90 Day Fiancé HEA Jasmine - Gino- Nicole - Mahmoud Have TENSE Fights

  • 6 months ago
90 Day Fiancé HEA Jasmine - Gino- Nicole - Mahmoud Have TENSE Fights


00:00 You don't give a s*** about me.
00:02 All you care is about you and you being okay.
00:04 You're f***ing screwed up in your f***ing dumb head.
00:07 Wow. Wow. What an ass.
00:11 No, you're the ass.
00:12 This week's 90 Day Fiancé Happily Ever After was full of drama,
00:16 leaving the fate of some couples hanging in the balance.
00:18 Let's start with Sophie, who met Rob at his apartment for the first time in two months
00:22 and was considering moving back in, but wanted to see what he had to say.
00:25 When she got there, he had flowers and a handwritten note, but it wasn't a love letter.
00:29 It was a to-do list for her moving back in.
00:31 Washing off dishes before putting in the sink.
00:34 Putting dirty clothes in bin.
00:36 Put makeup and hair products back after use.
00:38 Don't get mad at me when you don't get what you want.
00:41 Be patient and I'll likely work it out for you.
00:44 Remember that we're trying to move forward and don't focus on the past.
00:47 Sophie was upset about his priorities and told him her tidying up was the least of their problems.
00:51 Our priorities up here, my being a little messy with my makeup and stuff, is like down there.
00:57 This is a piece of some of the bigger problem.
01:00 Yes, we have bigger problems.
01:01 The big problem, I left because of you.
01:03 I found out all these tags, all these other girls on your phone.
01:06 I didn't leave because I was messy.
01:08 Why can't you just clarify for me what I can do?
01:10 Because I don't want to have these interactions.
01:12 Stop online cheating on me.
01:14 Stop controlling me.
01:16 Sophie decided it was not the right day to move back in, so she left.
01:19 They later met up for a date at a country dance bar.
01:21 And while there, Sophie revealed that her friend Callum would be visiting from England
01:25 and she wanted Rob to come meet him with her friends.
01:27 They're a part of my life, so obviously I want you to make an effort with them.
01:32 I'm a nice guy.
01:35 It's debatable.
01:36 To who?
01:37 Find me one person who thinks I'm not a nice guy.
01:40 Me.
01:41 Besides you.
01:42 My mom, my friends, everyone that I know.
01:45 It's just because you tell her I'm not a nice guy.
01:47 No.
01:48 Well, Callum's going to meet you and he can decide for himself.
01:51 And the way things left off, Rob was not happy about Callum's visit.
01:54 What does this guy look like?
01:57 He's a British guy.
01:59 He has brown hair.
02:02 Is he ugly?
02:04 He's not ugly.
02:06 So...
02:07 You're my type.
02:08 Callum doesn't look like you.
02:09 If this dude doesn't look like a f***ing golem, then I don't f***ing like it.
02:13 Meanwhile, Kobe and Emily are continuing their visit to Cameroon.
02:17 They drove to meet Kobe's family, and it went great,
02:19 with Kobe's dad giving a special gift to Emily's parents.
02:22 I give this flower in the name of my father and my mother.
02:28 He's giving this in honor of his dad.
02:32 It's okay.
02:39 It's okay.
02:41 I'm okay.
02:42 I mean, I never thought of a day like this, like it was going to happen,
02:48 but I'm so happy.
02:50 Later, Kobe's dad told Emily that this trip was the perfect time for them to get married traditionally.
02:55 We're going to get married.
02:56 Again.
02:57 That is a blessing that comes from the ancestors.
03:07 So the only thing that can separate you guys can be dead.
03:13 The next day, Kobe told Emily and her family about the pre-wedding traditions,
03:16 including the Nocturne.
03:18 This visit is to introduce ourselves that we're coming to get married to your daughter,
03:22 and then you tell us your demand.
03:24 You have to make a list of what you want, right, babe?
03:27 What do you need from us in order to get married to your daughter?
03:31 Did you ever think we were going to get a dowry for one of our daughters?
03:34 Yeah, how much do you think I'm worth?
03:37 I mean, what's the dowry for me?
03:40 Well, more than one plantain.
03:42 Maybe we should be giving them money.
03:45 Here.
03:46 Take her.
03:47 Meanwhile, Mahmoud has flown to the U.S. to be with Nicole.
03:50 On his first full day in California, she took him to the Santa Monica Pier,
03:53 and he told her about how he's adjusting slowly and missing his family.
03:57 Because to be with you is the right thing, to be with my family is the right thing, too.
04:00 So it's not about right or wrong.
04:02 It's just like, it's hard.
04:04 I totally understand.
04:05 I did this before, and it was hard on me, but for different reasons.
04:08 So if there's anything that I can do to make your experience better or your life better,
04:13 let me know.
04:15 As they were walking, they talked more about how he was feeling.
04:17 But then things took a sharp turn.
04:20 You like that?
04:21 The girl in purple.
04:23 Why do you talk about him?
04:24 You know what I saw in him.
04:26 Stop dead in your tracks, the f*** is there?
04:34 I stopped what? It's like...
04:36 I saw what happened.
04:38 You know what, like, if you want an Arab woman, you should go get one.
04:43 Why I'm here now?
04:45 Nicole followed that by telling him he could fly straight home.
04:48 After that little incident, though, I'm f***ing putting your ass back on a f***ing plane.
