Yeah, this Bailey crowd is going crazy right now chanting their guy.
19:11 Although he had a bad second round, he came back and adapted
19:15 and got his man out of there in the fifth round,
19:17 somebody that's not easy to get out.
19:20 Here we go.
19:21 Here's the replay.
19:22 [MUSIC]
19:31 It was a left uppercut that landed right on the button.
19:34 It was kind of a delayed reaction almost.
19:36 Yeah, it didn't even look like it was too hard,
19:38 but it landed right on the perfect spot, right on the button.
19:42 He had got hurt from those three punches that landed previously.
19:46 I think the uppercut sealed the deal.
19:48 Yeah, it really did.
19:51 And Justin Ortiz fought gamely, but just didn't have the firepower.
19:57 Five fights, five knockouts so far tonight.
20:01 I thought that one might possibly go the distance, but--
20:04 I thought so too.
20:06 I'm really impressed with Daniel Bailey's body of work tonight.
20:10 I said I wanted to see him put some pressure and finish this guy,
20:12 and he did exactly that.
20:13 He did exactly that.
20:16 Let's hear it.
20:17 Let's hear it louder.
20:18 Louder.
20:19 [MUSIC]
20:25 Ladies and gentlemen, your winner at 214 of round five,
20:30 BKO Miami Zone,
20:34 Daniel Bailey.