04:52 You go back to Egypt, I don't care.
04:54 What?
04:55 If you want to be a little womanizer, you can go back to f***ing Egypt.
05:03 Yeah.
05:06 Okay, I will. I'm done. I'm not going to Egypt now.
05:09 Okay, okay, good.
05:11 Big Ed and Liz, meanwhile, are less than eight weeks away from their wedding day
05:14 and are working on improving their communication.
05:16 They hit a bit of a speed bump when they argued over each of them making a mess in the kitchen.
05:20 And Liz's daughter, Riley, was the one to ease the tensions.
05:23 Are you going to smile?
05:25 Are you going to clean your mess?
05:26 Or let this ruin your day?
05:28 Well, you stop ruining it.
05:29 Either relax and enjoy, clean your mess, or go back to bed.
05:33 I'm going to be a little brat.
05:34 And you're pouting and you're ruining the event.
05:36 Stop. You stop being a brat because you're ruining it.
05:40 Ed, what are you doing?
05:41 What's up?
05:42 Why don't you guys just start talking about it
05:46 and we can clean up everything after we're done?
05:49 That's a great idea.
05:52 Later, Liz brought Riley, her mom, and her grandma to go wedding dress shopping.
05:56 And Liz found the dress of her dreams.
05:58 Liz's mom, who hasn't been Ed's biggest fan,
06:00 told her she wanted to clear the air with him before the big day.
06:03 And Liz hoped she wouldn't be too hard on him.
06:05 I just, I'm hard enough on him enough, and so is everybody else.
06:08 I just, I don't want you to be hard on him.
06:11 I'm not going to be hard on him.
06:12 Even though he knows that he's, he knows he's given you a reason to be upset.
06:15 I just.
06:16 But he doesn't know that I know the good things that he does too.
06:19 Ashley and Manuel went to go check out some motorcycles together.
06:22 But Manuel made it clear that he's looking to drive solo when he visits his extended family.
06:27 This is for the walls.
06:28 But who says I want to ride with you on my motorcycle?
06:31 What?
06:33 If you want space from them.
06:36 Yes.
06:37 That's your point?
06:38 I'm going out to do my things.
06:39 He said he wants space.
06:41 I think you're being a little unkind.
06:45 It's not unkind.
06:46 A little.
06:47 That's why I need a motorcycle. I can go visit the whole family.
06:52 I'm going out to do my things.
06:54 Ashley felt this was another instance of Manuel not wanting to include her in his life.
06:58 And she later brought it up with him.
06:59 I want to be in your family more.
07:02 Give me my space.
07:04 You have your space. Give me my space too.
07:07 I want to go with you. I need to go with you.
07:13 Please let me get a little more comfortable.
07:16 Manuel agreed to introduce her to them.
07:18 Later that night, as Ashley gave him a spiritual bath to help with their communication,
07:22 he expressed some hesitations about his Catholic family finding out she's a witch.
07:25 It really is upsetting that Manuel never told his family that I'm a witch.
07:29 He wants me to lie to his family about who I am.
07:33 And I find it a little insulting because it is a huge part of my identity.
07:38 It took me a long time to adapt to Ashley's witchcraft.
07:42 I'm not sure if my family will be very open to know about Ashley's story.
07:49 Meanwhile, Gino and Jasmine are reeling from the bad news they got from an immigration lawyer,
07:53 who said that because Gino didn't include Jasmine's kids on her K-1 visa,
07:56 it might take up to two years to bring them from Panama to the States.
07:59 Like you omitting my kids' name.
08:02 Just f--- it up for us.
08:05 I feel bad that I missed one, one thing.
08:10 You know, you didn't miss one, one thing.
08:13 You missed that thing, the most important part of the process.
08:16 Yeah, it was important.
08:18 Jasmine argued that he should hire a lawyer to do the paperwork moving forward.
08:21 But Gino was against it, saying it was too costly and he would do it himself.
08:24 And Jasmine was upset about his priorities.
08:27 When it comes to having my kids here with me, you know, money means nothing.
08:33 No. No, I'm not.
08:37 I can't believe this from you, Gino.
08:39 What kind of evil person you are.
08:41 No, I'm not evil. I'm not evil at all.
08:44 I've been busting my ass to get you to this country.
08:47 And I get no f---ing appreciation for what I've done.
08:50 So what do you want me to do?
08:52 To make a study of you because you brought me here?
08:54 No, but all I get is a lot of bulls---, negative feedback for something that I busted my ass for.
09:02 The argument got extremely heated, with Jasmine saying she didn't think their marriage could survive this.
09:06 I wish I had never met you.
09:09 You ruined my f---ing life.
09:12 I want to get divorced from you. I don't want to be married to you.
09:15 And I'm going f---ing back to Panama.
09:17 It ended with Gino leaving the restaurant and Jasmine in tears.
09:20 I have never seen this side of Gino.
09:23 I want to go back to Panama.
09:28 Gino's not a good husband to me, and he's not going to be a good dad.
09:35 I don't want to have kids with him anymore.
09:39 I'm sorry.
09:40 I'm sorry.
09:41 I'm sorry.
09:42 I'm sorry.
09:43 I'm sorry.
09:44 I'm sorry.
09:45 I'm sorry.
09:46 I'm sorry.
09:47 I'm sorry.
09:48 I'm sorry.
